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10 Good
  1. Well, sort of. I've played before on otherwise the same setup, but I changed my GPU recently, and now after a reinstall, swtor doesn't want to start on my main monitor, and insists on starting on the second one. How can I change this?
  2. So, I've been back a few weeks now, KOTFE advertisements draw me back in But, for the questions. 1) I keep reading that I should put cunning augments, but at the same time, I hear that there's diminishing returns after you reach 4k main stat. Wouldn't power be better cunning? Or is the dim return so small, cunning still tops it? 2) About rotation, I sometimes find myself 0.4-0.2 seconds waiting for abilities while I parse for a dummy. Should I wait that out, or throw in a rifle shot/snipe?
  3. I need to waste 7-8h before I have something to do. It is your mistake for releasing the data early. Not ours. I will play. And nothing will prevent me.
  4. Found it out when making an application to you. Checking the PVE box said what's the minimum
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