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Everything posted by MrJurgens

  1. I'm really sick of seeing <name> <Knight of the Republic> instead of <name,> <Knight of the Republic>. There was a Sentinel in my Warzone with that title, and ugh, I just wanted to remove it because of that comma that wasn't there. Can this grammatical error please be fixed?! Thank you.
  2. Trust me. With Bananamuffin, you'll always hear something new.
  3. Dude, good luck. I finally decided I wanted the Revan's set, and that, 2 Derelict-Purple Crystals (one PvP and one Pwr one), and a Ziost Guardian Lightsaber cost me almost 20mil. The reason why it's so expensive is because the supply is extremely low, but the demand will still be very high. It's also apart of an embargoed set, so we won't be seeing the first packs in a long, long time. If you don't want to spend millions and millions of credits on it, your best bet is to just wait. It's just what it is. It's one of the rarest sets in the game now. And yeah, there's not many players I know who have millions and millions of credits at their disposal. I got a friend who made 150 million credits doing lots of GTN PvP'ing. Sometimes I have him buy stuff for me, as long as I pay him back.
  4. Calling out a forum member like that is harassment and inappropriate. Although I doubt you wouldn't be slapped with any sanction since you're always defending this game.
  5. Agreed. They think they're so pragmatic and anything anyone else says that's negative about this game is "entitled" or a "hater".
  6. Even if the Galactic Senate could afford it, the assets would first go to PvE'ers.
  7. In a way, this definitely is a bait in switch. This patch is supposed to be PvP-heavy, but the announcement we get it seems the PvE info outweighs the PvP info like so many other patches.
  8. You got a reply from Alphahorizon, the forum member above this post! Well I'm referring to everyone. I'd like for everyone here to have all the pets they need. My other recommendation is to also go on the swtor reddit-trade forum. Expand your opportunity for a fast trade by using both resources.
  9. Agreed. I was never, ever for the Story aspect one bit. I know the "others" will say, "But this is a story-driven MMO, your arguments are invalid!". The point is an MMO should not and cannot revolve solely around single-player content. We need content and features that are group-based, that are massively multiplayer online-based. Since way too much was put into the single-player content and voice overs, that's why endgame is lacking severely and still is to this day. The lack and depth of endgame content is why so many players left the game back in early 2012. This game should have just been developed as a regular RPG. It's trying too hard to cater to every single play style, and that's leaving almost all its areas just lacking without any real depth to them. But really, BW needs to leave that story-driven pillar it has tried to create in an MMO. You cannot mix single-player content of that scale into an MMO. Well, BioWare, you did do it, but it wasn't really successful now was it?
  10. The show has been progressing. For a while it's going to end up deviating more towards the war effort and the Akatsuki, so that's a good thing. I'm a fan of Sasuke, but I'm glad the story is going somewhere else for a change. LOL
  11. It's not a bash against her. She's just always coming to the defense of EA/BW as always, trying to shutdown any arguments about the regular updates we'd get for the CE vendor.
  12. Even though there are sites to get you the overseas codes, just try trading with someone! I have traded for most of the pets that I've needed, and the players that I did it with were very trustworthy! At first I was a bit nervous, but after the codes worked I was very happy about the trade!
  13. It's been added to the "Soon™" folder BW has for all their upcoming projects.
  14. MrJurgens


    But Halo is a PvP game... Although I'll say, I do really enjoy the lore of the Halo franchise. It's fascinating!
  15. If MMOs weren't getting crappier, we wouldn't need this F2P model. It's just a model to switch to when the P2P model doesn't work because your MMO isn't worthy of a sub anymore.
  16. I've seen an Imp on Makeb going around in the Open World and doing his thing, invulnerable to any attacks. I just followed him for a bit but his name stayed blue. I've also heard of other players on Voss doing this. I thought PvP servers would negate the PvP flag toggle in the Open World. What's up with that?
  17. Wondering if anyone watches the anime or reads the manga. The most recent episode in the Japanese Subbed "Madara Uchiha" was beyond epic. Best episode we got in a long, long time. I also watch the English Dubbed. Very far behind, but up to episode 199 and the rest of the Kage were introduced.
  18. MrJurgens


    Halo 3 was the best! But OP, Halo 4 was complete garbage. 343i went the CoD route and now the game's multiplayer scene is a shadow of its former self. Don't get me wrong, I still love Halo, but Halo 4 was trash.
  19. This... But I'm not sure how the PvE carebears can see anything "Warsy" in their static, scripted content.
  20. Still waiting for a response. Everyone, please keep up the /support! Us PvP'ers shall not be ignored!
  21. I couldn't get a pic, but the items of the BM pieces are on Torhead. Champion is the set that actually looks like Darth Marr's gear (from what I've heard), but I can just dye the BM chest to look like the Champion pieces.
  22. Anyone else? I guess this will be the last time I'll move the thread to the top.
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