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Everything posted by gocholo

  1. there are several people with the same problem and they don't say anything besides that there are problems with downloading the patch
  2. I'm having problems downloading the patch when it reaches 61% the launcher closes please help
  3. I'm having problems downloading the patch when it reaches 61% the launcher closes please help
  4. The same thing happens to me, I have already tried everything they say but nothing works is that nobody in this game is responsible and I make a ticket but nobody responds for that I pay every month ? :enojado:
  5. how much is left to maintenance?
  6. hello the servers are wrong or continue with the maintenance ?
  7. I can help someone I am a subscriber and I am paying for this service and ace a week I put this tiket and nobody helps me if no one answers me I leave the game and I do not re-subscribe :enojado:
  8. Is that nobody thinks to answer what kind of service this is
  9. I have a problem I can not pass a pj from Freedon Nadd's tomb to red eclipse so help please
  10. hello I would like to transfer a pj tomb of Freedon Nadd has red eclipse but will not let me just let me pass pj level 10 or level 15 but not 65 please help
  11. wave after the latter server maintenance can not go to play the game I've not updated and hour and a half and nothing I need help please start
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