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Posts posted by Yorioko

  1. Yes and No.


    While it is true that drops are dependent on level, there re adaptable drops, also the command crates give plenty.


    I would go for fps for adaptable drops, and some heroics, random by luck of the drop.....

    weekly and daily are good s they sometimes on "intermediate or bonus" bosses do occationally drop adaptables, including lightsabers

  2. I am not taling about ilum, to me open pvp is ALL BATTLE, meaning there is full pvp nteraction also on the other planets, ilum has pvp regardless of server, like tatooine and other "zones" THAT don't make it a pvp server otr open pvp.


    I used to play before the mergings on european pvp server as well as pve, I had to flag my self, even then I saw NO PVP on corellia, shadda or other place NOT DESIGNATED open pvp areas, like the litte area on Tatooine.


    To me open pvp is logging on to the server an everyone is pvp flagged and can not be unflagged unless in a safe zone, this is not swtor and thus not a pvp game, it is a pve game still with a "small" pvp feature.

    A wz or arena, or even a small area on a select few planets don't make for an ALL THE WORLD OPEN PVP environment, but one heavily limited and regulated, hence the WZs and why you CAN run 5 yards in the game without a moron attack just because he can.

    So NOTHING in the game has ever been OPEN PVP, it has always been a select only................99% of the population I have seen on so called pvp server are not flagged ergo it is NOT pvp.


    Battlefont is PVP, swtor is not.......I wonder why people don't have the mental capacity to see this

  3. I just wish they'd figure out *something* to get OW-PvP going again. There are so many achievements that are next to impossible to get now such as:


    Czerka Biohazard

    - Defeat 1980 Players on CZ-198


    Master of the Black Hole District

    - Defeat 500 players in the Black Hole daily area


    Archon of Makeb

    - Defeat 500 players on Makeb


    Master of Belsavis

    - Defeat 500 players on Belsavis


    ... and many more. Every vanilla planet/daily area has PvP achievements and the only way to get them done these days is to cheese the system with friends from other factions getting together and kill-trading.


    So what can be done? If the engine can't handle it then how about breaking down these areas into Warzones:


    Outlaw's Den could be kept on Tattooine but also copy/pasted into a warzone, same for a nice chunk of CZ-198 and Black Hole.


    For the planets that already have their "own" warzones (Alderaan/Civil War), they could always make those count towards the planetary achievement though I'd rather not have them go this route even though it may be the only way to do it.


    TL;DR - i'd love for them to revamp OW-PvP so I can get the achievements since there's not much left I have to do in SWTOR.


    While pvp could be fun

    OW PVP here on swtor is not what the game was meant for at all and in any way, even the so called open pvp server were not.

    The game is PVE, with a "small" pvp feature, and nothing else......unfortunately OW PVP can not be done, and once done the game dies by loosing 99% of the non ow pvp playerbase......isnæt battlefront owpvp why also destroy swtro with the filth?

  4. The problem is the rest of the game is soooooo easy, that when people try veteran mode, it is a massive shock to them and they just don’t have the required experience at playing that difficulty level.

    The reason we have veteran to start with is to accomodate those players who need the challenge, especially those who were used to playing the game before it was dumbed down to preschool levels.

    Other people have offered suggestions on how to get through it if you are determined to do veteran, but Bioware should NOT touch the difficulty level because it’s there for a reason, to try and keep higher skilled players interested.

    The simplest solution is just don’t do veteran if you aren’t having fun.

    What is a shame about the veteran setting is you can’t make it your default through the whole game and that you can’t even do veteran until you’ve done kiddy mode first.


    Idk why, but it seems in vetran mode, be it FPs, uprisings etc I tend to fairly well but I am dead stopped totally on bu a handfull of "bosses"

    This may very well be a skill issue, but keeping up skill is not easy when every skill that deals damage or offers defense of healing is 100% nerefd into something different becue someone used it and won pvp match.


    I began my main character, the one I no longer plays however, long ago, even before the revan expansion, I remember when lvl 55 became cap, then 60.

    In that time ALL abilities have been changed, and all changes have been made due to someone lost a match in pvp.


    I remember the sentinel even have a push, nowhere close to the consilor, but still.

    So much changed so fast that once I got the hang of one ops others scremed about solo this and that and groups never formed, with the Kotfe it was worse as somone decide to never group but go for the solo achievemnet on the starfortresses........giung al but scientifically into each compainon leveling them all max by grind grind grind rinse and repeat.......for what.........complain and pose for changes that again affect those never being "allowed" to even learn how the basic attck works before it is changed becuse of the one guy who lost in pvp.


    I see no reason why pvp and pve should not be excatly the same, and remove the idiotic boldter added thing,.........normal character vs normal character, if it works in open world then why not otherwise.


    It is the constant nerfing that has killed swtor, as my firends say I haven't played in a week so I don't know my class, need to begin leveling again to learn it, by the time of the next logg in there was someone loosing a pvp match and now the attack is no longer deal damage, and what not.


    The list of chages to abilities that perhaps never neede to be changed is longer than i dare image, but I dare say miles long

  5. Yes, but do you know how to play those specs well? Is your DPS any good? Are you making use of the Sentinel's excellent defensive cooldowns?


    The Heskal fight can be difficult for certain classes on Master mode, but Vet is very doable with basically any class, regardless of self-heals. It's not over-tuned. It's also not meant to be a walkover like story mode and the class stories. If you're having trouble passing the dps check on Vet, I would recommend learning how to play the class better or asking for help from a partner.


    THIS may very well be the case, I have not played much endgame at all other than leveling one character to lvl 70, I generally don't do Ops, I found it was no room for noobs there and the pace simply overwhelms me.


    I like the veteran mode, so far t has been tough and I have fallen a few times, but nothing at all like Heskal whom I have spent hours trying to figure out how to kill.


    I even reverted back to my original combat spec sentinel, and all theough I have a good cooldown on both interrupts and my somewhat defences I still have no clue as how to make this fight.


    Having read up it seems most seem tht particular fight is the hardest one of all, and given most others have a companion I simply do not know what to do other than skip the chapter

  6. One option s to bring in friends or guildies. I've helped people do some of the Master Mode chapters. Get some friends, bring in a group to help (I'd bring in a healer at least, if not a full trinity group) for the ones you have issues with. Something to also note: If you do a chapter on Master mode, you will also get the achievement for Veteran mode once you complete it.


    I've helped only on Master mode personally, but have seen the person I helped get both Vet, and Master mode achievements at the same time.


    I have been thinking of this.


    I know from before if I wanted to, in the old days it was for the ease of difficulty , now it is more for the rp of things bringing in a friend on a story mission.


    I know this can be done through the leveling, I did it recently on coruscant with a smuggler/gunslinger friend and my jedi shadow (still wannabe).


    Is it possible to to this with the veteran replays?

    I get the select chapter and difficulty (manually so the chapters are going one and one at the time )

    but can I still group up with a friend and does it work the same way?

  7. I am doing the "asylum" chapter 6 on veteran, having done the previous so far.

    Somehow, it appears that the difficulty level is set so that only certain classes may have a chance at making it.

    I am talking about the fight with the scion Heskal, it seems impossible for my sentinel.


    I have actually spent the better part of the day trying and failing, hours on end. and with quite a loss in funds for the various repairs that eventually comes from that difficulty level.


    Now, having zero abilities to self heal the fight seems at least to me impossible to do, I am currently geared in 4/6 tier one set with the bonuses (230) and 246-254 on everything else, and max augments I can get 240 I think.


    I have tried to respec, having gone through each and every one of the specs over and over again and came up at a loss-


    I have looked on line to see if there is a way to do these "command" chapters of the story with a partner, like in the earlier stories class and planet. While it normally negates any difficult almost totally it is still fun at times....I think.


    I could see the value in such arrangement especially in the chapter 6 Asylum-Heskal fight.


    It has come to the point where I consider either dropping veteran and master modes completely or skipping the chapter, knowing it will not be easier later on, but perhaps I will at least be allowed a companion.


    So what I face is this: No self healing (minute and not even noticeable through the abilities on sentinel at all)

    -no companion

    -"more or less" starting the fight drained of HP


    So what do I do?


    I am wondering if this is actually fun any more to be honest......

  8. Found a good way to defeat him: after being spanked about 3~4 times, I sumonned Treek. She's not the best healer in the world, but with her I could use Heroic Moment and Unity. Combined with Valkorion's skills, I did it. Try it, maybe it works with other companions too (HK, Ranos or Vizla)


    How can you summon a companion? I was just now replaying the mission , it is from Asylum where you go through the tests, the last being Heskal the scion.

    The fight to me at least have been so impossible I have spend half my earned legacy funds on repairs alone and a full night on that mission lone so please tell me how you get a companion when the story has companions locked out, and I have checked treek, visla, mr headaches and every other one I have even some from handler licences.


    so again please tell me how you summon a compnion when the story has companions locked

  9. At least long a go, years since I have been here while, the ship droid was not capable of using a weapon, thus he was almost never ever used by anyone other than for crafting once you go the ship.

    This was changed into him being able to use a blaster pistol, though with no special attacks out over the basic shot.


    As to jedi/sith using blasters, this is seen in several canon sources, including ROTJ.


    All "military" meaning both the trooper and the agent, and to some extent the BH (merc) should be considered to have general traning in rifle, pistol at least, and then have the sniper and command come with added access to cnon and sniper rifle.

    As to the smuggler, it too should be able to use a rfle, again basic, or even a sniper rifle as this mirror the imp side.


    As to the melee classes not using aa blaster, this si again to have a seperation, though I will still argue with added a basic blaster htye will remain in roles still.

  10. What is the point of this?


    The "pistol in cutscene thing" servers precisely one purpose- giving the character a method to either threaten or kill someone in a cutscene. It's done because the animation would be simpler than having to account for a sniper or cannon. And Force users definitely do not need blasters. Everyone has a simple animation to threaten or kill in a cutscene and they don't all need to be the same. That's how things get dull.


    Now I'd agree with allowing operatives the use of blaster pistols in general (with some tweaking of animations), but we don't need cutscene blasters on everybody, much less blasters in any combat capacity.


    I was referring to the cut scenes as they show most if not all classes use weapons they don't come with in their dps, tank or heal ( melee or ranged) roles. Like the pistol for the agent, and it makes equally sense for BH to have the basic handing of a rifle........hello boba fett........


    The mere ability to have a ranged blaster attack to the character can not have much more impact overall then now allowing the starship droid to be able to actually use a blaster, again mostly for show as the basic (unmodified) attack hardly do any damage at all.


    The allowed "added" weapon could naturally have some sort of limit, like maybe only a "White" quality, leaving the green and higher to the classes with spec for that weapon.

  11. ...yes Class Changes.


    I have noticed through the various cutscenes that characters sometimes use a weapon they do not have the skill for, this could be the Agent executing a defeated enemy with a PISTOL shot, though being capable of only using the rifle.


    So I suggest that ALL classes can use the single blaster with a standard attack.

    This to include the Jedi/Sith classes.


    Here is what is now

    Knight/Warrior able to ONLY use single lightsaber, or paired single lightsabers............1 weapon

    Consular/Inquisitor able to use single blade lightsaber AND the shadow/assassin the double bladed in addition......2 Weapons.

    Trooper/Agent both use the standard rifle and can specialize either as a sniper or commando to use sniper or cannon...again 2 weapons.

    smuggler/bountyhunter both uses single pistol only, or pairs........allowing 1 weapon.


    It makes more sense to me ( and yes Jedi do that, have dome so in movies even) that every class can use the basic pistol as a sidearm, the pistol classes can then further specialize in the pistols and should maybe be given the rifle.

    However for these classes ( and the agent here) they have the shiv and scatterguns as their side arm, used with some their abilities, but they still use weapons through the cut scenes they do not have the skill for.


    So let's take the Agent, he will then be able to use a basic attack with all pistols, rifles and sniper rifles, and be allowed to specialize in either the rifle or sniper rifle.


    The Trooper would be about the same, adding the cannon to the list and being to specialize in either the cannon or the rifle, but retaining a basic attack with the pistol (as they changed the ship droid in being able to use).


    The BH I would imagine being the imperial side heavy, would be allowed the cannon, and the rifle but with basic attacks only, and specializing like now in his pistol or paired pistols.


    The Inquisitor/Counsilor would have the basic attack with pistol added and specializing like before in either double or single lightsaber.


    Knight/warriors would add the pistol, but NOT the double lightsaber


    Smugglers, would have access to the rifle for the basic attack only, specializing as before in 1 or 2 pistols.


    These changes I think reflect more accurate what the characters and classes are capable of, though I see this could cause issues with tactics, and pvp issues. but then again why use your weakest weapon, and why take time to change it out in a pvp fight.


    Doing this allows for more characters to add weapons to the collections etc etc.


    Any thoughts?

  12. I think the classes are diverse enough.

    Regardless how you make new ones they will have to fill either of the three roles, DPS, Tank or Heal

    Like the classes that are already some may be hybrids depending on your build and spec.


    So introducing new ones adding their special abilities, making it fit and be balanced in all aspects........it is too much work for little or no gain.


    Now having MORE options with each class however I would support fully.

  13. And none of these "overperfomances" are ever seen in the main pve portion of the game.


    I have had to respec almost every character almsot every time some PVP player screams out about how a class perfomes in what is less than 10% of the game.


    When are we ever going to see a PVE favoring class change?


    I didn't know the 10%(ish) of the game was THAT important.


    I am getting rather tired of these constant class changes to cater to a minor minority at the expense of the overall majority.

  14. On the 25th of January beginning at 6pm pst. our guild Chaotic Methods will be hosting a New Years Extravaganza event that will include naked pvp, speeder races, and an awesome scavenger hunt. The atmosphere will be competitive but not at the expense of our #1 goal FUN:p. Click this link check out the epic prize list>>>http://www.chaoticmethods.org/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&m=148#post148




    Speeder Races: (Lvl 10 and above)


    All players are welcome, lvl 10 required, completion of starter planet and speeder pilot 5 recommended.


    Circuit Race

    Will be a certain amount of laps, location will be given before the event


    Relay Race

    You'll race to four hidden check points to try and win:eek:


    Scavenger Hunt: (Lvl 10 and above)


    All players are welcome, lvl 10 required, completion of starter planet and speeder pilot 5 recommended.


    There will be prizes for the person that reaches each of the 4 Cluemasters first, as well as a Grand Prize to the winner.


    Naked Pvp: (Lvl 70 only)


    This is a Tournament of Duels sponsored by Chaotic Methods guild to be held on Drumond Kaas, Satele Shan server. Level 70 required. All participants MUST SIGN UP before 8pm PST on January 25th to be eligible. To sign up click this link http://challonge.com/Nakedpvptourney


    There are only 2 rules: 1.)Stay within the duel area boundaries and 2.)the only gear allowed is a completely un-moded, adaptable main hand weapon. All participants will be inspected by Chaotic Method officers prior to duel starts.:cool:









    Sounds like an awesome event, but I see a big flaw in this....


    Naked is not equal, my lvl 70 naked what ever having gathered less datacrons some with a +10 to stats will have less of an advantage in everything, then the lvl 70 with ALL or more datacrons gathered ( taking out the shard ones, considering only stat boosts)


    A lvl 10, on Hutta naked without having the datacrons IS actually significantly weaker then the lvl 10 who gathered them.


    How is this done?

  15. Ok here is strange one


    I have my companion with me and I attack (any) a group of mobs, let's say two regulars and one strong (white star)

    I attack and they may sometimes spawn others, this is cool.....but


    In many of these fights I have noticed that my companion is actually engaged in combat with a mob seen ONLY on the mini-map as a red dot.

    My character can't attack, or target this mob, so it is purely up to the companion to eventually finish it off.


    Now these "invisible" mobs, do not in any way show up, other than a red dot on the mini map, but somehow they can attack, I have died from attacks like these.


    And before anyone begins with stealth......no this is not that unless 10 minutes stealth is common among the regular mobs at any level......


    Anyone been encountering "unseen and untargetable" mobs?

  16. How much credits do i need if i want to buy the full charged hypercloth force experts armor. If i buy it the lowest price possible.:rak_02:


    The best answer is the price is X


    GTN varies from day to day, even hour to hour.


    The armor in question is craftable, and usually these can be found on gtn in the 2-300K range pr piece, or even as low as the 20-30K, so it all depends.


    As people here have stated, perhaps having one crafted is the best way to go, either by your charcter(s) or give a shout out for a crafter on fleet and then sometimes pay some nominal fee etc or have the materials needed and have someone do the actual crafting.


    But as to the GTN price of any object is X

  17. I want to get the HK companion and I only need a little under 300 coins. I also had wanted the Kylo Ren lightsaber but seen that it was almost 40$ worth of cartel coins yet tons of people have it. I have a hard time believing that people are throwing 40$ a this saber. How're people getting so many cartel coins?


    The very best way to get FREE cartel coins is to actually level your characters.


    Eace class category, Knight, counsilor, smuggler and trooper on rep side, and the corrsponding warrior, inquisitor, agent nd bountyhunter on the imp side.

    Eac of these have milestones you acheieve through leveling, I think theis actually adds up to 160pr character, on your FIRST time with the class.

    Now add the 160 to the total of 8 classes ( for both sides) and then do the same on every server, even foreign language ones....for a total of now 5 servers.


    so 160 x 8 pr server for free


    CCs are given as revards in class missions at various points.


    Now I could be wrong, but that is only in being too conservative.

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