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Everything posted by ValeGreiger

  1. The worst ROMANCE companion? Kaliyo. Yes, I know she's got an awesome personality and if you take the platonic road, its actually all good and yes, I know people complain about Ashara and Andro being the worst but I would put them on a worst PLATONIC companion scale. Not only does she sleeps around even after you romance her seriously but the icing on cake is when I don't know about you guys but I'd rather have loyal whiny Ashara over some two-timing hoe.
  2. I'd like to hire the TC to present any dilemma I might have for the game from here on out. I expect it to be as hilari--I mean, serious as this case was presented. Descriptive as well.
  3. See? This is why I love healing. I can actually select who lives and who dies. Best part is, if I quit, I can queue up in virtually less than a minute, in contrast to a dps who has to wait 10mins. Now onto my story... It was during my early days of op healing and I was doing mando raiders. It was with two maras and one sin. It was probably the only disastrous fp I've ever done in the game. Tank would not hold aggro at all. Maras wouldn't pick off aggro off me either, forcing me to use cloaking screen almost every time I could. We managed to survive up until the pub boss team. Suffice to say it was just one wipe after another. Now one of the maras told me to sleep one of the bosses. Now remember, all of them are immune to basically all CC moves. This guy swears he was able to do so with his own op, which led me to believe he was probably talking about another fp boss. Anyways, long story short, everyone quits cause they're frustrated except me. A minute after they quit, I essentially get a whole new party with a PT, a dps OP and a merc. Not only the fight was cake-slice but we go through the rest of the fp like hot knife on butter. I think that fp was a defining moment for me cause it was my first time taking up healing and it just showed how sometimes the problem isn't you, its really other people.
  4. I came expecting a reference to Arrested Development. My feels when I found out it wasn't.
  5. Bombers are fine the way they are and so are all the other ships. GSF's actual problem lies in its discrepancy between newcomers and those who have mastered and/or near completed ships. Take the instance in pvp. Not only its divided into two brackets but everyone's stats is bolstered to 55 to provide a semblance of equal footage. GSF doesn't do. You start off with two ships and then you're pitted against much more powerful ships. Not only that's a turnoff but given also the slow growth of your ships (that and coupled with it also takes time to get other ships like bomber/gunship) and you have people who will just participate for their dailies and put zero effort. My proposed solutions are: -A level system. By having a level system, people would accrue a certain amount of experience (not exp that goes to your character) similar to valor. At every tier, a rank would be bestowed ( for example, you start off as Test Pilot. At lvl 5 gsf, you gain Flying Ace). Like pvp, there would be two brackets: anyone from lvl 1-30 would be put in gsf instances where only fighters and scouts are allowed while bombers/gunships are not available(mastered ships would be disabled). Once you're past lvl 30, you go into the other bracket where you face against all kinds of ships. OR -Have ships available legacy wide, limited by factions. SWTOR is a game where one way or the other, you'll be playing another class. The downside to this in regards to GSF is that the moment you do, you have no access to your suped up ships that you painstakingly took so long to uber. To me this makes no sense. The ships that all imp/pub side players are the same, regardless of what character you pick. Heck, even the copilots can be bought with fleet requisition points and used just the same. By that bias, shouldn't players simply used the ships they started off with from another character? OR -Have the player clear a minimum of 5 introductory gsf missions. One of the more suprising aspects of GSF is the lack of understanding how it works and/or the deep learning curve it presents. More often than not, players are not even aware there's a tutorial. Having simulated gsf instances with AI allies/enemies and putting them as a must need to do before they can play the actual gsf would make this pvp less daunting for new players.
  6. Courtesy in mmo is usually lost as time goes on. When a new game pops up, there's a cooperative spirit among fellow players, as you discover what things the game provides, the challenges, gear, etc. In short, everyone wants to do stuff together and the whole game feels like a gamer's utopia. A year passes... Impatience settles in. We've seen it all now. The novelty has worn off. You wan social? Go join a casual guild cause most people are on raid mode. Learn2tank/heal/dps. Obscure quest that people used to do in groups? You're on your own with that one. Just reached a level milestone? Nobody cares cause everyone up to their mother's alt have reached it. Having fun in pvp doesn't exist cause anyone better than you has no life and anyone worse than you is a scrub. Oh look, (insert game developer) is hosting (insert holiday) event here! We're getting free items. That's so-- "Dumb of them. I got crap. I would've been better if they never had the event at all." See where I'm going with this?
  7. So basically...kill the marauder queuing population? Cause I'd be fine with that. I mean I know not every mara is like that but seriously, if I have to heal (I heal more than I tank) one more goddamn force-jumping, smash-tarding dual wielder who has to make it his life mission to aggro everything as much as possible, only to complain that the tank should have picked up the pace faster and I should have healed him to full capacity, I'm gonna start taking a page from the HiveLeader's guide to healing and select all those eradicator-wearing boneheads for extinction.
  8. I see this benefiting pvp immensily, especially GSF as it being the one pvp that takes much more longer to start up. On a PVE scale? No way, no how. All it would mean for fps is essentially an exponential amount of DPS pool being put in queue. Sure the tank and healer pool grows too but that doesn't actually means you start up fps faster. Its all relative.
  9. I would tank for fps, really I would but here's the problem: DPS won't let me catch a break. They complain that: -I'm too cautious - I'm too slow -Won't let me get a feel of the fp map cause they know it inside out. -God forbid I lose aggro ONCE and only ONCE. -I'm not here to learn how to tank. I should already know how to do it. -Asking "ready?" is outdated. I should just rush, regardless if the healer has recovered force or not. Basically, I feel like sometimes the whole server just expects everyone to be utterly flawless. That sort of expectation should left at endgame where obviously, you SHOULD know how to play your class. Also, before anyone says "just do fps with guildmates", while there might be thousands of guilds out there, I've haven't been into one where, oh let's say, there's actually more than 5 players online at any given time and thus leaving me to PUG virtually from lvl 10-50
  10. The first time I heard SWTOR was coming out, I didn't even bat an eye-lash. The thing with me is I do not like investing in a p2p mmo without having getting a feel of it first. Also, I liked star wars but I wasn't a total fan of the series to get me immersed into it. Sometime later, while I was still playing my Korean developed f2p mmos, I heard swtor had gone f2p. After some initial online research (read: google), I understood the model was more of freemium if anything but that's all I needed. Downloaded the game, made my account and... AMG! The stories! The ships! The space battles! (not gsf. It hadn't come out yet). The 'whuum whuum wum' (my extremely terrible impression of lightsaber wooshing)! The planets! I mean sure, I had watched the videos but I'm not the type to get into a game just because of a video. I have to FEEL it. Play it. Get my butt handed to me in pvp. The f2p experience-even with all its restrictions-was awesome. Before you ladies and gents knew it, I told Bioware to shut up and take my money and I was a sub. In short, what I wanted to say is that if there's anything-and I mean ANYTHING-the f2p model has done for Bioware right, its essentially prodding a locked door slightly ajar and leaving the person at the other end of it to open it and see the light. Well, in this case, the awesomness that is swtor. A p2p model is not bad but if you want people to get hooked, you got to let them fiddle around the field a bit.
  11. I've been in big guilds. I thought I saw them all. Clearly I was mistaken.
  12. Considering that ROTC is sold at a steeper price to non-subscribers, I'm gonna go on a limb and say yes, you can still get access to it.
  13. That's true but the difference being time. Most often, the person doing the harassing isn't doing it with a dummy account. Even if they think they're being smart by using some mule account, that wouldn't stop Bioware from reaching out and subsequently banning mains as well. Sure, they make a new account but what they've lost is their own time. Look, I'm not saying its up to Bioware to end this cause the reality is, its impossible. With that being said, if they're already truly doing all that they can on their end to help, good. If they're doing the bare minimum, I'd encourage to take it up a notch. Of course the other downside to it all is that the person being harassed has no idea if the issue is taken care of. They're told by an automated response that it will be but that's the end of it.
  14. Ignore works...on one-timers. Point being, there are people out there who for some reason feel the need to zero in on a particular individual and harass them as much possible. Yeah the first time around, if you ignore its no problem. But what if this becomes the seventh time? eighth? All by different toons. Sure the person can still ignore but the damage is done. Personally, if someone went out of their way to stalk me online even after I ignored 4 out of their 18 toons, I'd be creeped out. This is where Bioware needs to step-up and make sure to slam those vile individuals with account ban so that people who simply want to enjoy the game can do so without worrying about when the next personal attack is coming.
  15. So around a week ago, I finally decided to put myself in the healer's shoes and played an operative healer (awesome class btw). That being said, there were a couple things that really hit a nerve during my fp experiences... -No one taking aggro off me. Tank tunnel-views mobs in front of him, dps are more concerned about how they can take the aggro off the the tank while I have to resort to using cloaking screen after exhausting shield probe and countermeasures. (Thankfully, I've been following the hiveleader's guide to healing so when this happens after oh, 5-9 times, I just select them for extinction and leave the fp) -Look, I know its really tempting and maybe you think the tank is a bit slow (actually he runs through the fp as smooth as butter) but for my sake, stop launching yourself to a pack of elites as your squishy mara-self and hope I'm gonna heal the CHUNK of hp the mobs just took away from you. How about we let the beefcake aggro those guys first and then you can force jump, mmkay? -Target marker? Check. Told the group I'm gonna CC said marked mob? Check. CC's mob? Che--wait what are you doing? Stahp! No, don't brea-no do--sigh never mind... -The only time you should ever tell people to spacebar through stuff is BT/Esseles and maaaybe the foundry. Otherwise let me read my text in peace about how I'm given the choice to throw the engineers out of the airlock... -Okay so you know that FP window with the roles checkbox? You know how there's a checkbox for heals and you're a dps? Don't check the heal box please. What do you mean you want to queue in faster? Don't do it. No, do--*travels to fp instance with no healer* Thanks. Thanks a lot. Anyways, these are a few of the many.
  16. Don't bother. He's one of those "I'm arguing for the sake of argument" type. Back on-topic, I'm in agreement with the OP's post. I've read all the pages until this one and it was such a wake-up call to me. Now I can't say I'd do something like the OP to boycott the CM (can't resist my own impulses) but the idea is right. Money isn't that much of an issue to me but the nightmare is the combining the fees PLUS the time involved.
  17. Thank you. This is exactly what I was thinking but you've pretty much said it better. The victim-complex in this thread is strong and some seem so delusional about what time Bioware should start their event. Seriously, alienating continents in regards to timed events is the least on this company's list. Let it go people, let it go.
  18. If I was Force-sensitive, I would just hope that I'd be lucky enough to fall away from the indoctrination of the sith/jedi. Lord knows I don't want to be repressed like jedi or bat-**** insane like the sith. I'd rather go out there and make my own justice, my own code If I wasn't, I'd just be your typical salary man working in Coruscant.
  19. I've been saying it every since I've first completed Taris: Thana Vesh should've been a companion. Heck, she's the only reason as to why I bother doing Taris sidequests imp side. With all the flirting I did as a sith warrior, it comically came to me as a love-hate relationship. Now there are things I don't agree with. I don't find her insecure and its more like she has a superiority complex. She's definitely more fleshed out than the one-time 'rivalries' you start out with as a sith warrior (Vemrin? pls. That other sith who was part of the sith warrior storyline on DK? piss-pants). Honestly, what makes Thana Vesh cool is that she doesn't give a bantha's backside about what you choose to do. She's more concerned about what she wants to do. You wanna pick a light side choice? Fine, so long as she had the chance to jump in the fray first and spill blood before you came to a conclusion. Same as dark side choices. Anyways, /sign.
  20. I saw "Awesome new mount' and came in hopes of finding a Bantha mount My feeeels
  21. So the way I envision narrative mode is essentially a mode where the player is given a "fast-track" through the game to allow an easier time to complete story mode. Conditions to narrative mode would be: -Have achieved lvl 50 and completed Chapter 3 with at least one character. -Narrative mode must be selected prior to character creation. -Narrative mode character stats will be bolstered to level 50 and given un-changeable green gear (until completion of chapter 3) -Narrative mode character cannot participate in any other side-quest/fp/pvp/op (until completion of chapter 3) -Narrative mode character remains in said mode until completion of chapter 3 -Upon completion of chapter 3, player will be given a choice to revert to lvl 10 and start from faction's planet (Dromund Kaas/Coruscant) -New skills will be attributed to the player at key points of the story (like entering a new planet) These conditions would allow a player to enjoy solely the story-line experience of SWTOR without having to go through the motions of repeating planetary quests. With these conditions in mind, would this benefit or hinder the game? Should there be conditions that would need to be added or removed? Discuss EDIT: I realize this should probably be moved to the suggestions box. I'll leave that to the forum mods to decide.
  22. That was pretty funny regardless. SWTOR could use a little more humor in their promo vids.
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