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Posts posted by Tallian

  1. A few times I got a bug that after pressing "join warzone" button the loading screen loads Imperial Fleet. It's really really really annoying if I don't want to go there, since getting through all the bloody loading screens to get on a planet is not fun at all.


    This one is valid. If you get kicked to the fleet for no good reason(deserter is a good reason, you need to report for your court-martial :D) thats a bug.


    Have you used the bug report feature? its bound to the \ key for your convenience.

  2. this is why the game is not being fixed because no one see's the problems with the game and thinks its fine.



    i agree with the OP as the force field does bug out and its extremly anoying specialy when it gives you a second sometimes to get out the spawn before the barrier goes back up and then your stuck in the spawn which usualy ends up being kicked.


    and tallian how can you play when you cant get out the dam spawn. think about it. just comeing into this thread saying thats is wrong and you know it. flagged


    New bug to me, and I love me some WZs. Never seen it at all, or heard of it before.


    Must just be you 2 and the afkers.


  3. First the "deserter" countdown is broken, you cannot get back into PVP area if u cannot go through the force field and you got kicked from the game.

    Second it always kicks you on fleet station and you have to take ship back on whatever planet you are...you are ruining his game Bioware.


    How bout you actually play, instead of afking and getting the deserter countdown. the countdown is longer than the time it takes for the forcefield to drop, so you have no excuse.



  4. Are you kidding? Cover Mechanics if anything makes Snipers Slightly op, the fact that you become un-interuptable even from behind is a joke, there is simply not enough ways to force you / lock you out of your cover.


    Learn to use the mechanics to your advantage, no one else gets a get out of charge / interupt free card.


    Wait, cover prevents force jump? omgwtfbbq


    And people say sorcerers are too hard to kill. I would give anything to be able to prevent that crap.

  5. you literally completely misunderstood what I was saying.


    If you (the sith marauder) use force charge on an enemy who is in combat on the bridge (not trying to get across, think of a choke point) then you will fall through the bridge and fall through space until you leave the warzone.


    Your right, sorry bout that :o


    Still, bugrep... I'd do it every time it happened. You can sit falling forever, writing up a bugrep before you leave the wz

  6. Yep, you definitely need a team of six to cap an undefended turret. The two pvp'ers going to cap middle appreciate your contribution while they're 2 vs 6'ing in the middle.


    No team is needed, 1 person to cap, and before long a 2nd should come help defend it. That second person can also work to attack the other teams left tower, drawing more of their people off the middle to defend.


    Travelling in a mob everywhere isn't always a winning tacti, and just because you aren't shooting the same targets doesn't mean your not working with the team. It means your smart enough to split objectives.


    Most successful matches of alderaan I have seen started with the team splitting evenly between the 2 sides, and letting the other team mob the middle unchallenged.

  7. If anything, the sorc is weaker since the lightning is more visible, making them far easier to target.




    by the time you get into your 30s, people will be used to tracking the lightning back to you. Big flash effects are nice and all, but using most of a sorcs abilities draws a big arrow saying "here is the guy everyone thinks is op and wants to kill"

  8. Huttball is easily the best WZ in the game.


    The only people who think otherwise are the ones who start alderaan by running to left turret because they're afraid of doing pvp... in pvp.


    What about people who run to the left turret because its an early advantage if you can claim it even a second before the other team?

  9. This keeps beeing repeated for no particular reason or any without any background search on this, it is just an assumption so i'm rushing in before OP will indeed reroll on Empire side.


    OP what i have quoted here may be true to SOME servers but also on SOME servers it is completely untrue.


    Hyduan Way server for example has an opposite situation. Republic is regullary winning in many WZ's, i'd say it'd around 50-50.


    It is only up to the server and people playing not up to certain classes.


    There is no such rule that Empire is better, it's just not true.


    Classwise, its balanced, the populations aren't tho. most(tho not all)servers are sith heavy.


    And why not? The Dark Side has cookies :D


    Its not that big of a deal tho, world pvp doesn't always need a bunch of people, just a good team, and wzs are straight 8v8. I rerolled to republic tho, simple because I wanted to play more than just huttball.

  10. Sorc get alot of great skills early on. What poeple fail to relize is how squishy they are. LIGHT ARMOR, which effectively means, EATS DAMAGE. But ya, in Huttball they have a few OP moves. Sadly they lose thier shine at 50......


    I don't mean to shift blame, but I can't wait till you guys discover Snipers.


    They lose their shine in the late 30s and early 40s, when everyone but marauders has finally come into their own.

  11. It's just because they have force lightning. You'd think people wouldn't want to get caught out looking like 12 year olds going "OH SHINEY GIEF NAOW" but you'd be wrong. Sorcs prove it.


    Did you say shiney? Where? I WANT!!!!!



  12. Thanks, I do try and deliver points as clearly separated and detailed as possible. It's frustrating at times to get a verbose equivalent of LOLYURDUM back as it contributes little to nothing without some solid supportive reasoning and perhaps an example or two of where they believe I am misguided.


    Alas class balance is an exceedingly complex issue and thus the critical hit I deliver via WALL OF TEXT is inevitable at some point to cover it in detail. I do apologize for the long read however.


    The fact is, tho, half your issues are related to trying to kill a geared level 50 at anything below 50, which SHOULD be hard. We just need to get them their own bracket to be more powerful than us in, and thats coming.


    The rest of your issues get less and less relevant over time. They are VERY true at level 20, but its all downhill from there, in terms of power relative to the other classes.


    At level 42, 1v1, I could kill very few people, because damage output is low enough that everyone can power through it, and you can only CC someone so many times before your screwed. Juggs and Troopers ignore my damage while they wail on me, Marauders jump to me, and I am pretty much splattered, and everyone else can sneak up on you quite easily in a chaotic battlefield. My (specced)bubble will eat 2 attacks, if I am VERY lucky, and force speed only buys me about a second and 30 meters or so to try and break los because someone is gonna jump me again. My heals suck(since I am DPS speced)maxing out at about 2600 on a crit on my long cast heal, and did you know its really hard to cast at someone while your trying to run away because your gonna die the moment they get a good shot? :eek:


    I can cause absolute chaos in the enemy ranks, and if I get the drop on someone they are gonna die, but if you come after me, most of my good stuff will be on cooldown(because its good and so gets used) and the rest of my arsenal is useless because I can't cast while moving.


    Yes, Sage/sorc is a powerful class, with alot of survival utility. Sadly, that survival utility goes away very quickly under a focused assault.

  13. I find them extremely hard to kill because they have the CC abilities that last a pretty long time and with no real way to get out of these CC's you can have you and another teammate killed by just the one guy.


    The abilities should just have a damage reduction because their ranged attacks definitely are pretty over powered. Wasting through 1/3rd of my health in a single attack, and i Play a Sith marauder, with about 12k health in the PvP zones.


    That wasn't one attack. The only way a sage/sorc can do that much in what looks like a single attack is affliction+crushing darkness+force lightning so you get all 3 ticking at the same time. Crushing darkness has a 2 sec cast time, and a 15 second cooldown.


    More likely tho, it was not just the sorc hitting you, but the lightning effect hid the bullets hitting you.


    edited cause I'm dumb

  14. The only real problem i have with PvP here is:


    1: Need to make level brackets


    See not really that big of a deal.


    I also see alot of people saying this game wasn't ment for PvP. However when selecting a server it clearly states PvP, RP, etc. If the game were ment to be really big on PvE then it shouldn't have the PvP servers out numbering the PvE ones. I'm going back to Rift and ill check back on the fourms to see if this game will make it or not... I had big expectations and quite honestly with all the glitches and small mistakes in the starting levels makes me wonder if this game was worth the wait... I will not be recommending this game to any of my friends. I bought this game to try it out and let some friends try it out. They dont like it either so we will take our guild and continue in Rift. I would say thanks for a wonderful experience but well... yeah... GL and you should prolly stick to console games BIO...



    1) What do level brackets have to do with world pvp? There is ALOT more to pvp that warzones, you are aware of that, right?


    2) This isn't made as a pvp game, but the option to do so is there, and they do balance for it. You simply cannot expect it to have as much dev time spent on it as the pve portions get simply because thats all it is, a nice add-on to the game like space combat. You have PvE servers because some people want to opt out of it, and PvP servers because some of us like to have be able to fight randomly while we level. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean it was intended. Did you know you can buy offroad tires for sports cars? Does that mean that those cars are meant to haul *** down dirt roads? No, that would destroy the car.


    If you want a game where pvp is the point, and pve is something added to the side, check out WAR(lol) or EVE.

  15. The other way of looking at it is that for a novice PvPer like me, this will be a gentle introduction. I won't be surrounded and ganked to death whilst levelling.


    true, but then you get complacent, and when the wpvp DOES start up you will be an easy kill. Always play assuming there is a hostile just over the hill.

  16. I am not saying take out exp from warzones, I am saying give players a choice. In situations where I am playing with friends, and I have more time and thus want to keep playing TOR, my additional playing puts me ahead and makes fun, challenging content no longer what it is. That's not cool. If I want to enjoy my questing experience the way it's intended, PVPing actually ruins that.


    I know some people are ok with this, but giving people the choice hurts no one. If you wanna level through pvp, great, you should be able to. If not, you should also have that choice if you just want to PVP for fun. If you want to preserve that sense of progression while pvping though, why not have it offer credits as a potential reward. All of this can be easily implemented with an NPC that turns on, or off, exp gains in warzones just like how it is done in WoW.


    It was done in wow to cater to the twink population. I am pretty sure I speak for more than just myself when I say no twinks in my dam game!


    Admittedly, twinks aren't an issue right now, with no brackets, but when brackets go in(and they have to for the sake of the non level 50s) they can make warzones totally unfun for those who don't twink.

  17. Nonononononono. The Marauder wont force the ENEMY to fall through the floor but themselves instead lol. In no way is this beneficial and is in no way exploitable. I guess I didn't work it well enough.


    Well, maybe thats the fix the mentioned in the patch notes, saying they fixed people being able to jump the gap to bypass needing to extend the bridges.


    Shame on you for cheating :rolleyes:


    You should still bugrep it, not post it to the forums. I look forward to all the people trying to bypass the bridges falling out of the game altogether :p

  18. My biggest surprise about PVP is that each world feels incredibly sheltered and safe from the opposite faction. Granted I haven't made it to all planets yet, but I am almost 40 and have yet to see someone from the republic out in the wild. I knew the starter worlds would be free of pvp conflicts, but by the time I hit Alderrann and Taris I had thought I'd see some open world fights, or at least some PC Jedi. I was hoping to be able to get groups together to raid republic strongholds or hit faction leaders. Only having PVP in WZs this late in leveling is disappointing. It feels very much like a solo game.


    Its mostly because there aren't all that many republic players on most servers. Everyone loves the sith ;)

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