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Everything posted by TheReapersAP

  1. Finally have an official post acknowledging that 1. they took away achievements in response to exploiters and 2. they will be looking into legitimate kills/achievements to validate them. Glad it's happening, but why on earth didn't this happen BEFORE YOU TOOK THEM AWAY? Why didn't you differentiate between legitimate and exploited kills/achievements? I sincerely hope it's because of this post and others like it making noise on the issue and how embarrassing it is for a company to do this. For reference: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934244-removal-of-timer-achievements/ We'll see what happens....
  2. I got the timed run achievement for the Nature of Progress operation 2 months ago back in January for the first time. After the patch yesterday, both achievements are missing from my legacy as well as the character titles "the Apex Predator" and "the True Apex Predator" on the character I got it on. I submitted a CS ticket, and the response I got was: "We can't do anything about it. Just do it again." I find this to be absurdly unacceptable. I am not the only one who has this problem of missing achievements after the patch. They also said that they are unable to grant achievements - which I found out is inaccurate since they grant achievements for 16m monolith kills pretty regularly. I also don't want the achievement to be "manually granted" - I want the original dates of completion. Only thing I'm asking for is for the devs to fix their mistake. The only thing I can do it make enough noise so that they do. PS - I still have the Ultimate Hunter Achievement which requires you do have these achievements..... so.... just fix the mistake.
  3. I totally agree. I'm not taking anything away from FC. But I would be a lot more impressed if they killed it without using the bug first as well. As impressed as one can be with swtor world firsts that is >.> This is for the same reasoning that Zorz posted "world first 2 non bounty hunter revan kill" as well. Not that it actually mattered in any "official sense," but it was still impressive at the time. But that is just one man's opinion, not saying the community as a whole should or would agree. And FC probably shouldn't care about my opinion tbh. But like I said.... interesting
  4. Remember when Zorz killed Revan when hydraulics worked on aberration knockbacks so they could ignore it and just burn core? And then remember when they fixed it and then they were first to kill it after the fix? Be interesting to see if any team is able to clear it without using the bug/exploit/clever use of game mechanics even if bioware doesn't "fix" it (although they likely will at some point it sounds like) Be interesting is all I'm saying.
  5. Having fun on my mara in anni and want to invest more into his gear. But haven't seen any anni PVP stats info. Anyone have opinions? Or links to posts/guides? Thanks.
  6. Sounds cool. I plan on attending. And in the past, I've known events to be "naked" where you don't have any gear equipped. This prevents you from having repair bills and also makes kills a little faster. Thanks for organizing this! I'll try to bring as many people as possible too.
  7. I knew there was a Defender Program team still progging it. I wasn't sure if AoL was attempting it, but apparently not. I was just curious. And wanted to echo that Dank Memes is in need of solid ranged dps for our 16M team.
  8. I'm just curious to know how many raid teams are currently progging Revan. Especially Imp side.
  9. I also play Concealment/Scrapper on a HM raid team. We as a team have only cleared 9/10 (Got to floor 3 of Revan several times), and we are taking a break before 4.0. I get very competitive numbers that are comprable with what I do as a mando/vg (with which I have gone 10/10) in all the fights. With all the speed/movement buffs/abilities we have, getting behind the boss is rarely an issue. Even on floor 1 of Revan, I can maintain 4.2k dps before HK comes down (arguably the worst melee phase ever...... essence corruption is real!) . There is only 1 fight where I personally do Ruffian and that is Torque because with all the fire and movement, having your biggest hitting ability at 10m is great and much less of a hassle. I know of people who have cleared Revan as both Scrapper and Ruffian, both pulling their weight dps wise and not being carried. Scoundrel DPS is perfectly fine for dpsing the current HM's. I have even seen a stealth Rez during Revan. The only thing I would caution "newer" scoundrel DPSers is that you have to get really comfortable moving around the room WHILE maintaining dps. If you are ranged from the boss (e.g. Bulo jumps to the complete other side of the room) are you at a minimum basic attacking while at range? Throwing a thermal grenade? Reapplying Vital Shot? Or scampering over to him/her? Take note of what abilities you can use at 10m (blood boiler, quick shot, even tendon blast). Understand what you can be doing while 11-30m. And take full advantage when you are right behind the boss. Also understand that your best AoE rotation is simply your single target one. Spamming blaster volley is not really an option because it is not energy efficient, nor is the damage worth it. While you won't be able to just sit around, having hold the line, and just going through your parsing roatation in most fights like a commando or gunslinger (hunker down), you still bring a lot of utility, are not as squishy as some might think, and have amazing defensives to TOTALLY mitigate incoming damage. Plus, punching Revan in the face would be mighty satisfying (just like stabbing him in the back with a knife)
  10. Make sure to keep Kolto shells on the tanks. Don't refresh early because it is wasted heat. Make sure to understand how your procs work: Using emergency scan makes healing scan an insta-cast. Using rapid scan builds charges that reduce the cost of healing scan. Etc. Kolto shot not only is free but vents heat (more on crits) so if you aren't doing anything or people are healed up, just keep kolto shotting to build up stacks of supercharged gas or help with a couple GCD's of dps. When you reach 10 stacks of supercharge, use it. Don't get stingy unless you know a difficult healing period is coming. You can either use it to help manage your heat, or just to help your heals. Use healing scan primarily when you have supercharge active. Kolto missile when there are at least 3 people that can benefit, otherwise it is a waste. Use hydraulics to avoid knockback or stun mechanics so you can keep healing uninterrupted. These were just a few basics off the top of my head. Just get in there and start healing. Other than kolto shells, all your healing is mostly reactive so as people get low, bring them back up.
  11. I haven't leveled a sin (mine is currently lv 14) all the way up, but I LOVE my sorc. Right now I have him as a healer, but when I switch to dps, I love the madness tree. When it comes to fps/ops/other pve stuff, sorc madness is sweet. Just thought I would throw that out as at least a positive feedback for sorc madness. Totally viable.
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