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Everything posted by Optimus_Ti

  1. I have been maining Vigililance Guardian for a while and decided to take a look at the changes in the PTS and I have to say that it feels extremely off to me. I tried out both of the builds offered and the core thing that feels bad is the lack of abilities. I realize that the team's idea is to make a lot of abilities choices. I respect this idea because it seemingly would make customization more interesting. However, one of the things I enjoy most about swtor is that it has more complex and, by extension, more engaging rotations due to the amount of abilities and the decision making involved. Furthermore, when it really comes down to it, this is not a more customizable way of playing your class at all. This is an mmo, so there will always be a "meta" route. And the vast majority of the playerbase will follow this meta route while those who don't are almost always punished for not following it since it is completely impossible to perfectly balance every single option. Its important to acknowledge that the playerbase will find the meta route and that there will be no decision making at all. That being the case, that makes this new system simply an ability prune as opposed to an important choice. Thats what feels the most off about Guardian currently. Simply the lack of abilities. It doesn't feel quite as fun without that decision making and fun in depth rotation. I find myself having to press my filler more often because there aren't enough other abilities there and it feels AWFUL to have to press the filler button. So much of the utility is gone now too and the little optimizations seperating a good guardian from an amazing guardian. In fact, at least the way the current two builds play, there will be no difference between a good and a great guardian and that feels awful. I like the idea of this new progression system but it is impossible to ignore the fact that this is an mmo and in reality there will not be much choice involved at all. I implore you guys to acknowledge this and find a solution that feels impactful but does not stray quite as hard from how Guardian feels currently, as I feel its current iteration on live servers is very well implemented.
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