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Everything posted by llayles

  1. I can't tell if you're trolling or not with one or two of those links.
  2. I have done this for ~45 minutes or so without realizing waiting for a Hammer Station or Athiss pop.
  3. Welp. Time to go Darth hunting.
  4. Wait I'm sorry he what? I haven't followed Marr's lore closely but if that summ***** has it I must honorably duel him to the death and claim it for my own. I got lucky. I got bits and pieces for under 8 mil total. : ' )
  5. Ahahah, oh wow. She's not even the best in her genre.
  6. You should have heard me laugh when I It would have given Vitiate goosebumps.
  7. I swear to Freedon Nadd if you say the smuggler...
  8. I want Natasha Little to death threat me to sleep at night. : ' ( life y u so cruel
  9. You have a very peculiar idea of a silver lining, wicked.
  10. Hey man, if all I got from 3.3 to 4.0 was a long list of bugfixes I'd be fine with that.
  11. Some people just can't be helped.
  12. -turbosigh- I even took the time of day to highlight dueling for you. du·el / ˈd(y)o͞oəl/ noun historical noun: duel; plural noun: duels 1. a contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor. As opposed to a melee or clash in which most combatants would be wearing gambesons or plates of jack at very best. But of course you're just going to flail about and hurl insults, so here. Credentials. He addresses your sword ~5 minutes in. If you won't take an educated professional's word for it, then you really are hopeless and should go back to playing around with glorified bar maces.
  13. -sigh- I.33 - ???? Wittenweiler - 1500 Tallhoffer - 1459 Dorbringer - 1389 Oakeshott's typology All armored combat treatises from varying fencing schools, none of which referencing absurdities as partially sharpened swords, or swords only sharpened at the tip. Some true and false edge, maybe a little ricasso here and there, but no bullshido. I wish I could give you some British or French texts, but unfortunately they were busy duking out over a parcel of land. However, British-museum.org ARMA's official website. Alexandria arms collection Alexandria arms again All clearly having very sharp (or remnants thereof) of perfectly sharp blade. I am well aware of Italian dueling swords and am also well aware they they were a fad. It appears to me you're basing your entire perception of swords in the medieval world solely on the musings of an Italian fencing teacher (creative anachronism indeed). Considering you couldn't even be bothered to get halbschwert right, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. You can totes halbschwert a razor sharp blade and it was frequently done. I don't know what I expected, arguing with a glorified LARPer.
  14. Literally none of what you just said addresses my point of medieval swords always being perfectly sharp, all the way up through the age of the knight and into the age of the cuirassier. Or maybe it did. It's entirely possible you muddled your point in your obsession with full plate and your personal offense (for little reason, I might add.) I don't care enough to dissect any more of your rambling.
  15. There's a reason they call us immortal.
  16. FA/UL was causing VG/PT to grossly out perform other tanks in some scenarios. And I don't get why everyone was so attached to the ability. It just looked dumb.
  17. Mind you, I'm not saying dedicated thrusting swords (namely the Tuck) didn't exist. Just that a cut and thrust would never not be sharpened. Are all SCA members so quick to anger?
  18. Hilda Ellis Davidson's The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England. Even in the late 700s they had smiths specially trained to put extremely sharp edges on swords.
  19. Please stop spreading misinformation, kthnx.
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