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Everything posted by ArcCaptain

  1. We can control ranked matches and organize not to use bubble/smash (Like we did in this post) before we enter the queue. However, we cannot organize normal warzones because of the larger queue pool, nor can we use the force to predict our opponents. If we could and if we could all agree to not use bubble/smash it would be a different story.
  2. You expect us to just sit there and get stunned to death and smashed by several focus/rage players every WZ and rWZ? Fight fire with fire (Well it would prolly be better to fight it with water ). It's like Hitler saying to the rest of Europe "Don't use tanks, we don't have any". This thread is about the experience of playing the game without bubble stun or smash juggs, not about what some of our players run in normal wz's. Seeing as your guild doesn't do ranked anymore you have really no idea what we're talking about, so I suggest you keep a lid on it. This thread is from Ny'sha, our sawbones scoundrel's perspective. Not one of our Guardians (Who both prefered pvp before the focus buffs btw ), or our one sage. So don't call her a hypocrite, she heals in our ranked team, she's not the one stunning/smashing you. Also, if you're doubting our skills then please feel free to queue against us, with bubble/smash or not. Seeing as you doubt our "skills" then we should be easy pickings for you. This topic is about someones experience in ranked without the current FotM classes, not your opinion of our guild. I suggest you keep to that topic and keep your opinions to yourself.
  3. It's not really much different for the title, it's just whoever runs EC NiM first that week, one guild may opt to run it on the tuesday lockouts reset and clear it in ~110mins, however another guild may decide to run on the thursday and clear it in ~70mins. The second guild performed a quicker run; it did not take them anymore runs of the instance than the first guild to obtain the title. However, because they opted to run the instance later in the week they lose out. It's the same regardless of weather it's a timed run or world first kills, the guilds who are online the moment the servers are up, and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve world first usually will.
  4. Yes, it was quite a shock to us on the first droid as we were ready and waiting to interrupt and then I instantly got knocked back all of a sudden. We weren't able to really test the mechanics as despite the change he remained a 1-shot, however it felt that overload was now a frontal aoe knockback similar to the one sages have, I may be wrong however but the is what it seemed like to me.
  5. Your thread, your rules. If you see it fit to add a column then do so, however it's not the end of the world if you don't
  6. lol I thought I'd been banned then for a while Glad to see it's not just me, hopefully this will be resolved fairly soon
  7. I thought you were planning on adding a column to record guilds which had cleared in under 2 hours. It's no problem if you decide not to, after all you're doing the rankings so you can decide not to if you wish. Grats to all the other guilds that managed to clear sub two hour also
  8. Nostrum Dolus The Red Eclipse Sub-2 hour run Don't look at pictures if you don't want to spoil it Here's the video: http://de.twitch.tv/nanoxswz/b/341645130 EDIT: Times in the screenshot (Incase they're needed) are GMT, times in the video are GMT+1 ofc.
  9. Nostrum Dolus The Red Eclipse EU Toth and Zorn - November 15th 9:46pm http://i.imgur.com/mvocV.jpg Firebrand and Stormcaller - November 15th 10:45pm http://i.imgur.com/T1Vz3.jpg Colonel Vorgath - November 15th 11:03pm http://i.imgur.com/gEwOi.jpg Warlord Kephess - November 17th 8:34pm http://i.imgur.com/3MiGt.jpg All times are GMT I realise some of the pictures are lacking proof, so here's our vanguards livestream from the first night: http://www.twitch.tv/nanoxswz/b/340374458 Toth and Zorn: 1:09:10 Firebrand and Stormcaller: 2:06:50 Colonel Vorgath: 2:22:45
  10. Dulfy to the rescue as always! Thanks for consolidating all this information. You're dedication and effort towards helping the swtor community is unmatched
  11. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/306c204e-266a-43f6-95ec-5a0045610fbd This is my setup, made sure it was up to date. My main job is the do what the dps do unless the healers come under heavy fire. In the case of this I change my objective to peeling and focus completely on protecting them.
  12. I use that spec (Just change the two points from Rail loader to Iron fist) in ranked and it performs really well. I use it as a offtank/dps but my main role is to protect the healers and occasionally guard nodes when our shadow can't. I run full dps gear with aim augments as the tanking stats in the game are pretty useless for pvp.
  13. I never stated I'd invented it, just that he'd taken the idea from me, seeing as we play together alot
  14. Solo queue was mentioned ingame, however bioware removed any reference of it being added for S1 quite some time ago. So we'll have to see.
  15. Remember, Nostrum is DA MASTER OF DA EXPLOITS
  16. ArcCaptain

    EPIC imbalance

    I PvP on both sides and you're making it out to be far worse than it is, both sides have good and bad players and I find that I win as much as I do on imp side as I do when playing on the republic. Even when solo queuing I still win alot of my games. Regarding the imbalance you're stating, it's not that bad. If you're only hitting for 2.5k with sweep in full BM then you're doing it wrong. Make sure you've got 4 stacks of singularity up (or w/e it's called on imp) and the 100% crit chance on sweep from force/zealous leap before you do smash, then you should be hitting at least 4k on targets who haven't specced into AOE damage reduction.
  17. That was the case pre 1.4, but now thanks to the changes the hybrid build sorc/sage healing is really strong. If you have a dedicated guard on them the bubble stun and other cc they have can really handicap the opposing teams melee dps, and seeing as a lot of ranked teams run melee heavy groups (Guardians and Sentinels) as their main dps, it's really effective.
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