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Everything posted by Stinghen

  1. The Traya fanbase seems to have conveniently forgotten a very particular detail about Exar Kun. He, too, was very capable with Force drain. He used the ability to power the ritual by which he worked his power to willingly become a Dark Side Spirit. Also, after showing his true power to Odan-Urr, the Jedi Master was unable to resist, though he was old, he was certainly very powerful. Still snuffed out by Kun's mere presence. On the matter of the ritual, the only problem with it was that it was disrupted by not one, but a joint of Jedi Knights and Masters reputed to rank amongst the most powerful Force-users to ever grace the Jedi Order, namely Nomi Sunrider, Master Thon, Tott Doneeta, Sylvar and Oss Willum. And they did not use Sever Force, but rather Wall of Light to entrap Kun on the Temple of Fire. The very reaason they did not turn Sever Force on him suggests that trying to do that with someone as powerful as Exar Kun would be bound to fail. So perhaps the Force Drain is not so powerful after all, for the similarities that have been stated between it and Sever Force, so Kun just might resist it. Moreover, his area of expertise was actually devoted to a field that Traya had no knowledge of: Sith sorcery. His brushings with the Dark Side also showed him many particular skills Traya was also stated to possess (such as healing oneself with the Force), and his usage of Sith artifacts (as Sadow's Sith Amulet) could offer quite the edge. Could it not perhaps protect its owner? It certainly could be used to devastating effect (the Force Blast being one example). And on top of all that, his great skill as a lightsabre duelist (coming on top of his Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, even when he was an Apprentice under his tutelage). Despite his heavy reliance on the Force, I do believe that, due to the fact that Traya herself also relied heavily on the Force, Exar Kun was able to exercise Force drain and that the Drain itself might not be as powerful as people are fond of believing, Kun would come on top.
  2. Sith, but it's a close one Brentaal IV (atavistic feelings towards certain Star Wars comics) Corellia Korriban (without dumb Acolytes running willy-nilly trying to master the wrath of the dead Sith Lords as KotOR 1 and TOR set them: I mean the real ****, a damn graveyard world perilous as Hell itself. Dxun (the Hell on the Galaxy created by simply interring a long-dead Sith Lord there) Single-bladed sabres, exclusively. My days of Darth Maul fanboyism were gone 12 years ago. Red blades are awesome, but blue, green and purple come close. Three styles are the most enticing to me: Juyo/Vaapad, Makashi and Ataru. Dug, Rodian, Gungan (foam, all ye haters). Capital ship. Yoda. He produces one bunch of awesome Jedi, who in turn produced a third generation of awesome Jedi, who in turn made... you get the picture xD Hard decision. I think Kun would rock, if I was to be his choice of apprentice to show true power to. But most Sith Masters only produce pawns and proxies, not true Sith Apprentices. So I'd be more pressed to pick a Sith Lord from the early Rule of Two (Darth Bane, Zannah, Cognus...) as they are more likely to truly expose an apprentice to the full power of the Dark Side by their necessity of training effective replacements. Darth Whatsisface xD Jokes. No telling, though I've had three Darth names that would be awesome. Darth Viperias (treacherous **** assassin), Darth Malefycar (from the latin for 'Warlock/Witch'), a kick-*** Sith Sorcerer, or Darth Primus (from the latin word meaning 'first'), not necessarily associated with a preformed character concept. RotS, easily. May be Episode I. But I don't dislike it at all. A Sith Lord, who thought himself the Sith'ari. Episode III had some remarkable pieces, such as the subtle tune that plays when Palpatine tells Anakin the legend of Plagueis. Also the Obi-Wan vs Anakin song rocked, and General Grievous' track was also awesome. Duel of Fates and the song that plays in the invasion of Naboo from Ep. I were also cornerstones to SW soundtrack. In the OT, I'd go with Ep V, with all the incarnations of the Imperial March, and the tune for the Sith Lords, and VI, with the song that plays when Luke overcomes Vader. No. The name. To expand on an awesome universe. It uses other people's creativities and contributions to construct the universe, and while it produces more than its share of absurds, it has produced some golden jewels as well. There are plenty. The first stems from a complete disregard for other people's novelty, creativity and work, when authors publish something else that contradicts previous 'canon'. Discontinuity errors are inserted, sometimes willingly, at others out of sheer ignorance of what currently exists in regards to a particular topic, and I absolutely dread them, because they lead to absurd retcons which murder the previous classics. The second, is lore butchery. The first example of this came with the unexplained survival of movie characters seen to die. Namely, Boba Fett and Darth Maul. Palpatine's return was slightly absurd at first, but considering some of the butcheries of the powers of the Sith that followed, I have a tendency to forgive that one. Another example are the way overblown and exaggerated powers of some Sith Lords in the EU. Naga Sadow being able to destroy a star without consequence to himself may be forgiven, because his story is told not as a factual thing in Tales of the Jedi, but rather as a legend, an allegory, which may have been coloured by time. But then, comes KotOR II, with Sith eating worlds and surviving being chopped up by a lightsabre with only their will to remain standing. The third is lore hijacking. Some EU sources have the tendency of wanting to set the origins for absolutely everything. The most prominent case for this is KotOR 1, which forced the origins of an endless number of features (lightsabers, blasters and all Jedi rules to name a few), for the sake of spitting out a setting that looks too much like the PT/OT for it to be believably set 4000 years before that time. It is an awesome fantasy world, which has a richly developped story, creating a long continuity of the long fight between two factions, morally opposed, showing the stark contrast between the two, and all their flaws as well. A parallel to the human mind and morality, but I'm rambling on to things I don't fully understand. It's also an awesome entertainment, with laser guns and swords and cranky mages working absurd magics with some manner of little-understood power xD
  3. I gotta go with a "short" list for faves (not in order) Sith/Dark Jedi-side: Exar Kun Ulic Qel-Droma (as a Sith, less so as a Jedi) Naga Sadow Marka Ragnos Freedon Nadd Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku Darth Zash Darth Baras Darth Thanaton Darth Bane Darth Wyyrlok III Asajj Ventress Jedi-side: Luke Skywalker Yoda Obi-wan Kenobi Master Dooku (he's a fave as a Jedi too) Hero of Tython (a good, all-light-sided but not naive version of him) A'sharad Hett (as a Jedi, not as the whiny dumb Sith Lord, and that only because he went in the wrong direction, philosophy-wise ) Orgus Din Non-Force-sensitive: Ulic Qel-droma (after the Destruction of Ossus, when he lost his Force-sensitivity) Mandalore the Indomitable Jango Fett R2-D2 (not his downgraded, carbon-copied versions from previous periods, mind you) Han Solo Chewbacca Rugor Nass (Boss Nass from Ep. I)
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