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Posts posted by MrJurgens

  1. I would also like BW to have some sort of name purge system in place. Sick of all these names that were taken, when they aren't being used most likely.


    For those of you who'd say "maybe they're on deployment" or something along the lines, there's no way almost every name taken that hasn't been seen is owned by someone in the military. :rolleyes:

  2. Personally, it's most of my healers that are females. I think I only have 1 female that isn't a healer, and a male that is a Bodyguard Merc. :p


    I don't know, but I felt like most of my healers should be females. The rest are all males. :)

  3. Its coming up on that time again


    This months Meet n Greet will be Friday June 28 at 9:00 pm Server time

    <Hutts Don't Have Feet> PvP guild will definitely be there. We're kind of in need of a few more peeps before our TS3 server is launched, and I finally get to talk to some of the newbies I've invited.


    Most who have already joined seem level-headed and pretty experienced. Here's for the best to the guild's future!



  4. My Sith and his apprentice have no dye modules on any piece of gear. ;)


    Most of it is from the Sith Warrior Legacy Vendor on Dromund Kaas, in Kaas City. Near the entrance of the east part of the city with all the trainers, vendors, and GTN/Cargo. Some of the armor comes in black. My marauder has looked this way since they brought in the Legacy Vendors, can't rightly remember how long that's been, now.


    I've tried other outfits on him, and had to rip out mods from outfit to outfit, before finally just returning to the first look, then putting his new look on his apprentice, lol.


    I'm crazy when it comes to outfts. freakin' nuts! A real loon!


    My only weakness in an MMO. :p


    And, don't get me started on the outfit saga of my Jedi....its a long, sad tale, filled with loneliness and regret..... :rolleyes:

    I never really payed much attention to my companions, but I'm crazy when it comes to my toons. Guess it's because I PvP, so I don't use them much, but I recently got a Cathar Warstaff for my Shadow! He's also with that Sand People Bloodguard gear! Wonder what dye I should use to make him look like a BAMF!


    There's like 2 more pieces of gear in the CM I want, before I start looking for gear in the CM packs, or any other gear that's just as good (maybe some of the Legacy gear).


    Only time will tell when I level my new alts! I really want that Bastila Armor for my Sage I plan to level in the future.

  5. Good evening,


    Last night, my buddy happen to tell me that after 2.0, he noticed experience gains were a lot slower than before. And when DXP weekends hit, he saw that the amount of XP he was gaining was about as much as he was getting before 2.0. Someone else in one of my previous threads happened to say this was also true, but without any boosts or the WZ legacy unlock.


    Can a community manager comment on this? I don't like the fact that WZ experience gains have to be the slowest way to level in the game. There are people that PvP too, ya know.

  6. OP,


    This is how we're perceived in pretty much all other MMOs and FPSs. The same can also be said about the PvE communities in MMOs; albeit I don't run into much elitist ******s in PvE than I do in PvP, but that's probably because I don't do PvE all that much.


    I try my best to not be like some elitist ******, but if I see something stupid going on in a WZ, I will call you out on it.



  7. LOL! Yeah, cuz killing an NPC who doesn't move and is 100% scripted is difficult for you...right? Geezus, you act like killing a boss is like splitting atoms...it's really not.


    And this is not a "PvE" game with some PvP...it's both. I don't care if you agree, but it was most certainly sold as such and, had the engine not been so horrible, it would have probably been a helluva PvP game. PvE seems like the focus because it's by far the most difficult playstyle to program for because of how freaking much they need to do for it. You PvE folk can blow through 12 months of developer work in a few hours.

    /Agree on all counts.


    Btw, your first paragraph gave me a huge grin on my face while I was reading it.



  8. Can you guys stop changing what time zones you are using for maintenance and events. You seem to switch between CDT, GMT, and UTC regularly. I can understand what time zones they are with a quick google but having a frequent timezone format would be great.

    This. It's very annoying having to see GMT and UTC and not know what it is in the U.S. :p


    Other than that, only 11 more hours till the DXP weekend begins! I'm really excited, and I just want it to be here... NAO.



  9. 2 million?! I better get out my wallet and spend some more money on CC for credits! :p


    What outfit is that on your Sith? Looks like a freakin' BAMF to me! It also looks like you might be using the Black/Black dye module...



  10. Not trying to hijack the thread, but maybe you guys should keep in mind what they have already said about potential upcoming species.


    What we know so far is that

    a. They don't want a non-basic speaking species, because they think it would get really annoying really fast having to listen to something like Wookieespeak (and oh God, I hate those damn Wookies...)


    b. It's easier for them to create a species that can wear existing armor without major issues. They have never stated they would NEVER add anything like Ewoks, Jawas and Ugnaughts but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be as interested in them as humanoid species.



    So, while I get that people would like to play a Jawa or a Wookie, if you really want to see a species being added in less than a year, I'd limit the suggestions to races that already exist in the game (like the Cathar did, albeit slightly different) and that cover the basic requirements that would make it easier for the devs to put them in the game.


    Voss is a no-brainer. They are practically human with a different skin. Don't really like them, but whatever.

    Togruta, Kaleesh and Kel Dorians are cool, but the clipping issues with Twi'leks and Miraluka is something you must be ready to accept that will happen here too should either of them be added.

    The Nightsisters that someone mentioned in another thread are also cool, although to be honest I doubt they'd add a species for only female characters (unless I'm mistaken and there are male witches too) and they do look a lot like Rattataki.


    Just my two cents.

    I'd love to play as a Voss. Perfect as it's just a human with a different skin, and no issues with the clipping and what-not.


    Oh, and the Nightsisters counterpart are Nightbrothers. Nightbrothers are Zabrak (like Darth Maul and Savage Opress), and Nightsisters are Dathomirian. The Dathormirian Nightsisters are hybrids of male Zabraks from Rattatak and Dathomir's female Humans from the Nightsisters. The female witches sure do look like the Rattataki, but have Zabrak-like features too.

  11. Is it me or did this thread just lose several posts?




    I really don't think the recent posts here should've been warranted of a removal. Not sure why they would be.

  12. I don't think they'll put any of the shorter species in as playable ones. They have preset templates for the cutscenes for average human size/shape. Also, neither speak basic :)


    Edit: Which is a shame, would love to play Jawa

    SirCopperfield, who was hater of Gnomes in WoW, would probably be hater of Jawas in this case.



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