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Posts posted by DiabloMuerto

  1. Yeah I don't really see the complaint here, generally you can just hit "Esc" to end the conversation, you can then swap to a companion that agrees with the choices you make, if you know the one/have the one or you can just have no companion out and not suffer the loss at all. Or as others have said, either don't say the thing that loses you the affection or get gifts to make it up. The companion affection system is essentially just a meta-game for those that enjoy that type of thing. It is not difficult at all to manipulate it to get the results you want if it is at all important to you.
  2. 350k out of a little over a million, how is that low? Now if they had say 5 million, then that would be on the low side. To have a 3rd of your entire subscription base online at peak doesn't seem low to me at all. If that statistic were to hold and their subs only grow, by the time we got to 5 million subs, we're talking over 2 million people on at peak hours, these are not low stats.
  3. So been playing the game, started a few classes, highest level is 40 and as I play through these areas I keep thinking they need to have another datacron like item to encourage exploration. It doesn't really have to give any stat bonus or anything other than just a simple tracked achievement for finding them. Though maybe an xp award for finding all the ones in a given area/planet would help sell the idea for players.


    I say this mainly b/c there is a lot of "dead space" in this game. Don't get me wrong the worlds are generally populated but there's always so much space that goes unused. These items I speak of should also be able to be used in phases, so even during class story quests you can look for them. I keep coming across story missions that take place in big buildings or hangars and I often think to myself, "I wonder if there's anything over there worth checking out?" Since I know ahead of time the answer is no, I know there's no need for me to waste time going to explore. I'm the type of person though, that if there was a chance there might be a little collection achievement item over there, I'd then go and look just to make sure.


    This might just be me, it's just that this keeps popping up as I play these areas over. I'll see a place that I might want to explore but it's far enough away that I don't really want to waste time traveling to it when there's not going to be anything there to reward me anyway. Granted finding a little item with no real payout isn't a huge reward either but I guess it's just a mental thing. When there are things to collect, I tend to like to do that, even if they don't really grant much. So if they were to have something like that and just kinda place them in lots of places to find, maybe not as "difficult" (yah I know datacrons are not too difficult) as datacrons but more accessible I think it would be nice.

  4. To the OP, I think pace of leveling is sort of a personal thing, people view it differently.


    Far as to the people who've reached 50 already, that is never going to change in any MMO no matter what. There will always be people who speed level to cap as fast as possible. Anyone who is 50 already has played this game a ridiculous amount of time daily, way more than any average person would play on any given day. I can say that b/c I've played this game for large chunks of hours in a day and I'm only level 40. Granted I've started a few alts so barring that I probably would be 50 now too. Point is, you can't pace your game based on those people. If you're 50 now it's very likely you've been putting in 10+ hours a day, most people will not do that and even the people who are doing it now will probably not do that once the "newness" of this game has worn off. They can't balance a game to try and keep the hardcore, 15 hour a day people from reaching cap in the first couple weeks as that would turn away most casual players and those players will make up the bulk of any large subscription game.

  5. Correct me if im wrong but part of the point of SWTOR was that when you reach 50 you try another other the unique story arcs, the idea is they want you to try playing with a different perspective, different experiences etc.


    The story really isn't all that unique. The class story is but the majority of the leveling you do is not based on the class story. In actuality you will be repeating a whole lot of content for every alt you make on the same faction as most of your leveling is from world quests. If you could level from 1-50 just doing class quests then yes, each play through would be new but there's no chance you could do that. I've started quite a few characters and I find myself skipping through 90% of the dialogue b/c I already know it all so I only listen to my responses as they vary a bit and I'll watch any class dialogue as that is unique. I think they exaggerated a great deal in the advertising of this game as far as this is concerned. They made a point to mention how you'd never see a repeating quest or line of dialogue, etc. from class to class. While they did say world quests would be the same for all classes they also made it seem like the bulk of your leveling would be from a unique class quest story line and the world quests would be sort of icing on the cake, so to speak. That certainly is not true, this isn't so much a complain as it is an observation. I enjoy the game but to say their excuse is they wanted you to role multiple characters doesn't really fly to me.

  6. It's mostly a problem in areas where you're above the leveling curve. My highest toon is 40 right now and while there are other people in that level range and beyond it, the number certainly is small. I just started Hoth yesterday and there were only 13 people there at the time. I've actually been starting a lot of alts to give the community a chance to catch up so I have more people to do the group quests with as I don't like to leave them behind. I never did find a group for the last one on Alderaan, went back and solo'd it at 40 though.
  7. So I haven't really done any PvP yet, did maybe 2 matches but it did work fine way back then, I was probably level 11 or so. I'm lvl 39 now and whenever I queue, when it says to 'enter', after I click 'enter' it drops me to character selection, I did it twice before I said forget it.


    So, what's the deal, is the queue broken now?

  8. I had a quest a while back to get a Sensor Unit (head piece) for T7, I was using kira at the time however so I opted to choose her upgrade item. Since then I haven't gotten another one so I'm 39 now, almost 40 and T7 still doesn't have a sensor unit. That in and of itself is silly seeing as I only had Kira and T7 as companions until 37 so I would think there would be an upgrade somewhere in between there as that last one I saw was on Taris. Anyway, I just want to know if anyone knows where I could maybe buy one for a reasonable price or if there are any of the repeatable heroics that give a mod'able one as reward?


    Couldn't really find proper forum for this but it's sort of quest related so I guess this is the closest. :)

  9. For those that think it's useless, you obviously play by yourself the large majority of the time. For anyone that actually plays with other people having /follow is pretty much a requirement that adds greatly to game enjoyment. Asks any couple that plays together, or siblings, or just friends, life still happens while I'm playing, it's common place that while questing with someone I might need to get up to take care of something, it's nice not to be left behind.


    I also know couples that quest together and that have young children, so they often have to afk for 20-30 mins at a time to deal with kids. A lot of the couples like that want to level together so with that /follow, they don't both have to stop while one is taking care of the kids.


    Honestly, yes it's very simple and basic thing and I can see how many people would find it trivial but to anyone who actually uses it not having it really takes away from things. I also played WoW for many years, I had 3 active accounts in that game for a period of time, I can't imagine what I would've done w/o /follow.

  10. I /sign this 100 times, this is killing me right now, please fix the follow, I've seen a lot of silly bugs in games but how do you mess up /follow? Never realized how important this was to me until I couldn't use it, they need to hotfix this, as it stands this is probably the thing I want most right now, even more than the ability to move my UI elements, which I also want pretty bad.
  11. I've had that a few times...


    Not nearly as bad as the "mouse stops interacting with UI" bug.


    yeah that is so annoying, been happening for the last few days now, have to reload UI to fix. The bugs in this game are starting to get annoying as hell. Mainly b/c it's little things that aren't game stopping but that you use a lot. Like the broken follow, that is driving me crazy b/c I have two accounts, can't even have my alt follow me around. I wish they would patch this small stuff now, if this isn't fixed with the first patch I will be very upset, freaking ridiculous.

  12. I'm level 32 atm and I use kira pretty much exclusively now, I think I used t7 for most of Taris, toward the end of Taris I swapped to kira and been using her ever since, I have no problems getting through stuff. As long as you're keeping her gear up to date she does quite well.


    That said, as some have pointed out, t7 is sort of meant to be the main combat companion for sentinel as he tanks for you so you can dps but you certainly aren't forced to use him. I actually stuck with kira b/c once I started getting to the harder mobs it seemed like t7 was dieing faster simply b/c he tanks every thing and he does it very well, so they beat him down and then i'm left to fend for myself. With kira it's a bit easier to split up the work or focus damage. I dunno, that's just my take but as I said, I don't have problems, level 32 atm just finished Tattooine and no issues at all used kira the whole time.

  13. Have to agree with Max, If I have to get up for 20 min or so to do something, I'm not going to wait in a queue for 2 hours when I come back. I haven't actually had to do that but if I did I would fashion something to keep me logged in as well. I don't complain to them about the queue times so they certainly better not complain to me about trying to avoid them.
  14. Swear people have never played a popular MMO at launch or something. During a new launch or launch of new expansion there's generally just going to be queues, can't really get around it if you have a popular title. During that period people always tend to play more, like you said, you're on vacation, I'm sure when you're not on vacation you don't have time to play nearly as much. Many others are doing the same thing, taking time off to enjoy the game, I will be off after the 30th for the same reason. The servers will be more congested now b/c the game is new, once the communities settle into their normal routines and the "newness" of the game wears off, the queues will die down. Now If we're a month or two in and queue's are still in the hundreds, then maybe it's something to complain about.
  15. Honestly I can't say this is a server thing, I've literally only DC'd twice since launch and I'm on a capacity server and I've logged a good deal of hours in-game to boot. Lag is virtually non-existent and to only DC twice is pretty decent, more likely it's on your end.
  16. Just briefly, I was having issues getting my Cataclysm Steel Series WoW mouse to bind buttons properly. To get it to work, just make sure you're running the software for the mouse as administrator. After setting it I recommend a restart just to make sure it's locked in properly, just ending the process then restarting it didn't seem to work for me.


    What I did was make custom macros for all my buttons using the numpad keys 1-10 and * and - keys from numpad. Then I assigned all thouse macros to keys on my mouse, then bound them in game in order.


    Not sure you have to go that route but I was having issues and I had already done those macros trying to get it to work so I just stuck with using them, you may not need to.


    Anyway, just thought I'd mention this as I was having issues and no one in-game seemed to have figured it out yet either so thought it might help some people. :)

  17. So, been playing a good bit since yesterday morning, up to level 23 on my Sentinel. Not here to do any review but I do have one suggestion simply b/c it's something I am using a lot.


    When sending your companion off on missions; specifically in my case Treasure Hunting missions. At the bottom where you choose which companion to send, it would be really nice if it saved that choice until you changed it. I'm using T7 as my companion mostly, I send Kera off on the missions, every time though I have to manually change it from T7 to Kera. It would be great if it just stayed as the companion you select until you change it. I've accidentally sent the wrong companion quite a few times, while that isn't a big deal as you can just cancel it, I still would like this minor change to be made. It's a tad annoying and honestly it seems like a common sense feature.


    Thanks! :)


    I didn't see a forum for suggestions, just to mention.

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