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Everything posted by Wolvines

  1. They had an eta when it started: 4 hours.. 7 hours gone by... allready. Bioware on this matter is a joke. All this stuff of what could be one issue? They dont even tell players why. And its prime european time btw...
  2. Why the **** would I need to add a credit card that I dont even own to my accoutn, when I can pay withs tuff like Paysafecard.
  3. This. My subscription time thanks to this **** is running out where I would normally be able to play ffs.
  4. they do not play the game for me... They just simply help with huge text to silence the boss etc.. There is nothing wrong with that imho. Infact, without these mods, people wouldnt do huge raids in a successive manner. unless its the select view that do watch a tiny little cast bar. I want mods for SWTOR. Also, There are some very very fun mods for WOW like Spellsound and some nice RP tools too Also, Just to add fact - WOW is not truely a skill game.. Its HEAVELY dependant on gear. Especially after WOTLK and Cata, where peoepl can get like 109 HP on a DPS and tanks 150k HP.. I dont know about Pandaria, I have not played it.
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