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Posts posted by Yorioko

  1. So how is any of what you just listed the fault of the player base? Because clearly it is the fault of the developers for not knowing whom their targeted audience was or what kind of content should be put into mmorpg.


    Not really.


    Suppose you make a normal ford. not a race car in any way.

    then you have a bodyshop to add spoilers and stripes......but still do not have a race car.

    so you then drive though 99% of the city in a car that serves its purpose, but you want to drive fast and reckless like a race car, so you do

    then you complain that the there is something wrong in the game design, or the target group?


    How can this be...the target group was NEVER intended to be the race car drivers, but those driving a "blinged" out car.


    With this I mean......I make a game, add a FEATURE to this game to reach "more" players, the bulk of my players however do not depend on ONE feature of the game, but the game as a whole.


    If we then look at WHAT players do, and WHAT the game is designed around we see a conflict.


    Group Finder, as it is stated in the "advertising load screen texts" are all about pulling PUGs for (heroic), flashpoint and operations as well as PVP.

    The load screen says roughly quoted that if you don't have a friend on line or a guild mate etc, then you can use the GF to find a group and go for it.


    However people use GF to "tailor" groups and then complain they can't find the right ones etc etc.


    Same goes for the overall content of the game. We all favor certain aspects, be it PVP or GSF all are features we are introduced to, and by the game ( not the players that are AIDS in pvp especially) encouraged to try out.


    However, some people found out that some of the PVP content ( ranked ) was to them , and to them alone lacing in content, this made them migrate to the unranked WZs that regardless of how people use them, were NOT intended for anything "serious" like that of ranked PVP, but as an introduction to new players.


    I have been to the wzs, not very much, and less than I would want to...this has nothing to with the game or the design, but only the players who do not understand that the unranked are for all and the raned is for the "elite", this is after all why there is a qualify for the ranked yes.....


    I would welcome a discussion about adding more ranked and unranked PVP content, but the fact that one is not appealing and boring does not make it a right for others to "occupy" another part of the feature that was NOT meant for it.


    Again this a MMO issue, players usually want more or different than what the game is and meant to be.


    SWTOR was never ever meant to be a pvp/raid MMO, it was meant be and IS, a class storyline MMO with added features.


    So to compare with a game where raid or pvp or anything else has a different purpose can not be done

  2. In general


    Those offering millions are morons.


    They get a reward, CCs and a walker(s) +++


    However the lucky ones that can use a referral link will get some stash as well, but I can't remember what.


    Another thing, as a subscriber you can only use a referral lin ONCE, any referral link.

    This is something I forget from time to time, the use of ANY and ALL referral links is as far as I know ( may be wrong here) usable only ONCE pr account pr subscriber.


    you use referral link A once get the 7 days

    now you can not use any other referral links...........( I think ever, usually)

  3. The game is not the problem the players are.


    If we go into the game and the game alone, removing the players for a bit.

    then what we have is a 8 class ( main classes not specs) main story line,this is not in every mmo, and I doubt it is in wow, but haven't really played it.

    Second is when we look at the content, then this is tailored around the 8 stories, with added features like raids and other group content and pvp content, THAT is it.


    However it seems players "want" the game be something else, the players want something the was not and perhaps was never meant to be.

    It was never meant to be a pvp game for one, it has pvp content, it has players that has never progressed in non pvp content outside getting level 10 on the start planet and leveled up through pvp alone.


    There are those that "only" do raids


    Yet the game is NOT meant for ny of that, it is meant to be a somewhat interactive story focused mostly on the content of the 8 stories told.


    So to compare it to MMOs that have a totally different design is perhaps wrong, when it should be rather understanding what the game actually is, and not what we want it to be or imagine it is.

  4. With Operations there are some few things I have noticed.

    Unfortunately most of these have made NOT wanting to take part in this aspect of the game.


    1) Groups of people who do not understand that PUG groups can and most often do include players with limited knowledge of both the Operation's dos and don'ts as well as rotations.

    They seem as a general rule to lack the understanding of this and thus trashes anything that makes any sort of mistake no matter of how little it is. Rather than to allow this, then after and not in the middle of a fight or inside the OPS give any advice........so it makes people feel they can not be allowed the mistakes they need to learn.

    And people do learn at different tempo, not all understands right away that they have to attack that paricular enemy when....etc......it is a learning curve.

    This is one reason why ALL operations should have an abandon button, so as to prevent the haters from denying the new blood their learning curve.


    2) To many it seems they actually belive the operations are somehow mndatory, they are not in any way.


    3) being whiped is no big deal, it is part of learning and although not always fun, it is prt of things and thus people should never complain, it happens when mistakes are made and thee re due to lack of experience, experience gained among otherthings from istakes.


    Raids on SWTOR like pvp is unfortunaltely AIDS

  5. It can be completed now. It requires killing the first boss only, Tyth.




    It's a side mission, and has no influence on the main story, whether you complete it or not. And you can complete it, as it was said before, it's the Operation. You need to defeat Tyth.





    Okay, I'm out. Can't argue with this kind of street smarts :p




    No, you just kill Tyth, get your small reward with reputation tokens, and the quest concludes. There's no follow up to this.


    Exactly....it NOT part of the MAIN story.


    Is the comments about isotope so that if you haven't been to makeb the game crashes and you can't ever progress...no ergo it s NOT part of the story

  6. and if you have done copero, which again is story, you'll see we are returning to Oricon... so maybe, just maybe Oricon is part of the story, and will continue to play a bigger part. So what about Ziost, is ziost not part of the story? because that plays a big role in KOTFE and KOTET, yet you don't mention that.


    Peace out Yori, and take a Xanax. For your sake, and that of others


    yet none of these have any MANDATORY GROUP ONLY operation as the ONLY option.

    They all have "single player" mode.

    Ziost does

    everywhere does that is not deemed the only thing hilding the world together like IOKATH ops.


    Oricon for one can be skipped entirely, nothing "depends" on anything done on oricon.

    same goes for most planets.

    Iokath and ziost both have role in the story, but NOT ALL the missions there, only a certain mission chain and it is 100% completable withut any operation of any sort

  7. I can for the life of me see where oricon and a few other places, like Mked are in any way connected to the MAIN story.

    There is no example ever, that in any dialogue, or otherwise I can not progress or it being referred to anything I have done outside the missions with the label class.


    Let's take Aldreaan, here like elsewhere they removed the old "bonus" planetry quest line, now having spread out with purple guys, the PLANETARY story where you have 3-5 missions for house organa is 100% optional, here you fight the war you ended in your class mission, and you still "end" the war in the class mission IF you never did the planetary mission.


    Oricon is thus NOT part of the MAIN story, there is nothing in any content anywhere in swtor that depends in any way on what you did on oricon.

    Iokath is part of the MAIN line ONLY through the class missions, every other mission on Iokath is ADDITIONAL, it is optional.


    To claim that Oricon is a story mission is like claiming that heroics are...........it is just bullcrap and bantha turd

  8. I definitely experienced 'class story' during sor. Individual ones even. And while tos is skippable that doesn't mean it isn't a part of my toons story. My toons story is what she's accomplished.


    Were I to make a resume for her it would definitely include the planetary quests she's finished along with major decisions. For her certain things happened on certain planets that did not for my other toons.


    But this thread is really about not having ALL 25 quest slots available. I don't think I HAVE a toon that has that. Even the one who completed ilum has something else.


    I personally would rather bioware fix other more important game breaking things. Like right now iokath has an issue with grouping. And ops chat is broken if someone joins after the operation has begun. They cannot see chat and the rest of the group cannot see their chat. I would also prefer the achievements for the New PvP match get fixed. And...actually I have like a two page list of things to fix before being able to abandon one quest.


    Your toon's story is this and ONLY this:



    Everything else is NOT part of the story, it is 100% optional.


    I can argue that becuse I did the chamber of speech on tython it is part of my toon's story, but that would be somewhat wrong.


    If it was part of the story of the game, not the one player wants, but the one told in the game then the ONLY way for chamber of speech to be part of the story was if you could not in any way progress from tython unless you have done THAT heroic.


    As for every other planet out there, everyone, they have a planetary quest line, this is 100% optional and if you skip it it will do NOTHING towards your progression in ANYWAY.


    I never went to makeb, or Oricon, not was ever the Iokath Ops part of the story when I completed ( so far) Kotfe and Kotet.........................


    Makeb, oricon and others were never part of the story, they were content for the max leveled toos to have something to do while waiting for (sor) and Kotfe and Kotet.


    I dare anyone here to find ANY non class mission that in any way shape or form affects the main story line, in choices, companions, completions or lockouts.......I know for a fact there is no such mission in the game period.


    I have leveled and "completed" several characters through the class+sor+kofte and kotet, never done ANY planetary, heroics or side missions, never set foot on oricon ot makeb........so becuse I had no difficulty what so ever completing then the missions skipped were not in any way part of the MAIN story.


    A heroic has a story, but is NOT part of you main storyline that is in fact ONLY class and for the leveled ones sor+kotfe and kotet NOTHING else in the game is MAIN MISSION, no other planets, nothing whatsoever.


    So to claim that the Iokath Operation IS MAIN STORY is false, becuse I have completed Iokath and never ever done the operation on several charcter, something that is 100% IMPOSSIBE if the mission was a MAIN story mission, so I call ******** on the claim it is story

  9. so what youre saying is, your story ends after chapter 3? Just because there are not individual stories past chapter 3 does not mean, the other planets are not part of your story. they clearly are. and the OPS play right into the story. So I again state, you clearly have never run an ops and seen the story to see that they actually connect. So again, every planets missions after chapter 3 DO EFFECT YOUR STORY, as they are YOUR STORY. (tried to use caps since you seem like such a fan of them) So if this game is such a miserable existence to you, please delete and leave it to the ones who actually enjoy, and understand the game. m'kay thanks


    Again wrong.


    I have a marauder I decided to do SOR and then jump to Kotfe and later Kotet, not ever being on Oricon at all.

    I have a sentinel I played throughout, call it the main if you wil that did go to Oricon and completed it, including the OPS there.


    While the OPS is a part of the story ON ORICON, the planetary story line on Oricon had ZERO impact outside oricon.

    it offers achievements but nothing else.


    You do not meet any npc that in any way refer to what you did or what choices you made on Oricon.

    So while Oricon and the OPS there is part of A STORY, it is not part of THE STORY.



    To compare in an easy way: Drumond Kaas.

    heer you go about your various CLASS stories, this si the "canonical" story of your character.............which for obvious reasons include SOR and KOTFE and KOTET, but nothing else really after ending the class story.


    Same is on tattooine, here is about a czerka dig site, and again this is part of the planetary storyline, NOT the class, as this like any other planetary mission is open to all classes ( of the faction).


    So I will ask you if Oricon is part of the story, then should not skipping Oricon influence the further choices and the progress of the game? it does not in any way ergo OPS or Oricon , section X, black Hole etc are NOT PART OF STORY.


    Sorry to say but story is actually ONLY class+kotfe and kotet, with SOR as a good way to introduce lana, shan and marr...........but is NOT in any way mandatory and if skipped entirely makes NO impact whatsoever on the Kotfe and kotet stoy so it is actually NOT part of the over all story eithet, but I do choose it.

    so NO there is no operation or planetary quest in the entire game that is an actual part of the character's story...that is ONLY class missions + kotfe and kotet actually.


    So no there is no OPERATINS that has ever been part of the story, some are part of planetary stories, but those are agian NOT part of the character's overall story.

  10. The Oricon quest had several variants: first it could be abandoned but never gotten again, then it was not abandonable at all, and now it can be abandoned and continued whenever you want. But for Oricon the ops are an essential part of the questline, the whole planet was designed as an introduction to the ops, when running ops sitll was the bee's knees.


    Iokath was designed with the operation being a side thing, it really doesn't make sense to make the quest optional but non-abandonable. So yes, the warning is fair. If you don't want to do the operation (or want to wait until it's complete) and hate unfinished quests in your mission log, then read carefully what the quests on the mission terminal actually are.


    It is true that the whole planet was designed being part of the story line, however I will argue it is the part of the Planet Story line and not in any way the character's storyline.

    There are no class specific missions or instances from what I know.

    It is also an above level 50 planet, making it NOT part of the overall story of the character.

    It is open to any and all classes and as such is NOT a part of the main story line in the same ways as lets say Dromund Kaas, while still not being part of the outlander storyline and thus connected to the Kofte and Kotet storylines.

    This means that the OPS was part of the story on Oricon, but NOT part of the story as a whole as the whole planet can be passt over, and it does not in any way impact the overall story of the game and the character.

    Some planets, like Iokath and drumond kaas, bith share in that they have non mandatory storylines.

    On drumond one is to "hunt down" revanites............it is NOT part of your story.....................as nothing gained or done within the side stories in any affect, your story.


    This is also the case with Iokath,


    And as to OPS none of them are in any way part of the story.

    f you never ever did any ops, but played story alone you will hve no difference than those playing both story and side missions.


    OPS are not part of ANY story, and ths all OPS should have an abandon button.


    Now that BW in 2015-28 are not capable of adding a abandon mission button to an ops without

    1) never being able to get it back up again

    2) not working

    3) etc etc

    The here is the issue, and it should be e-bombed into their heads that this is a problem.


    Let su for any reason be able to freely abort mission at any time and on any mission.....

    and the stupidity that the the ops needs to be "bound" forever in case some moron forgets to do it later is not only dumb, it is actually the dumbest excuse ever.


    Not being allowed aan abort mission is ONLY retarded and servers NO SANE PURPOSE, so remove the ban on aborting missions NOW!


    Not allowed to abort mission= Killing the game

  11. High probability the logic is to avoid breaking the mission and possibly missions that may come after it. It's not like they have the greatest track record with not breaking stuff unintentionally, even when things are completely unrelated (to our minds).


    As I said, I'd like them to allow them to be abandonable if there are alternative ways to pick them up later. But not at the expense of avoiding potentially game-breaking bugs.


    it is in the terminal, I guess it can not be more repeatable and "pick upable" ( lots of new words here) simply by being in the terminal.

    If players need to have this stamped into the account as to make sure they are not forgetting it, then that should apply to every other mission.


    I did not do the planetary stroy missions on taris, yet this has ZERO to do with the story , how can then a simple unrelated daily suddenly have this magical property to affect all that ti is not related to.


    IOKATH OPS is part of the IOKATH story line, NOT the CHARACTER story line, and thus has no impact and can not have an impact, just as kipping abandoning Camber of speech has ZERO what so ever impact as it is not part of the story, yes an heroic, but still not part of story

  12. While I would prefer if we could abandon that mission, having it in my mission log is, at best, a nuisance.






    Off the top of my head the highest amount of Heroic missions you need to have in your log simultaneously is 10 (Rep Balmorra wit 9 Heroics + the Daily, while Bonus Missions do take a Slot while you have less then 25 active missions they may exceed that if you are already full when they are granted), once they are done you can select the next patch right where you are in the activities Window. That leaves plenty of room for Flashpoints/Operations and their respective Weeklies and even the odd non abandon able mission, so there is really no reason to make such a fuss.


    it still leaves one slot taken up by the mission serving zero whatsoever purpose other to simply be there.

    Now removing it would be the best as we both agree on.

  13. They're not defending it. They're simply explaining why it might be intended (if it's not a bug). They're doing that because you went coo coo for coco puffs about it. Some might be wrong about completing it or not, but they're just trying to explain how stuff works. They don't know how well you know the game. The others are just pushing your buttons.


    This may be, but I still can not find the logic behind it. And in reality is is actually psing a limit on my CMD progression by 1 mission slot, which could add up more that +82 to kill toth

  14. I think we all agree with the premise--some quests are simply not abandonable (I'm going to continue using this cromulent word, squiggly red line be damned) when it seems like they should be at this point. It's more productive to make a thread or PM asking for that specifically to be changed. Iokath is not the only mission in the game that does this. Personally I have this one and the Shroud of Memory (Must complete Arma Rasa or whatever) HK mission. They are untrackable but can't be abandoned. The Shroud of Memory one is annoying because I can still access it through the Alliance Alert anytime I want, I don't need the constant reminder.

    Also, any alt that hasn't started KOTFE will have it in their log once they finish Ziost, even though it can be accessed through the Activities window now, and the GC menu before it, and we can ALWAYS get it from our ship's mission terminal. And others have mentioned Ilum and Makeb, and probably SoR. I have not personally tried to abandon anything except Iokath, HK, and KOTFE.


    The only reason I would say they shouldn't change anything is the fear that abandoning, even with the plethora of options to get the mission back later, would lead to game-breaking bugs where the mentioned or potentially all subsequent missions would be broken forever, or would require direct intervention by CS. I would rather grudgingly keep it in the log and untrack it than deal with the nonsense that would follow if the game would break otherwise.


    This makes somewhat sense if indeed this had been a story mission.


    I simply HATE Taris over anything else in this world, and thus I simply stick to the story missions alone ( called Class Missions) and that is it.

    There is no time in the game where this can lead to a future problem, because the missions are not directly part of the story.


    Same is Illum, there nothing at all to prevent you from abandoning both the end flashpoints, partly becuse they can be redone at any time.

    If you do this, even skip the revan storyline where you meet lana and Theron, this too offers many missions accross rishi, etc that are planetary missions, skipping these or starting them and and abandoning them has ZERO impact on the story whatsoever.


    So then the Iokath Ops, that IS a part of the Iokath Planetary Missionline is NOT part of the "class story" like on any other planet.


    So what issues could then abandoning it cause for the story in which the mission is in no way connect to?

  15. I don't think anyone has a problem with you reporting this bug (if it is a bug). They have a problem with the hysterics. It just draws the wrong kind of attention. Simply state this might be broke or ask others if it's happening to them too without all the drama.


    I wholeheartedly agree with you, I just can't for the life of me see why this is almost fanatically defended.


    we have a mission log of I think 22 or 25 missions in total, and lets say I spent these on heroics just for the fun of it, rewarded with whatever the kills add up to + up to 1500+ CXP.

    With a mission, any mission locked in the roster simply just because now prevents me from listing 1 mission and this can be a 1 mission rewarding 1500+ CXP.


    As a subscriber, hell even as a f2p I should not be forced to sit idly by and wait for a group pop that maybe .......if, and only then after completing the mission can I remove it from the roster.


    People mistakenly claim it is a mandatory part of the main story mission and thus must be locked in case you can not see the huge purple mission icon that is on all story mission s well as some other missions.


    The planets all have class missions and planetary missions both being marked with purple, but ONLY the class story is part of the main story line, nothing what you do or what choices you make in any planetary mission has any influence whatsoever on the class stories other than to give XP making you stronger.


    Why then is people so fanatic in excusing this "broken thing" that every day robs me of CXPs and possibilities to earn CXPs that I have paid for, or have played long enough as f2p to rightfully earn without a hassle like this?


    What would happen if one was allowed to abandon this mission? Nothing at all other than one could go and do other things, and not having to worry about having "dead" missions stuck forever in the mission roster.

    What is so very unreasonable by this, why is is it so important to protect this particular mission from being abandoned.

    I know for a fact it will not in any way end the world as we know it................not in any way

  16. my issue is not being allowed to abandon the missions I do not want to do.

    It seems this mission somehow is so special that the only reason must be that if this could be abandoned it would be the end of all things....................not being able to abandon makes no sense.


    A the worst it can cost me 1000s of CXP every day, NOT being allowed to pick up missions because the holiest of holies somehow will undo creation if I was allowed to abandon it and do another mission

  17. You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means


    I know.


    It does seem that is the reason for not being allowed to abandon the mission.

    HOW it could be is another thing, but given that the mission is the only ( actually) that in NO WAY can be abandoned, as for other story missions etc, they can all every one be abandoned, but will reset ALL privious story content in that story line though, with THAT being the risk ran with abandon.


    A mission picked up on a terminal that is not marked with the story/class PURPLE icon are NOT story missions and therefor there should not be any reason what so ever to deny a player to abandon it.


    Becuse it seems by the absolute MUST in this blocking of the abandon mission that is can only be that if that spesific mission could be abandoned then BW would go bankrupt.......what else can there logically be?

  18. I can't see how a lack of ability to cancel something 1 quest would necessitate you coming to the forums and screaming at random people. I probably have 2-3 quests that i'll never complete on my main raiding toon... I think you're looking way way too far into this. If you haven't finish it, then go do it and kindly **** off... if you've completed it and it's still not going away Log a bug report dude.


    Somehow if you pick up a mission you have done before yo can opt out , this is for any and all mission in the game

    so why is this one so holy?

    Abandoning mission freely will break nothing, trust me. the game will still be great, BW will not be bankrupt, and many more will want to play when they are allowed to abandon missions they do not want.

    I never agreed to have a ission forced upon me that would stay forever and could never ever in any way be abandoned..............THAT may be why you play the game I play for the content

  19. How about letting humans have different racial traits depending on their culture.

    maybe some bonus to something within the game, like a corellian human and piloting, allowng something as a perk to reflect flying. etc

  20. Plenty of these traps in game...


    I have alts with Ilum, Makeb, some random low level Taris mission (Operative I think), others I'm sure, that all just taunt me when I open the mission list as I neither want to do them, nor can I abandon them.


    Illum I know can be abandoned, but it resets the entire illum story....like that matters at all

    I seem to remember not having any issues abandoning makeb either, again the whole story when abandoning.

    Every one of the kofe anf kotet chapters too can be abandoned at any time after start, it will reset the chpter thoug and you can do it later.


    It is this super holy mission that becuse of it not allowing you to abandon, it has become the glue to hold swtor toghether, if we were to abandon this the world will end as we know it

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