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Posts posted by Bachannal

  1. Me: Hk why are you less efficient?


    Hk 51: Master i have lost some of my unique skills making me less effiecent


    Me: how did this happen?


    Hk 51: the electronic arts empire has nerfed my unique abilities. I am not a medical droid master


    Me: This is unaceptable i payed good credits for your "unique" skills


    Hk 51: Request deactivation master i am no longer unique master


    Why take away the uniqueness i payed for with Hk 51 that makes me hesitant to buy other stuff on the store if you can just go and nerf a store bought item like this.


    The comps in general are quite pointless now there all the same cookie cutter mold now. This is not how HK is meant to be Hk is an iconic kotor personality with unique skills.


    If you want people to invest in companions they all every single one needs to have at least 1 preferably 2 unique skills.



    I can't lie...I am sad about how "normal" HK is now. He even feels a bit less powerful than he did before. Thank god for Nico Okarr - he's at least pretty hilarious to use. Still...he's no HK.

  2. I bought almost a half dozen of the new crates when they came out, and I wound up with a half dozen or so mounts (a few Gold), most of the Sith Recluse set, most of the Herald of Zildrog set, a full Knight of Zakuul set, all of the Dune Raider set plus extras, all of the new Defender armor (trooper set, can't remember the name), chunks of the other couple of sets as well, bunches of decos, tons of comp gifts which are selling for HUGE values on GTN (like 80 - 120K per item, and I'm getting literally dozens of these things).


    I do note something weird though...if I buy packs on the 1st few days they're released, I almost always get great drops. If I wait a week or longer, it seems like I just get junk drops. Of course I'm sure this is mostly perception based, but anecdotally, it sure feels like the longer they sit around the worse the drops get.

  3. I wanted to take a minute to praise what *I feel* are the best new features of KOTFE...because there are plenty complaint threads on here as it is (including one of my own).


    There's actually a bunch of stuff that I'm loving about the changes:


    1. Travel to contact - this right here is one of the best new features rolled out. It's faster than the traditional methods of planetary travel, and I no longer have to pay credits to get somewhere. (which...really? we still pay credits to use our ships to travel? enough with the nickel and diming!)


    2. All of the new companion options - I *love* that you can not only use a ton of the people you meet as companions, but influence them as well. This just offers so much more variety, and I love me some variety.


    3. The rewards system in OPs/FP's - I am digging that you can plainly see items that are meant for YOUR toon only. Not 100% sure what dictates HOW you get items meant specifically for you, but whatever - it's awesome. (this may just be a weird perception thing and nothing has changed)


    4. The Heroics - I love that we can go back through old planets and re-do the H2's. I know with some of my toons I just breezed past that stuff, and I am sure even after 3 years I have missed a few H2's - the ability to go back and revisit that content is kind of rad. Maybe I'm just nostalgic.


    5. The OPs - THEY'RE DIFFICULT AGAIN!!! I mean...the fights are all basically the same, but I love that it's challenging again. Just played Karagga's Palace last night, and people even died a couple of times in my pug. I haven't seen people die in that thing in a LONG time. It felt like an actual fight instead of "let's go faceroll NiM...again".


    6. New CM armors - Ok...this has a lot less to do with the expansion itself, but at least in this 1st new Pack, I feel like you guys stepped up the Armor Design game. The Sith Recluse and Herald of Zildrog armors are freakin' BAD@SS! The Dune Raider set is also kinda cool...it's like Dengar and a Tusken Raider had babies. Of course, with the release of the Havoc Squad armor and the Ravagers set, you folks already started stepping up the game. Finally... a lot less giant shoulder pads and egregiously large backpacks!! (although there are some clipping issues in a couple of the new sets, they still look good enough that I don't care).


    7. Star Fortresses - Sure, these are pretty similar, and in terms of what you do, they're repetitive - but I kind of dig them anyway. It's just a lot of "hulk smash" with decent rewards along the way.


    8. LEGACY ARMOR DROPS!!! Holy crap...SO MUCH ARMOR!!! So much so that it may lead to my only "wish list" item/complaint....which is, WE NEED MORE STORAGE SPACE!!! After 3 years of playing, I have collected TONS of armor...my main toon has 3 totally full cargo bays of saved armor. I have 18 toons on my main server. Most of them have similar issues. With the legacy armor drops, where do I put all that armor? Sure...you could say "legacy hold", but...hell-o - I have that crammed full of crafting mats and jaw scrap, as well as Inheritance/Birthright gears, other legacy armor, etc. I quite literally have all 5 Legacy bays totally filled too. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OFFER MORE STORAGE!!!!


    Anyway...it can't all be negative all of the time, so here's some positive feedback.

  4. There is a workaround of sorts.


    Game-generated mails (excluding GTN) with items attached can be left in mailbox indefinitely. I have characters with unclaimed CE item mail going back 2+ years.


    Considering Bioware inflicted this upon us, I have no qualms about using "mailbox storage" to actually play the game instead of going through the reams of crap Bioware threw at my mailbox with 4.0



    Yea, I mean....I *can* go that route, but as someone who is a rather frequent buyer/seller of items on GTN, this can get out of hand quickly. Also, it makes it so mailing stuff back and forth between toons is a pain, as mailbox space is precious as well....the minute I get a ton of auction payments, if I want to send anything to those toons, then I get the "doesn't have enough space to accept your mail" error. It's a vicious cycle.

  5. anyway just keep trying until it works. I made my third lvl 60 character like that just like the other 2.it will happen as long as you are patient and try again and again.make sure to do it at a time that the server load is light


    I work for a living so that's not really possible...when I log on it's always heavy traffic...or at least it's almost never light.

  6. It's not the lag, or bugs...I expected those. It's not even the fact that I can't create my level 60 from scratch yet (see also: bugs). Nope.


    But the handling of companion gear....are you freaking kidding me?? At the VERY LEAST y'all could have given us some additional cargo bay space or even extra legacy storage - because I'm pretty sure most of us who have been playing for several years all have jam-packed cargo holds and storage areas. Especially if you happen to:


    1.Collect gear


    2. Collect mats


    3. Buy cartel packs and have items in storage


    It's easy as heck to fill up cargo bays, as well as your normal storage - and now we get positively inundated with 6 companions worth of gear and customizations. And why do only SOME companions lose ALL of their gear, while some happen to have a few pieces still on them?


    Seriously...of all the issues with this expansion, you guys screwed the pooch on this. It's also not at all clear what weapons comps can use and what they can't since all of that was switched too. I reckon vibroknives and scatterguns are just obsolete now? Maybe you published these changes in detail somewhere and I happened to miss it whilst traveling, but regardless...this all could have been handled far better.


    </end rant>

  7. I deleted my Insta 60 because I didn't like the way Twi'lek was clipping and when I went to re-create my level 60 the option was no longer there and no token got returned to me. Ticket submitted but no response.


    So the workaround I keep getting is "delete, log out, recreate" even though I told them multiple times that the workaround does NOT in fact work. They *did* however say to "let them know" if it's still not working, which I did.


    Baby steps?

  8. Hi everyone,


    I’m Toby McCall, a designer on Star Wars: The Old Republic and a member of the Cartel Market Design Team. I’ve asked community to set up this thread so we can discuss the changes that the 4.0 expansion brings to the Cartel Market. My hope for this post is to create a place where we can answer some of your questions and clear up any confusion surrounding the new pack design in Fallen Empire. We would like to focus this thread specifically around the recent structural changes that took effect with the Underworld Alliance Packs, Hypercrates, and Supercrates. If you have thoughts on the new Bronze, Silver, Gold and Category Packs, I invite you to join the discussion in a separate thread, found here.


    Here’s a few prompts to start the conversation:


    • How does the new Underworld Alliance pack structure feel? What are your thoughts on the pack consolidation? What suggestions do you have?
    • What are your thoughts on the changes to Hypercrates and the addition of Supercrates? Do you feel they are worth their cost? Do you enjoy opening them? If so, what do you enjoy most? If not, what do you like least?
    • Are you more or less likely to purchase packs from the Market and why?
    • Can you share any experiences or first impressions you’ve had with the new pack structure?


    As always, let’s try to keep the posts constructive and on point. If you haven’t had a chance to read the blog post about the 4.0 changes to the Cartel Market, you can find that here.


    Quite simply, even though now it feels like out of two items you get less crap, what it actually means is - as a consumer, you just GET LESS. I could flip XP boosts on the GTN. I could flip Companion gifts on the GTN. I could convert Scrap to mats and sell them on the GTN. Essentially, if I bought packs, even if I won stuff I wasn't interested in, I could still at least turn that into in-game creds and then re-invest those creds to purchases on the GTN. Sure, you sort of lowered the cost, but you also removed more than half of the items.


    Some balance here would be nice.

  9. did you even bother reading what I wrote? I made 2 lvl 60s in both cases I skipped everything ...skipping is irrelevant to this bug. the biggest problem I think is server load. when the server has a light load I instantly made a lvl 60 without problems. when the server load is heavy it was impossible to make a lvl 60, no matter how hard I tried I always ended up lvl 1 in fleet




    Sorry, I misread your post 1st time...thought it said it was fixed by that workaround, didn't see you said it was false. My bad entirely. Just frustrated that this is apparently not even a serious enough issue for them to make it a "known issue".

  10. So they emailed me and told me "I didn't qualify for early access" - EVEN THOUGH I HAVE BEEN SUBBED THE ENTIRE TIME. Quite literally I have been subbed for 3 years solid.


    But it gets better...they then said I'd get the free 60 character today...and...nope. If I go to create a new character, it's either level 1 or nothing.



  11. I made the mistake of resetting my points when reaching 65, and now I can't commit them. I guess I'll have to experiment with combos of points until it commits...or just suffer without them, which is frankly a buncha BS.



    EDIT: Log out and back into the game....try to commit the points again, and now it works. I guess logging in and out seems to be the best workaround for half of these issues at this point.

  12. When I was given the option to create a fresh level 60, I opted to do so - but I spawned as a level 1 character on fleet with level 1 class mission, no ship, no level 60 abilities, etc.


    I assumed I'd have to go see a trainer or get a token to kick in the level 60 thing, and unwittingly purchased a Hypercrate from the CM for this toon. I called customer service to ask what I could do, and apparently my option is to wait until the stuff I bought off the CM unlocks, transfer it all to legacy storage or send it to other toons, and then delete this level 1 so I can try creating the character again? That's not really an acceptable solution.


    I first brought this up in http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843315 but wasn't aware of how to move a thread .

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