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Posts posted by MrJurgens

  1. Good afternoon,


    I'm creating this petition because many, if not, most PvP'ers don't enjoy doing these two things:

    • PvE.
    • Crafting.


    Firstly, with PvE, not only do you have a multitude of endgame dailies, but you can create several other characters to level and have crafting work with it. Right off the bat, PvE gives you a huge advantage over PvP both through credit gains and experience gains. That's a huge problem for many of us—especially for those that are strictly PvP'ers, like me!


    1. Leveling


    To my knowledge, leveling via Warzones was actually pretty viable somewhere during beta through until the game's first patch. I hear that leveling was nerfed around the same time during release to stop the AFK'ers from exploiting the WZ experience gain, since at the time there was no auto-boot to remove those not doing anything in the Warzone.


    The Warzone Legacy XP Buffs do help, but they seem only marginal. After you've finished your ONLY PvP daily and weekly, the experience you gain varies highly because there are several factors that go into calculating how much XP you'd gain after a WZ match:

    • Winning or losing team.
    • How long the WZ lasts.
    • How many medals you get.
    • How long you have to sit in a queue before it pops.


    The last one is a real biggie for me because I play during the graveyard hours to avoid the lag I get from a certain someone leeching almost all my bandwidth during the day. During the graveyard hours, there aren't many people online like during the day so it hurts me trying to get to endgame with my toon as fast as possible.


    Re-rolling isn't an option for me, and that's because I don't want to level the same characters again (I'm NOT an altoholic), and I'd never pay to transfer out of a server. Futhermore, servers in other regions would make my latency spike in PvP. It would hurt me even more, so I'd rather stay on the server in my region/timezone.


    Also, know that sometimes you may enter a Warzone that someone rage quits, and you'll automatically be introduced to the scoreboard (or to the point where it's getting there). I seriously hate that, and you get no rewards so that time that's used up there is wasted.


    I know that mostly every game gives you faster experience via questing rather than PvP, but I think the PvP leveling here still needs a buff. It doesn't have to be exponential, but just a bit more noticeable to where it's not too inferior to questing.


    2. Credits


    This is THE biggest issue out of the rewards gained from PvP. Both PvE and crafting costs credits to maintain. PvE creates repair bills, and the costs would be considered highly expensive to those who strictly PvP—and it doesn't help if you're helping your friends in FPs/Ops and you wipe more than once. With crafting, gathering materials through companion missions also costs us money. The cost outweighs the profit if you don't know how to work the market (I don't even touch the market because I've lost profit in the past), if you're strictly PvPing and you're getting slow queues (like I am), and getting into losing games, etc.


    Additionally, there's much more content in this game with PvE rather than PvP, so that means more rewards, bonus missions, etc. for the PvE'er—and this really hurts a strict PvP'er. You need to give special rewards for PvP'ers to give us something to work with. I like styling my characters with gear, and like trying out new outfits and seeing what I can do to make them look better, too. A PvE'er can do all this, but with such less of a hassle unlike a PvP'er and it's ridiculous!



    • This thread here was ignored, and untouched, sadly. Really sad because here are some great things to greatly help our internet wallets, and more side-quests in the form of PvP content.


    You get the idea.


    Again, give us something to work with. Not only will it generate us more credits, but it'll make PvPing slightly more entertaining, and some of these new PvP missions may lead to players to focus on certain objectives more often. This will be questing, but in the form of PvP! Something that I desperately need so I'm not enticed to run boring PvE.


    3. Sign the Petition!


    I have created a petition hosted by iPetitions! To sign it, please click here! You can leave a brief comment if you'd like, and when you're entering your name please use your forum Display Name! If BW ever happens to check this thread out, I'd like them to find this petition and see an organized and clean list of signatures. :)


    4. Profile


    This one I'm randomly putting out there, but I feel like it's still necessary. In short, I'm a PvP'er because I find PvP fun! I don't find it such a timesink like PvE. It's not boring, it's not static, and it's not easy. PvE, to me, is very, very boring, static, and plain uninteresting. I used to PvE believe it or not (a lot...), but as time went on I knew PvP was THE only play style for me.


    To see BioWare hurting PvP'ers more and more, it's very discouraging and has lead me to not continue my 6-month sub until these, and the many more definitive issues surrounding PvP, are addressed.


    From a very concerned and discouraged SWTOR PvP'er,


  2. ty for the answers, guys, well, as I said, I`m not new to MMOs and I know how Brazilian online community are, I mean, is there are Brazilian guild wich is worthy to be? hehe... Jurgens reply is just what worries me


    How is the PvE progression on Pot5 at all?

    To be honest—and I'm going to be blunt here—BRAZIL FORCE plainly sucks. I'm sorry, but they truly don't know the basic concepts of PvP and they're known for housing the worst players on the server. This is mostly from a PvP perspective, though.


    I have noticed, however, that they must be running more PvE than PvP now. I don't see them much in PvP anymore. Part of their guild recently split. It's still there, but the guildmaster made some stupid required rule to have your armor the colors of the Brazilian flag, so some of their ex-members made another Brazilian guild called <Nova Republica>. I have to say I see NR in PvP more than BF, but only marginally.


    Both do PvE way more now, from what I can see. Roll either BRAZIL FORCE or Nova Republica, it's your choice. I'd go with the latter.


    Good luck, and have fun!


    P.S. PvE progression is just as good as any other PvE server, but I believe BRAZIL FORCE has yet to clear the Flaspoint 'The Esseles'. :p But speaking seriously now, I'm not sure what kind of progression BF and NR have PvE-wise. They might be on the same boat.

  3. Yeah..... I sincerely doubt you've put forth any research whatsoever to allow you to quantify "PvPers for the most part". The entire purpose of PvP gear progression is for the hook - for a further incentive to continue playing. It is what keeps MMOs thriving.


    By your same logic, they could eliminate further tiers of PvE gear and simply change the boss mechanics of nightmare modes. Then it would be 100% skill based across all fronts with no gear crutch. Nobody would have to gear up or gear grind - if you and your team is good enough, you just go in and have at it.


    You get one set of gear at 55, and everything after that is just based on skill, for both PvE and PvP. If you aren't fond of the idea of the same princples being applied to PvE that are (more or less) being forced onto PvP, then you are nothing short of hypocritical. If you do agree, then I applaud you and would welcome such changes as well, however, as stated earlier, there still needs to be the allure of a proper hook for an MMO to function.

    Don't worry about Hizoka. S/he is very misinformed when it comes to PvP, and usually bashes it. Must be a carebear. :rolleyes:


    Regardless, I thank you for this response. I recently stopped PvPing after 2.0 hit. It's been nothing but a clusterf**k. It's nothing but to waste your time on, and I even heard they're releasing a new tier if PvP gear in 2.4. I wonder if Partisan will be the new Recruit. I hope so, but I hate PvPing in my now PvE EWH gear and BH drops with my other toons.


    PvP just tanked overall for me, and if it doesn't improve I don't think I'll ever be coming back to this game. :(

  4. These threads always make me laugh because I'm a clicker/keybind hybrid.


    I'm a woman and therefore have small hands and then add on the fact my thumb is proportionally too small for the rest of my hand and it becomes impossible to use a mouse with 3+ buttons on the side effectively. I just cannot reach them all without having to awkwardly move my entire hand over the mouse. So I click for the most part.


    I've tried to compensate using a mouse by turning the sensitivity all the way up (6400 dpi) which means I barely have to move the mouse, physically, to go from ability to ability. I have never died because I couldn't use an ability fast enough.


    It's become a weird mix of tab targeting, click targeting, keyboard moving, mouse turning, hot keys and clicking all at the same time.

    It's not so much the OP this time, but the responses it'll generate of those who generally look down upon clickers, keyboard turners, etc.


    In my opinion, they're just ignorant and for some reason cannot stand the fact that some people prefer a play style they think is "nooby". I'm comfortable as a hybrid clicker, and it hasn't really caused me any harm in PvP. I make sure to have certain abilities, movements, targeting, etc. keybinded to be the best I can be competitively.

  5. To answer: Keyboard turning is using a combination of forward movement (default W) side movement (defaults A and D) and the strafe OPPOSITE your desired direction (default Q and E). Turning quickly requires forward, side, opposite strafe, and jump.

    Then I do that, but I turn very fast and make sure that I'm not out-turned to the best of my ability. It was a bit hard at first, but I got it to work to my advantage. :)


    I never listened to the elitists, whose only response to a player-made video was "nice clicking LOLZNOOBSUK". I chose keybinding at this point because I was bested, and I hate that.

    I was never called a keyboard turner or clicker, and I'm guessing that's because I'm too good at it for people to call me that.


    One day I may revert to almost all keybinds at least, but I don't think that day will come for a long, long time. I'm happy to see your transition went smoothly, though. My first time, it sucked. Couldn't get over 100k anything in Warzones, and the combat was just horrible for me—having to actually look down to perform my next ability. :(

  6. To be honest, I don't know how I can play with most of my abilities keybinded.


    In all, I'm a hybrid, but I have most abilities set-to-click. The rest are keybinded. I just find a huge problem with keybinding. When I keybind, it feels like I'm playing with my feet and it's uncomfortable. At the end of a PvP match, I see myself do a lot worse. I have my UI setup to where I can click very, very easily while being able to watch the action on the screen.


    As for keyboard turning, I'm not sure how that works. How do you turn a keyboard to help you win? What does this "keyboard turning" entail anyways? I just have to say I am pretty much a master clicker, and I might stay that way because keybinding has become such a complicated thing for me.


    A few abilities I can tell you I always keybind are interrupts, CC breaker, ball passing, adrenals, medpacks, stims, buffs, health restore, certain abilities that are instant when finishing someone off, instant when healing to keep someone up, and almost all my other defense cooldowns. Other than that, I'm majorly a clicker and I feel comfortable with that.


    I don't get why there are elitists out there who have to make such a big deal out of it. I perform my best out of mostly clicking. They're just going to have to deal with it because keybinding may not be for everyone. :cool:

  7. Nope. Those patch notes were made by someone here on the forums i believe. Real heart breaker. Torment of pvpers on a whole other level :c

    OMG that's BS. Well I'm going to be, and I'm going to keep posting my gripes until we get an official word from BW.


    I, a hardcore PvP'er, would like to dress up, just like a PvE'er/crafter. I, a hardcore PvP'er, would like to augment my gear, just like a PvE'er/crafter. I, a hardcore PvP'er, would like to be able to afford the expensive stuff on the GTN, just like a PvEr'er/crafter. I, a hardcore PvP'er, would like to level at a great pace, just like a PvE'er.


    It sucks that BW has WZ experience and credits nerfed and it's giving us dedicated PvP'ers so many issues.

  8. If SWTOR wouldn't have had PvP I myself would have quit some time ago. Instead I can fill a 16man raid with all my characters so that being sad... PvP can't be "that" bad in this game. However there are things which don't make sense and some people seem to not be able to understand the issue.


    World PvP


    • Is dead... god forbid but this game will never handle it any better than it did during Illum.
    • 2 factions... imbalance incoming, no easy way to "balance" (3rd faction/ bolster?!)


    Warzone PvP


    • I enjoy them on all chars, some classes will always be "better" for some time, but Bioware did a fairly good job.
    • Bolster is bugged and needs to be fixed.... best PvP gear = best gear for PvP or remove gear from pvp altogether and give fixed stats depending on your role (tank/ dd/ healer).
    • More variety (more maps, more styles) and a choice which one you want to run.
    • Arena PvP aka smaller warzone groups, something I would like to see
    • Make your PvP rank mean something... more than just "you can equip this crafted pvp armor". If you could unlock different playstyles, there would be an initiative to level it specifically.



    Ranked Warzones


    • Cross-server queues
    • Bolster does not apply
    • stuck does not kill you (should be the same for regular warzones
    • Respec disabled (in case you have open skillpoints, not possible to use them)
    • (optional) fixed min/max amount of classes and tank/ dd/ heal is only available if you skilled a certain amount of points into these trees




    • Serverwide/ gamewide stat rankings (same could be applied to PvE).
    • Serverwide/ gamewide position rankings for ranked warzones. (same could be applied to PvE)


    Aside of that, I would like to see similar things just against PvE scripts.... no trash mobs, a single encounter (which can be several waves of several enemies however no "reggen" time in between), 1 vs. , 2 v.s, 4 vs., 8 vs., 16 vs. . Coupled with rankings and titles rather than "another" gear grind. This is clearly targeted to player which have close to the best equipment but gives initiative to other player to get equipment rather than participate in yet another re-worked and buffed up operation over and over again.

    You sir, have won the internet for today. I applaud you in making such a fantastic post. I've actually been meaning to make a petition sort-of thread for BW to bring back vanilla Ilum. In my opinion, it was way better than the so-called Ilum revamp and it's just the best WPvP SWTOR will get at the moment.


    I'm really hoping others would be open to the idea as well. :)

  9. How did you manage to be here on the forums since ´09 and have a registration number or 8427893. Seems very wierd to me.


    Anyway, you have to wait until the "veteran PvP" community writes something, they clearly listens to them as the DEVs stated in a post a few days ago.


    And...if you write exactly what change you want it will be easier to give feedback :tran_cool:

    I have my reasons for that # registration. :p


    I've been PvPing in this game since December 13th, 2011. I think the only change PvP needs at this moment is that the devs acknowledge what needs to be added and fixed in SWTOR, and that very soon there will be some major changes coming to PvP.


    I'm sick of seeing all the patches come with mostly Cartel-related information. I'm never going to buy the BS that's sold in the market, but only if I get CC gifts from others, as I have last Christmas and my previous birthday.

  10. oh oh i know!!!!!


    they are lazy they are almost always bad players, and they blame their badness on everything but their own ability to play. It is always the gears fault the classes fault or something never the fact they are bad.

    And the PvE'ers don't? :rolleyes:


    By the way, theoretically, a PvP would be better than a PvE player since PvP armor offers a PvP-only stat, and because a PvE player only participates in scripted fights.


    But please, continue and I'll enlighten you more. ;)

  11. To the OP:


    What is your problem? You talk about problems with PvP but fail to cite any examples nor give any suggestions on how you would fix it.


    Since it's player versus player, what more do you need? It's not like there aren't other people on you can fight. It isn't like you don't know where to find other players since Makeb should be pretty full...


    I'm not suggesting that there aren't problems with PvP, but you can't whine about PvP being treated badly without giving some examples and possible solutions, otherwise no one will take you seriously and write the entire post off as mindless QQ.


    Edit: Ah, I see. You feel anything that makes PvP competitive is bad. Bolster is your problem because it lets "carebears" beat you.


    Carebears don't PvP. Carebears only PvE and complain about PvPer's whining and tying up resources that could be better used to make new raids.

    I did cite examples. Probably not as many as you'd like, but it's there.


    Bolster has just been one giant clusterf**k, and as it continues to exist I doubt BW will be able to make it as good as it was pre-2.0.


    Additionally, no new major content planned for PvP. I hear another tier of gear is coming up, and I just find that completely ridiculous and almost unnecessary. To me it sounds like BW is trying to keep the PvP player-base occupied so they have more time to come up with something, and really, it's just way too late for most of us since BW has ignored the PvP community long enough now.


    On my final note, yay for the upcoming anniversary of Pre-Season of Ranked Warzones! :rolleyes:

  12. First of all, your TL;DR part is almost the same length as the main part :S

    No, not really. :p


    Second, I'd rather they focus on what makes this game unique and different than other MMOs, which is story based PvE content. PvP always comes in the way of great PvE content, like skills being changed to fit PvP but then it hurts the effectiveness of some class in PvE. For instance all the complaining that the Project ability was not the same as the shock skill for inquisitors, and they changed it and now it looks boring.

    The thing is, that isn't my play style, and it's not the only one for MMOs. The gamers who prefer PvE think PvP should just be abolished in MMOs, some of the reasons being what you said. I think that the MMO community wouldn't thrive as much and would lose A LOT of players if PvP was ignored completely in almost every single MMO released.


    That "story-driven" experience you're looking for may not continue as the quality is had at 1–50. It'll probably be released in similar versions of Makeb. BW has stated previously on the issues that prevented them from continuing class story, but I'm fine with that because all I like to focus on is PvP.


    As for the Project ability, I would have to say that could affect PvE as well. I'm not sure if the issue was mainly because it was slower than the Inquisitor's Shock (and for me it sure did feel like it), but I'm glad they fixed it to make it look as fast and feel just as powerful as Shock. The balance there was needed.


    If there was no PvP, there would be so much less QQing about balance this class or nerf that class, so much pointless work that goes into trying to balance classes is like 80% because of PvP issues.

    Problem is PvP is a fundamental play style of MMOs. Some like it, and some don't. I happen to love it, and I just completely try to do as much less PvE as possible because I find it static, uninteresting, and just very boring that brings no challenge.


    The problem with me trying to avoid PvE is that that (and crafting) is what keeps you afloat. Strictly PvPing makes you so poor, and doesn't really help if you want to use some kind of adaptive gear and add augments in it. I don't craft because I usually find myself making a little profit that takes a while grow over the time I train in it, and it sometimes backfires because it can cost more before you can try to make a profit from it.


    The only case where PvP has been close to being balanced was when they added lots of PvE elements to it, as the old Alterac Valley in WoW had a feel of a real battle, where you had to push the frontlines, and this was done mostly by working together to summon stronger PvE mobs. It was insane how long a battle could last, I remember on my server there was a fight that laster over 3 days. It was the only time I had fun with PvP as it felt like a battle and not like some idiotic arena.

    Well whether BW shows love to the Arenas or Open World, it doesn't matter to me. PvP content is PvP content to me, and I'd appreciate it if BW started caring more about this play style they keep forcing to take a hike for PvE—and most unfortunately—the Cartel Market.


    I don't care if I have PvE mobs or not. I'm guessing that's a +1 for you because it adds PvE elements to the PvP play style. Since you like PvE, I can see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't mind the PvE mobs myself. I think it would add to the PvP dynamics, and I love that because PvP is so dynamic.


    But PvP can never be truly balanced in games like this, it is not possible, and it has never been done, and I believe it can never be done. You would have to remove the unfair advantages of better gear and put everyone on equal grounds at all times, where the only factor is skill and not stats. The worst idea in PvP is specific stats that make you stronger against other players, it has just made things even more unbalanced.


    Now let the flaming begin :eek:

    I'm not sure if you thought part of my thread was me complaining about class balance, but it's not. I know how to play my classes and I love the challenge going against other FOTM spec classes. :)

  13. I wonder if what happened was, someone though the recurring Gree event with its 'PvP elements' was enough on the schedule for PvP updates this year to keep players happy.

    That Gree event was nothing more than a PvE-centric area with an Open World skin slapped on it. It was a major letdown. I've only been there very few times, and only went there like 2 times the 2nd time the event was out. I'd prefer BW bring back vanilla Ilum. Least there was no PvE there whatsoever. Though vanilla Ilum had its cons (lots of them), I'd even pay with Cartel Coins to bring it back.


    And Ghost-Spectre, no offense but PvE'ers like yourself say things like that to describe most of the PvP community. PvE'ers can be the exact same way, and they can be just as vocal as the PvP'ers.


    My problem isn't class balance and what's OP. I didn't even mention anything about class balance in my thread. I just mentioned how it seems like BW doesn't care about PvP. PvP has been taking a ride in the backseat for way too long now. The game's main focus is now the Cartel Market, and just slightly behind is PvE.


    Ranked WZs are about to enter its 1st year anniversary. That Gree event was nothing but a Section X 2.0. And the last Warzone, Ancient Hypergate, got old the first week it was out (and I say that because I really hate that WZ). BW needs to try harder with its PvP'ers because PvE isn't the only playstyle in MMOs.

  14. I will predict most of the answers:


    • Soon
    • We are working on it
    • We can discuss this at this time
    • It's on our "wall of crazy"
    • We're looking into it
    • ..not at this moment, no

    Don't forget:

    • Very soon™!
    • It's on the way!
    • We have no plans at the moment for it.
    • It's taking longer than expected!
    • No plans for it in the near-future.



  15. Seriously? What's the problem?


    I love PvP, but ever since 2.0 hit I've stopped PvPing as much as I did before. I PvP'd so much. I have one character that's Valor 100, with another soon to be one. I would PvP so much I would only do the BH, Ilum and Section X dailies when I was really poor, so that I could augment and min/max my gear into adaptive gear.


    Even after you fixed the naked, augment, enhancement and PvE armor exploits—which the latter is still around somewhat, from what I've heard—PvP is still overall broken with bolster. I have a lot more fun PvPing on the forums because there's no bolster here for the carebears. :p


    I've just had enough about how the way PvP has been treated lately. I did see a dev post about how they said they loved PvP, but how many people do you have that love PvP? Seems to me more of you love the Cartel Market. :rolleyes:


    I've been here on the forums since '09. Collector's Edition owner, and been here since beta. I ended my subscription sometime last month, but you got a couple of months to do something pretty major with PvP to keep me in and feed you 12.99/mo. As of this moment, the next best thing I've been doing is leveling more characters. I have 17 total in my legacy; 5 that are already lv. 55 with one more well on the way. I'm breezing through this leveling stacking the legacy buffs and Major XP boosts, so you guys better do something quick or I'm out of here.


    TL;DR – Basically I'm a disgruntled SWTOR PvP'er. You haven't addressed much of the definitive issues about PvP, and when you do it's just a meaningless wall of text that has been said before. PvP has been a trainwreck since 2.0. PvP still needs a major buff in handing out XP (because I refuse to do planet quests), and it should really give out a lot more credits than what its worth. And most importantly, PvP has been in maintenance mode for a long while now. I will stay unsubbed until you guys start showing more appreciate to the other playstyles, because I'm pretty sure PvE ain't the only one. An MMO is like a buffet, and I'd like to eat what I like—not what I don't.


    >Inb4 can I have your stuff? No, you may not. I'd rather die with the little money I have left.

    >Inb4 "QQ/complainer/whiner/hater". I pay my 12.99/mo to post on these forums, so I have every right to post how I feel about the game.

    >Inb4 50,000 players coming in and out per server. :cool: (Sorry Pistols, I just HAD to :p)


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