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Everything posted by Jimmie_Rox

  1. Any ETA for the fix, or is it just when the bug fixers get around to it? Also, any idea how complex the issue is or will a simple rollback on a few lines of code likely suffice?
  2. I use Tumult all the time on my Sage/Shadow/Assassin and the other class equivalents. I think the main reason it's being removed is it's kinda overpowered and it has very little use in endgame content or something. I dunno, I've managed to use it in Ops on the weaker mobs before though, doesn't make sense for them to take it away from the people who use it, might as well remove a Sage's lightsaber abilities, I mean mine see less use than Tumult so...
  3. The hood on my Jedi Sage's Ancient Seekers Robe no longer covers the Investigator's Headgear. Double checked with multiple other bits of hooded chest gear I own and none of them work either. Played about and it seems that only about 50% of the circlets I own work with a hood up. Great. Would be nice to see an ETA on a fix for this. About to ticket ingame for emphasis.
  4. I play the 3/7/31 Sever Force spec and it is perfectly viable in both PvP and PvE. Played right, on a good day with a bit of luck I can take out any class in 1v1. Sure, I can't match the spike damage a Hybrid Sage can throw out but I have more survivability, more utility, just as much, if not more, mobility, and with correct use of your dots you can easily have 5 Weaken Minds, 2 Sever Forces, a PoM MC and a Force Quake or a TK Throw on the go at once, which is a hell of a lot of damage for a healer to deal with. Not to mention the fact that a 2 second immobilise regardless of Resolve is a game saver in Huttball or when you're kiting or chasing someone and your DoTs, unless they are cleansed, can prevent a plant or a point cap regardless of a healer healing through them or not.
  5. Confirmed, it was broken but now it's fixed. And, given that BioWare never publicly acknowledged the problems existance I'd guess that they didn't want to be accused of faction bias again. Both Disturbance and TK Wave proc around 1/3 of the time from both hard casts and TF procs. The build I tested this with is a standard PvE DPS 3/31/7 btw.
  6. Ingame VOIP similar to EVE Voice would fix this, if TOR had a system where joining voice chat with your party was as simple as a few mouse clicks and didn't involve tabbing out and using a 3rd party client like Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Mumble it'd make the game much more socialable. On a side note, Legacy needs more slots per server, I already have a Sage as my main, and a decently leveled Shadow so I'm just supposed to delete the Shadow or spend a ton of credits on my main to get all the Legacy unlocks? Especially given that I already have characters on multiple servers I feel it would be better if unlocks were tied to accounts but Legacy names and levels stayed on a per server basis.
  7. Would add an animation delay similar to Project's, in effect nerfing the move. Like the difference between Project and Shock could be fixed by simply having the Sorcerer gather the lightening in his hand before firing it off, so to would Force Lightening need a similar delay built into it.
  8. I have a Sage, sure it's only a lvl 45 but that's high enough that this issue is pretty major for my build decisions. Oddly enough, with the right proc's my TK sage build still has a ridiculous burst but it's all single target, not like a hybrid spec where you can drop 2 hard hitting AoE moves followed by Force Quake then DOTs on a group in under a second. Problem is I know my TK Sage would be so much more effective if the Momentum + Tremors worked as intended. As it is I never bother putting points into it at all. Sure, could go back to being a Seera and stick to WZ's/FP's but I'm overleveled for my storyline and solo'ing as a Seer is basically healing your companion and throwing the odd damage move out there and I find that boring as hell.
  9. Unfortunately, I'm not as skilled as OP so can't make a cool little demo animation. My idea is that instead of rocks we could have little golden/blue disturbances about a foot across that the sage fires from an outstretched hand. That said, OP's idea is still cooler than the one we have atm, that said, I bet we'd end up with a delay due to animations due to BioWare's favouritism.
  10. EVE Online, current estimation to train everything, and thus beat the game is at least 20 years. Well, if you call having max SP beating the game that is, one could say that Chribba has already beat the game with his hi-sec dreadnought and ridiculous wealth. Edit: Didn't read far enough, seems people have already mentioned this xD
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