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Posts posted by shonenjumpstyle

  1. I've been playing a Jedi Guardian for a while now, my first character. I am really getting tired of Belsavis, so I rolled a new character, an Imperial Agent Operative. I buddied up for Dromund Kaas and my groupmate asked if I wanted to try playing a Warzone. I said I'd try it and she queued us up for a random one. We ended up on Voidstar and we were defending. I tried to talk to my team and get some strategy going, but it seemed like everyone was on comm silence or something; no one said a word. I don't think that's normal. So anyways, once the match started we all just ran in and started shooting and stabbing things. The only time I saw two people from my team fighting the same opponent was when I rushed in to help someone else. The other team formed little groups and took us down systematically. We lost the match, and so I looked around at the results. My team consisted of people from level 14-19 with one level 23. The other team was consisted of level 17-27, with one level 12. I was tied for second best on my team with 11 kills and 9 deaths, not too bad for me (considering I've only ever PvPed in 2D Anime-styled sidescrolling platformer MMOs that mostly involved jumping around and running away while shooting special moves at the other player) but horrible under other circumstances. The best on our team had 16 kills. The other team was full of people with 36 kills, the highest being 47 kills.


    Anyways, how exactly do Warzones work? Do you strategize with your teammates? And how does the balancing system work if there is one? My first experience was pretty fun and I want to know what I'm getting into next time.

  2. When I was a young chap on Tatooine, I lived in Begeren Colony where we like to roleplay and fight NPCs in peace. Everything changed when the Sith attacked. They came in hordes, Level 55s of all sorts, slaughtering our guards. I drew my lightsaber, but they were upon me. Everything killed. I found myself at a medcenter and rested my wounds, but the Sith came and continually drove their lightsabers through me. "Stop!" I yelled, but the Sith smiled wickedly and said "Die noob C:" My clothes were in tatters and it cost a fortune to get everything fixed.


    Okay thats just a theatrical way of putting it. Ganking is a problem, but only really on PVE and RP-PvE servers. On PvP servers you don't have too much of an excuse. There should be a restriction to who you can kill while not engaged in a warzone. Maybe only being allowed to kill players 5 levels below or above you. Or PvP flags should always be manual on non PvP servers. High level players seem to abuse the automatic PvP flagging.

  3. Rest EXP is gained in your ship, your faction's fleet's main floor, and Cantinas. The longer you stay in a rest area, the more Rest EXP you get. You can get as much Rest EXP as there are points required to get from the level you are currently on to the next level (all of the exp, if you have 100 EXP and you need 900 EXP to level up, you can still get 1000 rest EXP). When you are online in a rest zone, you gain rest EXP faster than you would offline in a rest zone. I'm not sure how long i takes to get full rest EXP while online in a rest zone, I believe it takes around 6 days to get rest EXP equivalent to your level. Rest EXP is not really actual EXP, but doubles the EXP you gain from killing things. Quests, lore objects/codex entries, and exploration do not count towards this.
  4. The Council knows yes, and aren't particularly happy about having to work with him, though they're willing to do it considering what's at stake. My 'disguise' for him is based around the idea that ordinary citizens know what Jedi and Sith are - but probably don't know that there's a species called "Pureblood Sith"*. They also probably know that Jedi come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors, so seeing a big red guy in brown robes and armor isn't likely to be that alarming all things considered; while seeing the same guy in Sith armor would cause... problems.


    That and I don't want your average Republic soldier deciding to shoot him on sight. Not that that would actually happen in the game of course, but just, that's how I justify it. It's just an RP thing.


    *On Belsavis several people encounter a couple other Pureblood Sith and don't seem to know what they are.




    On Tatooine, Jedi Knights fight a guy named Lord Praven and if you choose LS options, you can convert him to Jediism.


    Anyways, update on my Guardian

    Finishing up old quests on Quesh




  5. Well I just bought Relnex's Robe, but now I am in a bit of a bind. While I was waiting for it to be available on the GTN, I ended up liking my current armor (same model as Honored Adept's Shroud) with the hood being blocked by my headgear. I also have the full Conservator's armor set, which is almost identical (the chestpiece at least) save a few markings and the shoulderpads, which I also really like. Compared to the Conservator's set Relnex's Robes look a lot skinnier and with body type 2 looks a bit underweight. Still I really like Relnex's robe but the plainness is beginning to bother me a little.
  6. You mean besides Oteg and the Jedi Prisoner quests? It's sort of because nobody really mentions ships, and depending on what you choose (light or dark) the Telos

    either gets the bridge blown off with Oteg or Oteg retreats.

    So if they talked about it then it might break the game, especially because barely any of the quests (save some parts of the class storylines) are affected by other quests.

  7. I think that everything in the appearance designer should be purchasable with credits for subs, but if you unlock a new race (one not available at character creation for that particular class) it would take cartel coins. And for those who don't want to pay with cartel coins, they can always buy race unlocks from the GTN
  8. Changed it back to this, which I made last fall, in light of the new Stylish Dance emote we got yesterday.





    Oh my god that is beautiful.


    Quick question, is it possible to make the loading screen a transparent PNG? Becaue I notice at the edges of my screen that things are still moving around me and I can move as well while the loading screen is up. Sometimes the loaing screen doesn't show up for a short moment and I can see everything is already loaded.

  9. There are so many armors from NPCs that I would love on y character as well especially Master Vikto's Armor (not the armor he sells) or Briqui's Armor and probably my favorite, Master Lorik's armor. Vikto is pretty much wearing the Honored Saberist's Harness but with the hood down and Lorik is pretty much wearing the Ancient Ardent Blade's Vest with the hood down but they look much better with that flap of cloth on the back.


    Sadly, none of these will probably ever come to us save from the Cartel Market.

  10. Approximately 28 packs.


    Oh good lord. That would mean if you're terribly unlucky like me, it would take like 60 dollars to get newcomer. It must cost several hundreds to get Legend standing. Somebody told me it would only take around 3-5 packs, guess they were seriously wrong.

  11. My Mirialan Guardian around 10 levels ago, aboard Darth Angral's ship with Kira at his side. In full Conservator's gear except the helmet, got the whole set free from a guildie C: I still have the exact same look until I can get my Contraband Resale Corp rep up and get that beautiful Honored Saberist's Harness.


  12. +1 this. To elaborate on BaronV's idea: If BioWare really cares so much about those who don't use the forums opinions, they could always implement an in-game system of polling which can be ignored or done, and for incentive they could give out 5 or 10 Cartel coins every time you complete a poll. Polls would be weekly or something. Or they could just add in a log-off message thing (similar to when you exit a game on Steam) that says something about the poll along the things that show up on the slideshow thing on the homepage. Or they could just make a big survey thing with a bunch of poll-like questions with 100 Cartel Coins as an incentive and they could be once every one or two months. People like incentives. And incentives to possibly get something else they want are even better. 5 or 10 Cartel Coins is like a nickel, but people still want that nickel, because hey, it's a free nickel. You can't do anything with that nickel, but if you get 20 nickels, you have a dollar to buy a candy bar with. People would do it just for that.
  13. Of all the Jedi wearing the so-called "Relnex Robes" why name it after him? Relnex does nothing other than tell you he screwed up and lost some Padawans in the wild. They could have at least given it a nicer name. What I really want now is a brown version of the Wayfarer's Robe with no cape or hood.
  14. is he talking about armoring or armor


    Probably armoring.


    If you ARE indeed talking about armoring, it's an item modification and you need either orange or moddable purple gear to put it in. If you do, just press Ctrl and Right Click the armor and drag it into the slot if it's better than whatever you are currently wearing. If it isn't then you probably wouldn't want to.

  15. Well I'm nearing level 43 (level 42 to be exact!) on my Jedi Guardian and the best looking Jedi armor I have seen is probably the Honored Saberist's Harness in the Newcomer shop at the Contraband Resale Corporation shop. I know there are armors with the exact same model, but all I can find are Blue medium pieces which are useless for Guardians. I'm not to keen on rerolling and making a new Sentinel, so I'm wondering, how do I get Newcomer standing with the Contraband Resale Corp? I know it has something to do with Cartel packs, but how many exactly do I need to get that standing? I've never bought a Cartel Pack so I don't know how it works. Or if anyone knows a Heavy armor piece that looks just like it that would be great too.
  16. I take back part of what I said. It isn't always okay to pick need for your main companion. Here are guidelines I've come up with, but it is highly subjective and may not appeal to everyone who would just prefer to ask. These are mainly for groups of less experienced/talkative players


    (spoilered for space conservation)


    Light armor for example, could only possibly be needed by players who are Jedi Consulars or Sith Inquisitors. The companions that could use light armor are Nadia Grell and Kira Carsen, Xalek, and Vector Hyllus. Now take into account that Nadia and Xalek are companions of the Consular and Inquisitor respectively. That leaves JC and JK being the only pubs who might ever need light armor and SI and IA as the only imps needing it. So if you are a JK who uses Kira as your main companion, then you are free to pick need as long as there is no JC in the group. Troops and Smugs would only be able to sell them. It's similar for imps, if your main companion for your agent is Vector and there is no SI in the group, you can pick need.


    For medium armor, it's more complicated. There are two types of medium armor: A) Sentinel/Marauder armor (Focus on strength) and B) Smug/Agent armor (cunning). The characters who use medium armor A are Sentinels/Marauders and Ashara Zavros. For Republic classes, unless you are a Jedi Sentinel, you may not pick need under any circumstances. For Imperial classes, as long as your main companion is Ashara Zavros and there are no Marauders in the group, you can pick need.

    For medium armor type B, the players who use it are Smugglers and Imperial Agents. The companions who use medium armor B are Vette, Mako, Quinn, Doc, Andronikos, Tharan, Dr. Lokin, Zenith, Risha, Talos, Temple, and Guss. Risha, Guss, Lokin and Temple are redundant being Smug and Agent companions. Pretty much anyone except Troopers could possibly pick need for this, so only Smugs and Agents can pick need for this without checking with groupmates.


    Heavy armor has three classes: A) Guardian/Juggernaut armor for Tanks and B) DPS (endurance/strength or vice versa respectively) and C) Trooper/Hunter (aim/endurance). The only people to use Heavy A are Juggernauts and Guardians in Immortal, Rage, Defense, or Focus specs and possibly Khem, Broonmark, Scourge or Bowdaar. Pretty much only Guardians and Juggernauts would be able to pick need for this without checking with others.

    Heavy B is for Vigilance/Vengeance or Focus/Rage Guardians and Juggernauts characters or Khem, Broonmark, Scourge or Bowdaar. Broonmark and Scourge are redundant, leaving Smugs and Inquisitors to possibly roll need. If you are a Smug and have Bowdaar as your main companion and there is no Guardian in the group, you can pick need. Inquisitors using Khem with no Juggernaut can also pick need.

    Heavy C is used by Troopers and Bounty Hunters as well as Pierce, Rusk, Kaliyo, Qyzen, Corso, Iresso, Spar, all of the BH companions other than Mako, and all of the Trooper companions other than M1. If you have no BH or Trooper in your group, you can roll need as long as you are not an inquisitor and use one of aforementioned companions as your main, you can pick need.


    Droid armor is pretty much a free for all between people who use droids as a companion, anyone else should pick greed or pass.


    Weapons, earpieces and implants are similar to armor, I don't have the time to go through everything but I am sure you could figure out how they work based on the armor stuff above, it's already pretty repetitive. Just look at the stats on the armor.


    Of course if somebody is the same class as you double-check with the group. This eliminates the chances of someone who will never use an item getting it while other players may need it.


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