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10 Good
  1. The packs doesn't seem to be that valuable. I opened a silver pack and got a Bronze item. That is, the TION SY-3 is on the silver pack whilst all the other version, which are identical are on Bronze. I also feel cheated due to not knowing the chances and what items are present without going through the "collections" menu. The TION's also lack proper sound. If there is one is barely audible. I've even requested a refund, and I'm still waiting for a reply. What makes this even more absurd, is because you can buy the expansions and the nonrecurring subscription on local currency and payment methods, but everything else requiring International credit cards. Which means, it becomes even more expensive for me to get those CC. I also think that having to pay extra for account wide unlock for something we bought on Cartel Market a bit absurd. I wish I could buy the items I wanted directly from the market, but don't take the packs away, make them very cheap, with a chance to roll out a good item. That way, if anyone wants to try their luck, on a cheap pack can still do it, and those who want to just spend the CC directly on an item can do it too.
  2. Me too. And only got 340CC from costumer support to soften the blow :/
  3. PAX http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/3ssgy NYCC http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/3ssgz
  4. Mine is laggy too. I used to have 70's to 90's all maxed out in the fleet, now i have 30's ...
  5. but...but..but... I wanted my gnome to get taller and have cows raining from the sky with Uzi's! aww... I'm so sad right now! Ok, on a more serious note; I wholeheartedly agree with you. Remember bejeweled for the flight path? Had fun there We desperately need something like auctioneer for swtor. and something to get that damn companion's bar out of my quickslots, and stance bars... ohh a lot! So, in other words, we need mods
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