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Everything posted by Uludelu

  1. Yeah you're not the only who want's it my precious !!!
  2. If it's an pet to buy in bh event vendor, it works for me ! If it comes with cartel, it works for me ! But I wants it allready ! Come on Bioware !!!
  3. I want the support for a joystick too ! Why this support is not added ? It's because at bioware they are lazy people, what they like to do is copy/past of the content that is allready in game ! They want to give everyone the same chance, what a joke ! Battlefield is a FPS and on pc we use keyboard and mouse too, wait but there's planes and helicopter so does that means that Dice screwed us and said "No we want to offer the same chances to everyone !" Ah no they added Joystick support cause it's more fun and more convenient to use a joystick !!! So Bioware are you going to get your fingers out of your *** and to what is logic to do ?
  4. For sure it would be nice and useable for RP !
  5. Just needed to say if you only had the chance to play Star Wars Galaxies "first SW mmo" you would have notice what this game is missing ! This game could have been far far better if they had take mechanics from SWG and not taking mechanics of this wow **** like ! The game is fun but it's some kind of wow copy and too axed PVE, pvp is a joke and I don't talk about space battle and RP the best joke ever in this game, you can't even sit on a chair, you have to pay an emote for that ! Oh lot of emotes are allso a big joke !
  6. I won't buy it that's for sure but those prices are unrealistic and again only people who can spand money by the window will get it. Sure i'm interested in this item but i'm not stupid enough to trow my money like that !
  7. What a bunch of thief !!! Explain me Bioware and EA how only one item can cost 3000 cc "23€" when the original game cost 50€ when it was out 2 years ago ! So a tauntaun 23€ offers only one item ! SWTOR normal edition 50€ offers thousand and thousand and thousand items in game !!! So how do you calculate this ? heroin and crack is bad people.
  8. Sadly the game is not but both of Swtor and Wow are not better than Star Wars Galaxies !
  9. When people want to buy cartel coins they can only buy one buy one and do the payment process again and again ! Wouldn't it be easier for people to have a option "add to basket" so we can choose different things and then proceed with the checkout !!! Damn guys "Bioware" are you people ******* ?
  10. The thing is that when you pay for a product you wants it to be without problems ! Lately this game have many problems ! Last time we had to wait 4 or 5 days for Bioware to resolve those bugs ! Did they said they were sorry ? Did they gave us something to apolgize for those days ? BIG NO !!! I'm a subscriber since the beginning and I bough the collector box, I spend money on cartel Market and i'm not the only one and we have the right to expect a quality game ! That's explain why people are pissed off when something wrong with SWTOR !!!
  11. Please don't use Clone Wars anime stories to tell what happend when this serie is all invented and have nothing in common with the Star Wars Expand univer ! All that Mandalorian story with The planet, the emperatrice, the death watch is all fals ! Too many incoherance in this serie !
  12. To take money from people ! Last week we had a broken server full of bugs for 4 or 5 days ! I didn't saw a word saying that they are sorry or that they will give us something in return to apologize ! Don't expect EA to lower prices cause it's EA that is in charge not Bioware !
  13. Pvp looks fun, I had my share of fun on Star Wars Galaxies with "Jump to lightspeed" I read multiple zone, what does that means : Copy/Past from the actuel one but remodeled for pvp or 3 or 4 arenas.
  14. People that like to rp have great difficulties to find good places to do it ! So I was thinking on giving acces to the red doors area when they are done once in pve ! No npc or cutscene story, just the room for people to rp ! I know people that would like to do some duel events and the acces of mandalorian Arena on Kaas City would be great or the one on tatooine for the jedi knight mission. Use offices and conferences rooms that cannot be acces because they're behind red doors area ! One other important thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allow us to sit on chairs ! Allow us to sit or lye on beds ! I have that holographic toy that make me holographic -> what a joke I was expecting hologram like in the game ! But can't use it for rp cause if I use it and that use the emote /talk the Hologram is deactivated !
  15. *** is this !!!! You guys are *********** kidding us !!! We Europeen allready have to support the downs when USA guys sleeps and us have to wait a all day to get the game online again and now this ! So we can't play till after down tomorrow ! let me count this : it's 11pm right now so I count now 17 or 19 hours without playing ! Now Bioware you have to give us something because enough is enough ! A free day or cartel coins or special items or something but this is unacceptable ! If you don't give us an answer I won't reactive my account got 6 days left !
  16. Actuel size looks great i think and suits the RP.
  17. Yeah yeah, english is not my maternal language ! Would be nice to get it as pet for rp. I'm making a vid and I had to wait the event to do a scene with the carbonite block following me. I'd like to see you try speeking french to see if it's easy for you.
  18. As the title says, i'd like to see a carbon block as pet, like the one that follow us when capturing a bounty for the BH event ! It's allready in game so just add it in the cartel for something like 400 cartel coint.
  19. Complains comes because this game is not about Star wars anymore, it's about Cartel Market and money ! There's so much bugs left in this game and things to add too improve the game that are put in the corner to focus on CM that nobody needs ! Then they wonder why people leave the game to see is the grass is greener somewhere else !
  20. De mon coté on est tjr full coté empire mais le problème vient de ces lâches qui ne savent pas jouer et quand ils voient qu'ils perdent sortent du bg et on se retrouve à 7 voir 5 !!! Les gens qui se casse en plein BG devrait se voir interdit de BG pendant une journée pour le compte entier !
  21. Pour le pvp sauvage c'est surtout pouvoir se taper en masse 55 et être récompensé pour faire du pvp sauvage, taper du low lvl ça rapporte rien appart faire le kikoo c'est pour les gamins. Je suis un ancien de SWG et franchement ça me manque le pvp sur ce jeu. Quand c'est que Bioware nous crée un event spécial ou un message apparaîtrait au milieu de l'écran de tout le monde disant la république est menacé défendez la flotte et l'empire aurait un accès à la flotte adverse et masse pvp ^^ Ou l'inverse voir même attaque de coruscant ou dromuund kas ! Quelque chose quoi !
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