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Everything posted by septru

  1. This is actually not a bad idea. Given how the only solution to premades, is making your own premade. It would be great if BioWare incentivized casuals to join a group rather than come here to QQ about it. If only the devs had any willingness to incentivize anything other than AFKing and /stuck. This, on the other hand, is a terrible idea. What happens to 2man or 3man premades? They can't play with their friends?
  2. You must kill the player within 6 seconds of damaging him, or healing the target who kills him to gain second wind.
  3. The chance that BioSword conducts any sort of meaningful moderation past absurdly vulgar comments in chat is just as high as the chance that @EricMusco responds to any of the real issues with PvP that literally everyone has been asking to address in the PvP Forums. ...0% chance.
  4. Because 7.3.1 is somehow going to magically raise population numbers?
  5. This and so much more. But honestly, who cares anymore? We already talked about the removal of ranked at length. It's obvious why they did it. Ranked is gone and it's not coming back. However, that doesn't mean you can't bring back a competitive aspect. For some reason @SentinalMasterWW wants to make every discussion about ranked. No one is talking about ranked. We're talking about the obvious issues with 7.2 that literally ANYONE who PvPs can see with their own 2 eyes that are driving away the PvP playerbase en mass.
  6. The game has only 2 forms of "content" at the moment: Galactic Seasons, and PvP Seasons. It says a lot, when the drop of each of these extremely engaging hamsterwheels do not result in a sudden spike of players. Much less a loss. Also: I don't know if it's the incredibly obnoxious green text, or the "I don't play PvP, but I can tell about the PvP population" mentality, but your posts scream smart-alec forum warrior. Just write in regular font. You're not special.
  7. Oh ya. By "pvp guild" I meant 3-4 guys that hop on maybe 1 or 2 times a week. Tells you something though, that with expectations that low, I still can't find an "active" PvP guild.
  8. Dude no one is talking about ranked PvP. You're the only one. There's a difference between ranked and competitive PvP in general. Sure, I'd support that. But honestly, at this point I'd support anything. You can bring back performance based rewards without bringing back ranked.
  9. All of these issues existed before 7.0. But for some reason you think these are the core reasons people are leaving in 7.2?
  10. For once in my life I agree with @TrixxieTriss. PvP seasons are not working. It doesn't take a genius to see that. Nobody plays in the off season? Hell, nobody is playing during the season. Seriously, log on and you can see for yourself. My PvP guild died because PvP Seasons are boring. How many other PvP players have quit because the Seasons are a useless waterwheel? The data may not mean anything alone. But anyone that plays PvP, can see for themselves how PvP seasons has killed the PvP community. The PvP community used to be the most loyal community in the game. Look at @TrixxieTriss. I disagree with everything she says, but at least she has the passion and loyalty to relentlessly post on these forums for 10 years. PvPers play this game because we love this game. We all know what needs to get fixed. We argue about the details, but it's pretty simple: Limit premades to 4 ppl. Bring back some competitive mode. Balance classes. If any of these issues were fixed, PvPers would be able to just play for fun. But longtime PvPers are leaving in droves. The data simply shows this.
  11. septru


    I'm genuinely confused. 🤣 You just said that deatchmatching was a big issue. I told you the reason why it's an issue. And then you said there are other things you would rather fix first????? I know this is a little pedantic at this point, but I'm actually shocked how you and a lot of other people on the forums still dismiss the lack of competitive PvP as a relatively minor issue.
  12. septru


    This is not completely true. For example on SF there are two longtime top3 team ranked players, Shadowshot and Kanaba, that will do anything to win objs including defend a node. For some reason they get on each week to complete the PVP Seasons even though they already have all the rewards from the vendor. But they don't enjoy PvPing so they try to finish their Seasons as quickly and in as few games as possible. Which is why they do objs religiously. Those two guys are a good example of what PVP Seasons could have been. If each game mattered, if winning actually meant something, you would see a lot more people try at objs, including old ranked players. But instead you have a participation based system where all the rewards can be entirely grinded. For most of us, me included, it doesnt matter if I finish my weekly PVP seasons in 20 games or 200 games.
  13. Why 6 months? Why not a year? Ot two years? Or 10 more years? Naivete knows no bounds.
  14. septru


    I know your post is mostly about premades. I think the obvious answer that almost everyone will agree, limit premades to 4ppl. But you also mention the fact that some of these people ignore objs. The problem is that if you do objs, you start getting punished because your win rate becomes too high and que times increase significantly once you get to the 80% range. I never do objs now, and I maintain around a 65% winrate in warzones. More importantly, I can finish my seasons without ever needing to do objs or win a game. Again, it always comes down to the lack of competitive PvP. If I needed to actually do objs to get the rewards, I would do them much more. But instead I'm actively punished for playing the warzone as intended. No wonder no one cares to do objs anymore.
  15. I quit my guild last week bc of inactivity. I'm looking for a new PvP guild on SF if anyone has any recommendations. I'm fine playing w new PvPers, in fact I often prefer it because they have less of an ego. Hit me up if you ever see me online. All of my toons are named prum. You can also add me on twitch, twitch.tv/theprum to see when I stream.
  16. I think the you're missing the fact that these people too, could benefit from more incentives to improve. Most players are willing to learn, sure. They're willing to gear, and maybe even read a guide or two. But are they willing to join a PvP guild? Are they willing to whisper the person in their warzone "Hey GGs. Wanna pvp together?" Are they willing to learn new classes so that they can learn counters to each class? The obvious answer is no... and the solo casuals that frequently come to the forums asking for a separate premade que is good evidence of this. And the part that drives me crazy is that if you're talking about retaining new players, making friends and grouping up is literally the best way to do it. At the end of the day, the argument always comes back to competitive pvp game mode. Unless you're willing to lock some kind of reward behind performance, you're going to continue doing new players a disservice. New players may want to get better, but in the end it always comes down to effort vs reward.
  17. Cease. It's not you bro. They simply have no reason to gear. They can complete PvP Seasons with 0 gear, what's the point of putting effort into gearing?
  18. If you really want to get into the details: I completely agree about AP PT. Notice, how I mentioned it already. AP PT has really strong burst. I don't not buff AP PT. I notice you didn't mention rage jugg. But rage has very high burst atm (in capable hands). I would not buff rage. Decep's only burst is in a 6 second window when they come out from stealth. I've long said that window should be nerfed from 6 to 5 or even 4 seconds. But deception's damage after that window is literally non-existent. If you disrupt a deception sin when they immediately come out of stealth, they will literally contribute nothing for the next minute and a half. It's pretty easy to do, especially if your teammates are helpful. Use a knockback, a hardstun. Personally I think they should nerf decep's opener and replace it with burst outside of its opener. But they could do nothing to decep. It's really fine. Every other burst class has almost irrelevant burst, to the point where I've literally seen cleave/dot specs hit harder. MM, arsenal, conc op, fury mara, ling sorc. These are all classes I would buff their burst. It again comes down to whether you want to learn to play these classes at their max potential, or if you want to cater to the casual and make it so no one dies.
  19. It is entirely a skill, knowledge, and reading guides issue if you are getting spawn camped in huttball. It should never, ever, ever, happen on those maps. But I'm not trying to make a personal argument, I'm trying to make a point. A lot of the arguments in this thread, TTK being the perfect example, are about "catering to the casual." Raise the TTK so that new players can experience the game, instead of dying constantly. Well, you know what will happen if you raise the TTK for casuals? Any half-way capable player will never die. It's not fun when you can't kill anyone, trust me, I played in 4.0/5.0. I play SWTOR PvP, because it is fundamentally fun. It's a chess game, where one mistake can lead to a punishment. Use your breaker early? Get stun lock and killed you on your next white bar. The tank has slow guard swaps? Swap to the unguarded player and kill them before the tank realizes it. The best time I ever had in this game was when I finally realized how exactly I was getting outplayed because I was able to improve and learn from it. But when you "cater to the casual" and give them participation rewards, you take away the only reason to improve, learn. You reduce a complex game of chess to a simple game of checkers, because some players can't understand the rules. I will never agree with that mindset.
  20. Joe ngl, telemarketing salesman is not the vibe you should be going for. It comes across like you're trying to sell us a patch that otherwise has no content, as amazing! Honestly, kinda sad that you guys get all excited about this patch, as if any meaningful patch or content is an unrealistic dream.
  21. Your post honestly reads like a "i'm new to sorc heals and died 20 times wah wah wah." Sorc healer is a fine healer. Better than op. Sorc healer has more ways to get out of CCs than any other healer. Phase walk, god bubble, breaker, bubble stun. And honestly, if you're getting spawn camped in huttball you need to read a guide because literally in ALL 3 hutball maps you can get around a spawn camp without getting into combat. Honestly, I understand why some people argue that the TTK is too high. I don't necessarily agree, I think burst damage (with the exception of rage jugg and ap pt) is almost irrelevent because the burst is so bad. Specs like MM, arsenal, conc op, fury mara, ling sorc are all bottom tier specs. But I understand why some people feel like the TTK is too high. That's not your problem though. Your problem is that you tried a new spec and feel like you're entitled to instantly win every game and never die. Just another great example of why giving participation rewards to everyone and their mother is a dumb idea.
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