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Everything posted by Venn_Dras

  1. Yep. I'm taking my favorite sorcerer through the xpacs pretty slowly. She's at 68 and just about finished on Illium. At the pace we're going, I doubt waiting for her lunk headed pirate will feel that long when he finally shows up. Between that, and grinding influence for my F!Trooper before I take her past Ch. 14, it hasn't been too bad. Personally I like to check out the videos posted of other run throughs before I take my own in. What's even better is trying the convo options you don't see and finding out they work better for your character. That works for some, but I couldn't see my bounty hunter doing that. I tried the second and was pleasantly surprised how well it worked. Reunion starts at 5:51 XD
  2. It would be really helpful to have a feature where you can turn off story chapter starts ups. There is a play button if you ESC out of the first conversation when the chapter starts; but then most of the companions become unavailable until after you finish the chapter. When you want to build up alliance influence you're stuck after you finish the chapter, because the next one automatically starts in the War Room. 99% of the chapters start in the War Room and then your character is whisked off to a new planet. You can still give the Alliance specialists the crates by qt to their location, but good luck giving recruits or companions gear or gifts; they're unavailable thanks to the chapter set up. If anyone has a work around for this I'm all ears. At this point I have between 40-50 crates for each specialist and stuck on Chapter 14.
  3. With as long as its taking them, there better be some good reasons and story planning involved for the main Vanilla comps to have stayed missing throughout this whole ordeal.
  4. Is there an option to turn off so that a chapter doesn't immediately start when you finish the previous one or enter the War Room? I don't mean just ESC out of the conversation. A lot of these chapters have you leaving the planet and making the other companions unavailable throughout the entire chapter. I've got between 40-50 alliance crates of each kind that I'd like to clear out, but any gifts or gear I want to send to my comps is impossible.
  5. Either you took over or brought about peace to the known galaxy in your fight against the Eternal Empire. The question is, what now? The devs have pretty much wrapped up this book, but there are still quite a few questions left that need answering. The one most people here want to know is, "WHERE THE HELL IS THE REST OF MY CREW!" It was assumed that they would eventually show up during the rebellion. To be honest, I thought the build up to the final confrontation would have gone on longer in order to do so. But here we are, and its safe to say that players are not happy. I think what's most frustrating is that even with all their reassurances that our favorite comps are coming back, given the constant backpedaling its hard to take what they say seriously without evidence. Even a simple "Next season so and so companions will return." would be preferable. Who cares how or why. At this point, do we really care? Great story has always been a signature for Bioware, so it's disappointing to see them continue to stumble in what once started out so promising. I think if they could get the reunions with the companions out of the way that would get rid of one of the biggest hurdles they've faced since they started KOTFE. It's been such a sore spot for players for so long that until it's dealt with, the story, no matter how good, will always be just a second thought. But, I'll stop beating a dead horse and get to the reason why I posted. I know it's only been a day since early access went live, but what do you think happens now story wise? Will our character be facing new unknown enemies from outside the Peacekeeping Alliance you created, or will you have to defend the Eternal Empire you conquered from those you once trusted? What do you think?
  6. Quick question. Does Koth steal the ship in Chapter 16 if you lied to him about blowing the Spire in Chapter 10?
  7. The recent live stream gives little hope in even if we're getting these guys back at all; especially in the next release. At this point I wouldn't mind them just having LIs intermittently show up in a resistance group or during a raid on the Eternal Empire along side another sidelined companion, like Vette and Gault did. Personally that was one of my favorite chapters. They handled the companions reunions very well and still stayed focused on the main story.
  8. From the way they were talking in the live stream, I'm guessing we'll probably get only one in the next 9 chapters; if any at all. I'm putting my money on one of the Knight's companions.
  9. After that cinematic, it's official. Senya is probably the worst parent in Star Wars history. And, given the long history of parent child relationships we've seen in Star Wars that's saying something. Either way, I'm looking forward to what Bioware throws at us this December.
  10. Hmmmm...... I was hoping for something like this. http://orig02.deviantart.net/8d39/f/2013/303/8/b/swtor___hero___major_keelan___trooper__57__by_corephantom-d6s9vyo.jpg But I can see those working too.
  11. I plan on updating my Cathar Gunslinger's look when I roll through KOTFE and was hoping to add a few scars and an eye patch. Other then this cybernetic option are there any others, or are they only for cyborgs? http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/swtor-enforcers-eyeguard.jpg
  12. Main Imp Side: Female Rattataki Inquisitor- Neutral, but gets darker as I progress her through KOTFE. She follows her own moral compass despite being Sith. Although idealistic, she realizes quickly that her new role in the Sith hierarchy demands that she make decisions that ensure her own survival. In the beginning she is able to maintain a balance between the two sides, leaning slightly to the dark. Her whole world unravels though, with the arrival of the Eternal Empire. She loses everything she managed to obtain during her rise to power: her voice, her identity, her power base, and most importantly (at least to her) her other half. His disappearance is the hardest blow of all. With him no longer there to watch her back, both mentally and physically; she begins to crack under the pressure of her new role as Commander and falls further and further to the dark side. What originally starts as a a quest for justice with vengeance as a bonus; has become a downward spiral into rage and blood lust for any who cross her path. Main Pub Side: Female Cathar Smuggler: Neutral She's snarky and cynical to say the least. Been through enough to fill two lifetimes, she takes advantage of every opportunity that comes her way. Refuses to let anyone get the best of her and lives " shoot first, ask questions later" as her silent mantra. Her reaction to the war with the Eternal Empire is simply roll with the punches. Since she's lived her life as if the next day may be her last, this is just another "big bump" in the hyper lanes for her. Her farm boy is out there somewhere, she knows he doesn't make a habit of breaking promises. It's a matter of when they'll see each other again, not if. Side Note: She earns some battle wounds during the KOTFE. Loses an eye and scarring around that facial area.
  13. Does it make any sort of difference in chapter 16 if you blew up the Spire, lied to him about it and he stayed?
  14. Yeah, he sticks around if you lie to him; though I'm not sure how it affects the romance. I'll probably end up going through with saving the civies, as generic as that is for a Jedi. My Sorcerer is blowing the Spire for revenge, (Trying to kill her and having her husband disappear does not make for a very happy Sith). My Jedi isn't a saint though, so throwing in some more dark choices in there is a must.
  15. I agree. I think what many players find irritating about Koth is that he tends to be more forthright about his opinions regarding Zakuul and the Emperor than the other characters. Senya and Lana also voice their opinions regarding the player's decisions, but he is more in your face about it and isn't easily swayed from his own moral compass. Personally I find it a bit refreshing to have Bioware give us a character that doesn't roll over just because we say boo to them. He may betray you by stealing the Gravestone if he doesn't agree with you, but you both still have the same enemy. You just go about taking Arcann down in different ways. I'm toying with the idea of having my Knight romance him. The Jedi Knight is the only story line I haven't managed to finish. I've tried it a few times, but I've always ended up bored out of my mind before getting off of Tython. Only reason I'm slogging through it now is for the DvsL event. Figured the bright spot would be switching it up from the generic Doc; who I've heard is some kind of really bad pick up artist. Any comments on how the Koth romance plays out? Does he dump you if you turn off the generator but blow up the Spire?
  16. Any word on when this event actually ends?
  17. Is there an achievement for completing the planet stories for each faction? I'm not referring to the class story on each planet, but the ones that include a bonus series.
  18. Yeah, that would be nice. I have Jawa junk and certificates that are just gathering dust in my cargo hold.
  19. Just curious about everyone's take on the different options for character customization. Most of mine stick to the default, but there are a few that I decided to switch for variety's sake and ended up preferring them in the end. (There's only so many copies of blue Vette and brown Jorgan running around before you get bored. Especially on the first 2 starter planets) These are a few of my personal favorites. Andronikos Revel Customization 9 http://static.swtor-spy.com/img/guides/2011/12/Swtor_Andronikos_Revel_Customization_9.jpg My favorite customization option. Between the tattoos, hair, and glowing eyes; he just screams murderous space pirate. Khem Customization 11 http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/KhemVal11.png Nice change from the generic Dashade skin tone and I love the body armor. Vette Customization 2 https://torcommunity.com/images/companions/vette01.jpg I don't see this one very often, but I prefer it personally. Only downside is that the shock collar disappears if you change to any customization. Aric Jorgan Customization 3 http://static.swtor-spy.com/img/guides/2011/12/Swtor_Aric_Jorgan_Customization_3.jpg I love the leopard theme of this one, a lot more eye catching than the default. Kaliyo Customization 3 http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/KaliyoDjannis1Close.png She just looks kick *** in this one, what can I say? Also, I'm at the point now where I've come across a comp that's every kit is as bad or is worse than the default. I've rolled my first Knight, so I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about. Sorry, but the stache on Doc's default just isn't working. Anyone choose a different one and why?
  20. Still no word on when/if this is coming back?
  21. I've actually thought the same thing myself. He like the rest of Zakuul are basically cut off from the rest of the core worlds, so up until this point Arcann is all they've ever know. He's led them into to a Golden Age, so what reason would they have to doubt him? I'm been toying with the idea of rolling a male smuggler that'll romance him; who personality wise is Lightside, but doesn't give a hoot about either the Republic or the Empire. I rolled a female Smuggler who's money driven, so it might be interesting to play snarky "white knight" for a change.
  22. Well, its the least the devs could do since they're basically just giving us busy work until they're ready to release season 2. Forgive me for asking if this question has already been answered; but do we have a deadline for this event?
  23. Andronikos Revel, hands down. His character meshed really well with how I played my Inquisitor. The proposal was handled pretty well and the letter sent after KOTFE started is my favorite of the ones I've seen. I've ended up re-rolling my Sorcerer for the D vs. L event so it'll be a nice bonus to play through his side quest again. I'm looking forward to how the writers handle his re introduction in season 2.
  24. I have yet to do the Warrior, Consular, and Knight classes, so it's a toss up right now. I'm leaning toward a Human Juggernaught and a Miraluka Knight. If I do decide to do a Consular too, I'm thinking Chiss Shadow. I plan working on everything except the legendary rewards. Leveling up 8 more toons just for gear and bonuses I'm not interested is not really something I'm up for.
  25. Yeah. I noticed that when I ran my Sorcerer through the story I received Kallig's light saber, but not the head gear. Not a big deal though, since I never planned on having her wear it anyway. I did send out a ticket last night and they e-mailed me this morning to say they've sent one to my Smuggler's mailbox.
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