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Everything posted by denavin

  1. Repeating bug reports will only raise the ire of BW who will admonish you for re-posting the Ignored bug. They will repeat that it is "in the known bug list" then ignore it as they always do. Re-posting will only get your post "Removed" and YOU in trouble and will have NO effect on BW nor will it get them to pull their collective heads out of their Rectal Orifices.
  2. That would be true if BW had not removed most to all of player CC's and made most NPC Stuns and Knock-backs uninterruptible. The way it is now there is NO defense for NPC knock-backs or stuns. Your only choice it to stand there and take it since you can not interrupt it or escape it.
  3. This would not qualify as a disputed charge thus a charge back would be fraud and punishable by law.... https://www.creditkarma.com/credit-cards/i/what-is-a-chargeback Nuking a virtual economy will have no effect on reality. The only people it will effect are the fools that spent $400 on Virtual Pixels of light .... If you lose all your credits it does not bother me as I have NEVER been so stupid as to spend mass amounts of money for virtual items. All I spend money on is my subscription I have NEVER bought anything off of the Cartel Market.... It's just not worth it whether I can afford it or not makes no difference. Sound like your personal problem not mine... Fools and their money are soon parted....
  4. I would not be so stupid as spend $400 to buy Virtual Items made up from Pixels of Light If you spend $400 on the Cartel Market (which would be stupid) just to sell it for 100 billion in Virtual ( as in Not Real) Currency then you deserve to loose it all if they reset the economy. Charge-backs would not happen since they are illegal A chargeback is a form of credit card fraud that can be punished under the law. In case you have not figured it out... You Do Not Own the Currency in game, BW does and they can do what ever they want with it. It may upset people but BW has been upsetting players for years. This would be just one more time they did. As for you quitting.... Nobody would notice. It would be like trying to drain the ocean by removing a teaspoon of water.
  5. If you did not report bugs.... Then they would have nothing to put in the Known (but ignored) Bugs List.....
  6. If you don't have the 700 to 5000 credits to quick travel then it will matter to the player that can not quick travel. 700 to 5000 credits may not seem like a lot but if you only have a couple of hundred credits then it is a fortune.. Try to see how a New Player that Does Not have Multiple character in the game will see this. They will see it as game breaking.
  7. For me it was .Net 3 needed to be installed as well as DirectX 9.c Redistribution.
  8. You can not run 2 instances of SWToR on a single system. The game will not allow you to do it. The only way is to run 2 PC's with one account on each. As far as I know that is the only way.
  9. Yes you can have multiple accounts both Free 2 Play and Subscription. I have a Subscription that is my main account and a F2P account that I use to invite my main Subscription account characters to my guilds. Never had any issues with either account.
  10. Load is primarily on 2 cores 4 threads. Tabs are maxed and most of my Cargo holds are near to or completely full. My newer Asus laptop has an AMD Ryzen CPU. I don't have the programs to monitor my CPU's load but I never notice any slow down or lag when my Cargo Holds are open. Not sure what is going on but I have never run into an instance where my CPU pegged at 100%. Now my GTX 750Ti GPU does max out all the time. But I can regulate that with settings when necessary.
  11. Question... Are you running in "Windowed" mode or "Full Screen" And are you running Windows 11. I am currently in the game now while I am writing this and checked my system. I have a much older Intel i7 8700K (Coffee Lake) CPU, 16GB of DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA GTX750-Ti, running Windows 10 Pro in Full screen. With ALL cargo holds open that the game will allow me to have open at the same time. I DO NOT run into a processor pegging at 100%. In fact the highest load I see as only about 56%.
  12. Thanks to BW's abor-tion of the skills, there are now Combat Styles that I no longer play because of the screwed up skill pruning. The lack of intelligence of the devs with the destruction of the skill set has made some of the combat styles almost useless. By aborting the skill sets, BW has managed to single-handedly removed most of the FUN from SWToR in a miss guided attempt at making game play HARDER than it needs to be, and in the process anger the majority of the players. The BW dev's need to pull their collective heads out of their rectal orifice and stop applying what they find in said orifice, to the game. We are tired of the never ending stream of crap they call "Improvements", that they keep stuffing down our throats. One player vcs 7 mobs, 1 Over Powered healer and 2 Gold's results in 1 DEAD player EVERY TIME! FYI.... Being Dead all the time, IS NOT FUN!
  13. Ok, since we're on the topic of "Weard" things to see in SWToR.... Go too fleet. Empire or Republic... Look for any reflective surface in the station and go Close and look at what you see.... Then try to identify where that is because it sure isn't anything on the station.
  14. Yeah grouped for a solo story mission... Trying to get a group to do that is like pulling teeth with your fingers.... Not Going to Happen A Solo Story Mission should NOT be in a Group Heroic Zone.... PERIOD!
  15. I'm not getting swarmed by multiple groups. If I pull more than one I expect to die. No I'm talking about single groups of mobs that are quickly grinding my butt into the dirt. The only class so far that I have, that has not had a problem doing it is my Sorcerer. Even my Juggernaut got her butt kicked in there. My Sentinel lasts about 8 seconds then dead, and my Sentinel has the best gear of all my characters. My Commando about 20 seconds. My Guardian, depending on the groups for some reason I can make it almost all the way in but there are 2 groups that I just can not defeat. Gunslinger, Sage and Marauder don't stand a chance at all. Why is a Solo Story Mission in a Heroic group area anyway. That need to be changed.
  16. I mean the rest of Runuk, is hard but doable. This one area is near impossible to do. Being Dead all the time is not FUN!
  17. I have tired that does not help. I many times can not even get the healer down before the 2 gold mobs kill me. If I do manage to get the healer down I still do not survive the 2 golds.
  18. Yes companion is not maxed but over 30 to 45 on most. They're not much help... The don't cure the dot and that does massive amounts of damage and when you have 2 of them on you it does not take long to die.
  19. I don't know what has changed but the groups of mobs doing Iron Beast are kicking my butt, and kicking it quickly. I have been able to complete the mission but I can not defeat the groups of mobs in the area where you have to disable the sensors. The 2 Gold mobs and the other 5 plus the healer in each group are simply kicking my rear end into the dirt before I can even do any thing. I have green 320 gear and it seems as though I am wearing nothing. The amount of damage I am getting hit with is around 30 to 60K per hit. and the uninterruptible dot does massive amounts of damage. What am I doing wrong. I don't stand in stupid (red) I go for the healer first but I can rarely defeat even the healer before the 2 gold mobs kill me. If I can not find another player doing these groups the only way I can complete this mission is to die at every group, revive and move to the next group and die again then move to the next group an die again. It's no fun and the amount of time I have to wait to revive ends up being almost 5 minuets because I die so many times. The rest of Runuk is ok but this one area is near impossible to do.... HELP!!
  20. Yes and players were quick to point this out to BW. And the Nautolan was also smaller than a human so they changed it to to fit on a human skeleton and completely destroyed the Nautolan. Players were also quick to point this out and were outraged at the abomination that is now the Nautolan race.... After which BW stated that Player Character can not conflict with the Story Line when somebody asked for a Voss as a player character.
  21. I was sort of hoping it was more like the D&D Multi-Class. Where you combined 2 classes and had the skills and abilities of both classes in one. Not this Either one or the Other junk. I still have not chosen a second combat style on any of my 32 characters. I do like Loadouts though, that is very useful. Second combat style... Not so useful.
  22. Though having a Wookiee as a player race would be nice, it will most likely not happen. There are 4 reasons why a Wookiee can not be a player character. 1) Must be Human Sized and fit on a Human Skeleton. Wookiee's are not human sized. 2) Must be able to wear human gear and use human weapons. Again Wookiee's are not human sized and cannot wear human gear or use human weapons. 3) Must Speak Basic. There has never been a Wookiee that spoke Basic, They may not even be able to. 4) Cannot conflict with the Story Line. When you meet Jacarro and R2-D4 for the first time Jacarro talks to R2-D4 as if you cannot understand him. If your a Wookiee then of course you can understand him, that conflicts with the story line. I would love to have a Wookiee as a player character but alas I don't thing it will happen. And if they do try to make a Wookiee into a player character then they will most likely mess it up like they did the Nautilan when they changed that to Human Size playable race, and turned it into the abomination we have now. Now Kashyyyk yeah I would like to see that....
  23. You can thank all the whinny people that complained that the game was too easy. She was never that hard before. So now unless you have Maxed out Gear, ie Raid Gear, then she will kick your butt quickly no matter what you do. FYI: Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!
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