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Everything posted by louisfriend

  1. As others have said, you may have just missed the window of time the event was active. It'll be back sooner or later. lots of places list the calendar of weekly events for a month. google that if you want to know when bounty contract week will be back. also. in terms of general info. as your post was a little confusing. when you get the quest for a planet. you go to that world. talk to the npc. then the shady characters, then the contact, then kill the target. then back to the npc on the planet. then back to fleet. if it's a reg mission ..for all of this. you should get 1 green rep token, 1 blue rep token. and then the bounty contract item . once you have the bountry contract currency item. you've completed that quest. you can either use that contract as currency for loot rewards from the rep vendors of that event, or currency to take kingpin missions. if the terminal to get new quests is gone. ...unfortunately that's cause the event ended. and you'll have to wait. if you didn't get a chance to turn in your last quest. I think you may still be able to when the event returns. but not 100% on that
  2. I haven't followed every post in this thread, so apologies if this has been said. with Cartel Coins. because they have a retail cost. it's best to spend them on things you can't get by other means. Acct wide unlocks, conveince features (ie. buy rocket boots ...for your entire legacy, much better than buying a flashy overpriced mount from the cartel market. --rocket boots makes the game a lot better. can buy tons of mounts via the GTN with ingame credits) Hold off buying vanity items from the Cartel Market until you settle into a character and enjoy/understand the game more. So you don't feel like you wasted money/CC on a char you don't really play all that much, or then have to pay more CC to unlock something in collections so other characters can access it. feeling like you got double f00ked Also. realize that most items from the cartel market can also be sold by players on the GTN. sometimes for insane amts of money. but again. best first use is for things that you can get no other way, that provide a real quality of life improvement to gameplay. I'm sure they'd be happy to take your money, and if you have disposable income, by all means, go nuts. but try and give the game a bit of time before doing so, so at least you're an informed consumer
  3. unless of course, the cost off the GTN is less than the cost of the prefab. in general though, always look at a decoration, and do a bit of due diligence in terms of where it comes from. I always wonder if people are really buying the Republic Guardsman for like 2k a pop. Or even simple things like ...lightsaber forges, or other vendor items. As a lot of times their price on GTN is bonkers. Even fairly common Op deco drops tend to have bonkers pricing, if you just wait you'll find someone who posts it reasonably.
  4. as cute as the rage in that post was. there's not really a thing called Advertising fraud, whether you put it in all caps or red type font. a RNG loot crate is also not a guarantee of any item, i'm sure if you read your eula/TOS it probably somewhere in the fine print clearly adds language that typifies that the company is not liable for things like this. also. if all you're seeing is items front loaded into the deco menu, and then upset they didn't make it into the next cartel pack? that's not really fraud either. best bet. wait til they actually release the next cartel pack, and wait for a reputable site to do a listing of confirmed drops. before you decide to buy any RNG crates. Or in general think before you buy RNG crates.
  5. you probably want to open a support ticket. you're either not explaining the situation correctly, Or are experiencing some sort of bug or glitched character. (i mean, barring the obvious, that what you've done hasn't been enough to get you to lvl 66, but if you're stuck at 1 under 66. that would seem like the game hasn't registered that you have access to KotET. There was a promotion where a add a friend link granted access to chapt 1 of KoTET. this might possibly be what you are experiencing) If you currently have an active subscription, there is nothing that should be preventing you from leveling all the way up to 70. If you last subbed during KotFE. the highest you can go is 1 pt before flipping over to 66 If you subbed after KotET was released but then stopped subscribing. you should still be able to lvl to 70 but will just be denied access to galactic command, and ops or whatever other content non-subs are restricted to.
  6. I enjoy decorating. I do. I've sunk, 10s of millions into my strongholds (and only close to having 1 the way i like it) I have the contraband slot machine, and when i'm bored, or chatting, i'll dump a few tokens into it. As it's the only way I can get cartel certificates. but, I'd gladly pay a reasonable amt of CC for a cartel cert. similar to the one off decos. 50-90 CC so... i could buy a few more personel Or people that want the items from the old rep vendors. It sucks that these items are no longer ingame, or difficult to acquire
  7. had avoided strongholds for awhile, knowing full well once i started, i'd fall down a massive rabbit hole. I live in nyc, my main toon's Coroscant apt. Basically going for a sleek modern apt feel. Trying to collect a lot of the art objects, and keep it really clean. Or at the very least, not just drop a lot of rando stuff in the space. as far as things i wish they had, I'd really like more "ambiance" items that're a bit more niche. Like i'm decorating my "garage" area. I'd love it if there were like... "grease stain" or some small floor items, that would look like knick nacks or things to make the floor look more like the vibe of what i'm trying to do. maybe "floorings" options that depicted work mats, or some sort of industrial flooring. or something that wasn't just a rug. I also really wish, not every really cool large object was a center piece. Or that, maybe, very large interior rooms, you could sacrifice extra large slots. to have a singular "center piece" tile.
  8. i don't understand the question. you're lacking any declaration on how much you think is appropriate to spend? buying Exp boosts. helps lvl faster. Buying the legacy/exp perks helps lvl faster. so would buying space mission or pvp boost perks and consumables. could also go to a chinese gold farmer, buy credits, outfit your toon in adaptive gear and mods. that would help lvl faster. buying the speeder bike perk. expanded inventory. would save time... leaving more time for leveling. lvls 1-25 are a cake walk. to me the grind doesn't really start til 40 or so, by then i'm so sick of doing quest after quest in the tired theme park vibe. I normally switch to an alt. and redo the lvl 1-20ish stuff all over again. question simply becomes how much you'd like to spend on cartel coins, or how many you have banked up. you also acquire a few of the minor 1hr exp boosts through questing. I personally find, doing a few flashpoints, and then zeroing on the class and planet quest chain, with exp boost and some rested exp. makes the lvls fly by
  9. i play a lot of tanks... foolishly. even level as tank. i normally pick up a crafting profession. synthweave/armortech etc. and focus on gear for tanking as I level. i'll normally ding a purple/artifact item here and there in my gear/crew skill grind. and if i have spare mats. plop one on the GTN. it'll sell easy enough for decent credits. 10k-30k for mid range lvls. as mentioned, underworld metals sell well. not always for large amounts, but so many different crew skills/items need them. they tend to turn over well. purple qual mats. especially. as you lvl. don't neglect banging out space missions every now and again for a few extra 1000 credits. the dailys also provide a nice gap cover for exp as well. ...ship rested exp etc.
  10. at lvl 25. running space missions nets close to 7k credits. the two highest ones avail each pay out 645 credits just running them. if all else fails. that's an easy/sure fire way to bank credits for speeder training/purchase. that being said... simply questing/adventuring you shouldn't have any problem aquiring more than the 40k-ish needed for speeder training. augment with the tiniest amount of selling on the GTN. shouldn't be an issue. to me... CC would be best spent on an exp boost type item. to grind a toon to higher lvl/level cap. where making credits is even easier. if you can't overcome the obstacle of 45k ...cartel coins really aren't gonna help
  11. standard issue QQ yes it'd be nice if all tanks were expert at watching the fight, and picking up a stray add, or mob that slipped by his agro. it would also be nice if DPS weren't going apesh*t with aoe/targeting random mobs instead of focus burning the tanks target... or lowest health etc. it'd be nice that if a baddie was beating on a healer, a tank would toss a taunt or something to snap agro back to him. it's also be nice if a dps kept an eye on the healer. to peel, or at least damage trash or stray mobs that start attacking the healer, if the tank is otherwise occupied on a single target boss/mob. welcome to pugging. Guard has nothing to do with it. at the end of the day... would you rather have the small % of mitigation, for the off chance you're in range. or not? what's the better alternative. throwing guard on a DPS that spams attacks, outpacing the tank constantly... i've found letting that person die a couple times. tends to get them in line better than a defensive buff.
  12. these things are always kinda fun. would have been more impressive if you attacked a harder target. but none the less. it's always fun to roll through an enemy spot. and just wipe the floor with people. in my many years of WoW... some of my fondest memories were the open world fights between the factions at early vanilla between tarren mill/SS ...and once got in a battle for an obscure/useless tower the horde took outside of stormwind. instanced PvP is always boring. it becomes a gimmick of known tactics. and then just another gear grind. the spontaneity, and randomness of open world PvP has always been where pvp shines. exploiting terrain/using numbers and element of surprise. the back and forth of a nice long fight. in my opinion this is a key feature that really ought to be nutured in mmos. Swtor...is sorely lacking. so while owning a lvl 30 world. isn't that big of a deal. kudos on at least trying smething
  13. slicing has been nerfed/unprofitable for lockbox missions for some time now...no? not since like 1.0 or whatever the first patch was... was there any real profit in lockboxes. farm world drops. for free cases/money.
  14. power crystals... and artifact fragments. also... rare cloth/metals from underworld trading for blues/purples
  15. wow doesn't have a billion subs. an extended trial means nothing. it's simply a mechanism for friends to recruit other people...getting them hooked. i don't think swtor will be doing that anytime soon. but even if they do. no big deal.
  16. would also throw out that you can make decent profits on space craft upgrades. especially the lvl 2 versions. (most of my mules/alts i'll log in to lvl crafting while running space missions... set of lvl 2s holds you over til mid 30ish lvl range.... that's why i think grade 2 sell so well) Also... don't over look. artifact lvl armors/mods of the lower lvls. credits become easier once you're 50+ i've noticed all my purple mods tend to sell...fast. especially right around lvl 20ish. then again...as people push into the lvl high 30ish/low 40s lvl range. Gernades had a spike in popularity for PvP use. and generally sell to people that like them. but wouldn't say they're a money maker until higher lvl
  17. i doubt this information exists. and even if it did... it'd be mainly useless. but ask yourself this.... who would be taking the time to catalog this data, then compiling it then posting it. when the reality of slicing is pretty much well established. it's not rocket science. one step below max rank slicing missions... moderate yield. at 400 skill are like 900 credits. there's also sometimes one for 1k or so. those tend to return the best results. ...if you like gambling go with the cheapest... max lvl slicing mission. the 1400 ones. in my experience... the 2k-ish missions never pay out. and at best, regardless of mission... you net a couple hundred credits here and there. it isn't what it was. and never will be again. it's probably better doing just about anything else to make credits. inc ...playing the game
  18. also... there are enough suckers wasting creds leveling investigation or getting schems from general play. that the schematics can be had...with a little hunting on the AH
  19. waaaahhh i knew something didn't exist. and now QQ because i don't have something i knew didn't exist you rolled neutral. you just have to wait till the get around to making neutral gear. does it suck. sure. but no one forced you to pick the things you did. if being morally wishy washy was so important to you. deal with the consequences
  20. not to knock the things we have. but i tend to like more over less. but not... just another CTF or ...node hold game. how come even after 10+ years of MMOs we still just have CTF, zone troll, or kill cap type maps. Why not something quick and dirty. "Grand Melee" could do 3 flavors. half dozen(6), baker's dozen(13) and battle royal (25) simple... death match style pvp. small enclosed area. few LoS objects. last man standing wins. King of the Hill ...similiar idea. but idea isn't so much to kill as to aquire something at the top of something. have certain gates... or pit falls. ...i dunno some Hutt nutjub built a game room where the prize is at the top of a ziggurat or something. and you have to fight your way to the top. but there's traps, collapsing floors/trap doors. flames, catapults. etc etc. "Rancor Pit" ... drop 2 groups into a pit with an elite/world boss lvl Rancor. you figure it out. "dropship" ...a PvP capture the base type map. but with a space element. 1st round, you drop in in a drop pod or something... try'n dodge/avoid getting blasted. when/if you land you have to capture a base... number of people who land...affects re-spawn times or something. then the base defenders have to determine who stays on the trip-A guns and who defends against the ground assault. ...then the dynamic get's flipped and you get to defend the base. etc. Khe Sanh Hill ...everyone always QQs for balance. but. what if the entire idea behind a PvP map is imbalance. a small force in a fixed position. against dbl or tripple the force attacking them. fixed position has several gimmicks to even the odds. but. it's a hold out game. ...survive x number of minutes till the reinforcements arrive. One side gets to be either the sitting duck. or the massive attack force. i dunno. just some ideas that pop into my head. with the available options afforded a scifi fantasy world like Star Wars.... i really hope they could come up with some creative new content. guess time will tell
  21. the insanity of the OP post is shocking. bioware must do something to stock faction imbalance. no i'm not going to stop playing my empire. maybe someone else might switch.... ...the question becomes, what would it take to make you switch? cooler gear? valor bonus? some buff... or something to just make the lower pop faction OP ? the solution to the problem is staring everyone in the face. just re-roll republic. if you're not prepared to do that. anything short of bioware giving away free "republic only" accounts isn't really going to fix the issue. it has to derive from player decision to roll pub.
  22. i'd agree with the first advice. that you're better off with more RAM. also. if you're on an older computer. and or trying to peice meal a cheaper rig. don't overlook the benefit of SLI two 460s vs one 5xx card. as far as FPS. on 1080. it depends. i'm horrible at predicting benchmarks at different aspect ratios. but your CPU is also prob a bottle neck. and if you're gonna drop 200-300 on a GPU card. is it really that more of a stretch to sock away dbl that and just build a new rig from scratch on a barebones budget. tom's hardware always does a decent $500 rig. that you could copy verbatim... and have benchmark info straight from the horses mouth.
  23. running win 7 64bit with barely 32bit lvl of ram is kinda dumb. up it to 8GB just to take advantage of having 64bit. i honestly dunno much about AMD cpus. but... it's a gateway. prob with crap big box brands is upgrade potential is highly limited. the 50-100 you drop in ram. would be better spent trashing that system and building a real rig.
  24. i've not noticed jump lag. but have been with people... going after datacrons where. for whatever reason they were utter goonz trying to jump around. i think some people want to blame it on lag. or bad jump animations or whatever. but honestly. that argument evaporates. because some people have zero issues with this. so it's something on your end. low end machine, cruddy connection, or just poor skills with the jumping/timing issues. that being said. datacrons being hidden is sort of a joke. the info is widely available online. it's just a matter of going after them. I honestly wish they were more dynamic. in that they spawned in random locations, or shifting locations. or had respawn timers or something... the fact that they're static. is kind of underwhelming. the fact that you have to time a jump or two to get at them. is so minor an annoyance it's not worth mentioning
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