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  1. Xestrom

    Enjoying the lag?

    Well idk what is happening but in some matches i can play smoothly in others ppl are teleporting from the lag/ fps drops
  2. Got the same problem, how is this still not fixed.... The only way round it for me is to click the "close" button as fast as possible, before my launcher has loaded. If i am lucky it closes, if i wait just a second, it won't.
  3. There are two normal cargo holds/banks in the cartel bazaar, please switch one out for a legacy bank
  4. Covered Escape (roll): The amount of times i have gotten stunned, pushed or pulled during covered escape is insane. Literally inside the roll i get a carbonize, pt pulls me or a juggernaut stuns me. This doesn't happen nearly as often with concealment operatives. Unless the reason for this is specifically that sniper is only immune to dmg during the roll but not to any sort of controlling effects. If that is the case, pls change that to 1.5 seconds of complete immunity to everything. Countermeasures/ Evasive Maneuvers: The dmg reduction to tech and force attacks does not work with "stack-attacks", like discharge on deception assassin or energy burst on powertech. The dmg reduction only applies to one stack, as far as i have understood. Feel free to add more bugs you have encountered. Thank you.
  5. ok agreed, the 10% is already coded just put that back xD
  6. I think the 10% heal on covered escape is more important. In ranked you run so much that you won't get a lot of value out of vital regulators, pve is a different question. How about entrench gets 1.5% every 2 seconds health recovery when in cover. This would fit to the skills identity and we had a 15% heal over 20 seconds with a cooldown of 1 minute. Seems fair enough to not make it broken.
  7. I am sorry but the speed boost on seek cover needs to stay. Faltun you are not a good ranked sniper and seek cover is one of the most important utilities we have. I would go so far as to even trade my EM 75% boost for seek cover. The burst is really easy to dodge, if you know how to play. Just pop a dcd and goodbye 80k crit ( that we have every 45-60s). Engi still needs to prepare a long time for a big burst. Probation Probe, EP, SS for the railgun stacks, plasma probe and then emp. Why wouldnt this be in the identitiy of engi, we literally have to build the burst up xD
  8. There is some serious issues with deffensive on sniper, this is also more focused on pvp and ranked. As someone said, putting evasion (a hard deff) on our root breaker and speed boost where we run away, makes no sense. Also evasion is still bugged and does not reduce every abilities dmg correctly (since shadow of revan...). We have no selfheal, so dots will eat us in a matter of seconds, and with the evasion nerf no hard deff to counter burst. No cc, to reduce pressure. Some solutions: Give us a deffensive and offensive setbonus. With the deffensive setbonus 10% heal on covered escape and 20% on hololocate; call it ''Imperial Emergency Protocol Armor'' and on gunslinger ''illegal Kolto Contrabands'' or something like that We lose dps and offensive pressure by taking this setbonus but at least we will not be complete pushovers.
  9. also ich für meinen teil hätte auch ganz gerne ein pvp set auf meinem droiden, so ein sabo-hk team stelle ich mir sehr lustig vor und die einfachen marken bekommt man wirklich hinterher geworfen, nur leider kann man die armierungen ja nicht den droiden geben, die armierungen mit credits kaufen will ich jetzt nicht unbedingt.
  10. Hallo, in swtor sind Armierungen von rüstungen im höheren lvl Bereich an das jeweilige Rüstungsteil gebunden, also zb an den Kopfschutz oder an die Schuhe. Das Problem ist, man kann Droidengefährten nicht so einfach Rüstungen geben, wie den ''biologischen'' Gefeährte, da diese Armierungen an die ''biologischen'' Rüstungsteile gebunden sind. Mein Vorschlag wäre, dass die Armierungen der normalen Rüstungen in die Droidenrüstungsteile passen, die auf der gleichen Slothöhe sind
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