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Everything posted by PrometheusOmega

  1. Charging for Instant Transport will do nothing but persuade me to find another diversion. Making people pay to grind locations is just annoying. If you wish to recapture the money in circulation. Then bring back and Sell some old gear that is not on GTN or is no longer availiable. Us old players have the tons of credits the new players have very little. So all you will be doing is making it harder on new players. Maybe have a High Stakes Lottery with BOL gear (ultra rare) or Let us buy that damn Czerka Crate o Matic with some billions of creds. Just my thought. I will find it very annoying to do all these transactions for doing dailies etc. I can find something else to give my real money to.
  2. who cares about CC in game purchase alt tab buy coins rock on....
  3. Subs pay real money and buy coins with real money .... should get better real time answers
  4. don't care what they are if they can give out codes they can get an update
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