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Everything posted by ValoTargaryen

  1. Broke out my sniper for the first time in a while yesterday and first thing I noticed was the issue with penetrating blast sound/animation. Would be nice to have fixed
  2. Opened 4 packs across 3 chars, got the Soa regen thing, the Tyon mount and a Vorantikus, and a black purple dye. Debating on keeping or selling the Vorantikus, only ones I saw on Pot5 GTN were 8.5 mill and up, that's quite a bit of scratch
  3. I don't even care about a solo mode, just the ability to queue for them would be nice.
  4. It's funny that removing the 172 mods costs half as much as removing 162's. Not sure if intentional but welcome. I also am confused by the skill cost complaints. On the characters I have done it on so far(Sent, Merc and Slinger) the cost at 55 was less than 10K, but when I hit 56 and 57, the skills available were upped a level and cost creds, just like before. The diversion grenade, a skill I did have before that was missing and needed to be retrained, on the Slinger cost less than a grand. Guess I'm missing something
  5. Nice, So glad I ended up with the day off, nothing to distract from new content.
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