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Everything posted by horrorfaneightys

  1. This is what immediately sprung to mind when I heard it. I like it.
  2. It's already been mentioned by others that it's a U.S. game/company - they're bound to do certain promotions on U.S. holidays. A large amount of the player base is there too. As someone from Britain I don't see what the problem is. If they were British they might add a promotion on the 5th of November. We still get the promotion, but it's not geared around the specific celebrations of our own countries. Big deal.
  3. This really says everything that I want to.
  4. Feel bad for me, man. I was about 10/11 when I discovered horror, especially Victorian ghost stories. I wanted Halloween to be celebrated here properly so badly. Just took over 20 years for that to happen. I once dressed up to greet all the trick or treaters that visited, and only one even turned up. I was a very sad little witch that night.
  5. Those ideas sound great, and a lot of fun. I never got Life day as I've only been playing since mid-summer.
  6. Halloween is not a big thing everywhere. I've only really noticed shops catering for it in recent years, here in the UK. When I was a child, it was pretty non-existent. So it's not that big of a deal in some parts of the world. But in any case it's not something that needs to be in Star Wars, in my opinion.
  7. I would love this as option for my trooper.
  8. What the title says lol. My trooper and her companion, Aric seem to make much more noise in battle than they did before the patch. I've also noticed that my new IA seems to making more noise than my last one. Has anyone else noticed this? Sorry if this has already been asked.
  9. PvE only - would like to maybe try PvP at some point, but at the moment my computer is not up to it.
  10. To me, the few extra seconds it takes to use it, is worth it for the extra security, and they give us extra perks for using it too. I really don't see a problem with it.
  11. I can't comment on PvP or anything that involves working with other players as I only play PvE and solo everything. But the main reason I've started playing and subscribing is the Class stories - and the voice acting is what really sells it to me. It's so immersive, and much more enjoyable than the other MMOs I tried. The others, including WoW, seem kind of soulless to me, with all the NPCs seeming like cardboard cutouts . The fact that so many have voices and are individual characters in this game is what has kept me coming back for more. Although at the moment my highest level toon is at 40, so I know I have a lot of content to get through before I run out of story to explore, I do hope that they add much more for me to do later on. That's what's going to keep me subscribing, and spending money in the Cartel Market in the long run.
  12. I have to agree with this. I used this for my Jedi knight and I thought she looked awesome.
  13. I think this is a great suggestion - I would love to be able to tell at a glance that a quest is heroic.
  14. It is a jerk move, but I'm used to it happening. I think I may have done it twice on quest items on Coruscant right when I first started playing, but once someone did it to me... The one that really surprised me was a sith inquisitor on Balmorra. Some sort of side quest to get reactor cores or something, where you click to open the device up, then get attacked, and then have to pick up the revealed core. The sith took the core that I opened up while I was stuck at an odd angle, desperately trying to keep my companion from biting the dust. Yeah that was the jerkiest thing I've ever seen in this game. There's no way that the guy didn't realise I was after that item. I always wait if I see someone taking on a mob right by a chest/quest item. It's not like most of them don't respawn quickly, after all.
  15. Mine represents my favourite era for films and music, plus the decade I was born in, and my favourite genre in most mediums.
  16. I do think whispering helpful info is better than putting it in group chat. The way I see it, if you were in public, and a stranger noticed that you had your fly undone, would you rather they shout it loud enough so that everyone around you then notices it too, or would you rather they take you aside and discreetly point it out to you? But I totally understand you losing your cool with them.
  17. I second the suggestion for Nautolans. I also would love Gands - I love their voices.
  18. I got my trooper past Chapter one a few days ago. She's the first of mine to get that far. I've now started playing a Cathar smuggler too - he 's got a heart of gold, but a weakness for women and credits. I'm having so much fun playing this game.
  19. This is pretty much my viewpoint too. I think it's much more about the people you were playing with than the situation. To be honest, I would have left the group the second that gang rape joke came up. I'm not a particularly feminist woman, but that sort of thing is never funny. But asking Bioware to change something because a minority of freak losers get a kick out of it that they shouldn't isn't right either. Because they would have to get rid of all the violence against men too, to be fair to everyone. The majority of the people that play don't get that sort of enjoyment out of it, and games should not have to remove stuff because of the ones that do. That goes for everything in life in my opinion.
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