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Posts posted by benovide

  1. I made a ton of mods and armors for low levels for this reason.


    I've banked 88 million creds since 12x event started. All custom rifles, custom pistols, and all the crafted armor pieces. I still can't keep the GTN stocked. I have armors selling for 30k-180k each non-moddable on the GTN from green to purple quality.


    I even rotated between my toons to keep them all producing up until today. Once my stock is sold it's sold. By tomorrow I'll have made the 90 million credit range.:D

  2. I honestly can't believe what I've read.


    Having 18 toons at 55 each.

    Sorc, Assassin, Juggernaut, Marauder, Operative, Sniper, Mercenary, Pyrotech, Sage, Shadow, Guardian, Sentinal, Gunslinger, Scoundrel, Vanguard, and a Mercenary.


    and two additonal Sorcs, (one for each tree and geared accordingly)


    This thread is beyond belief ignorant, holy mother of God!


    Current system, sage and Sorc cannot 1v1 any class. As a support class to deal damage in the background and debuff and heal and buff in the background, it is an excellent class, in a 1v1 scenario, you'll get wiped. If your sniper cannot take down a Sorc, you're a terribad sniper.


    If your Operative cannot wipe out a Sorc, you're a terribad Operative. The Sorc can maybe critically injure you, but he will never kill you. Because unless you're terrible at this game, you will bounce him, interrupt his abilities, and debuff his damage and activation times.


    Sage is identical.


    Going through all the tech trees, if you can't take on a Sorc/Sage, all I can say is L2P.

  3. I use Xalek most of the time, because when I use my Sorc for PVP, or PVE, I have Xalek carry whatever gear I'm not using. He holds onto my 65 pvp gear when I'm decked out for PVE. etc.


    I do like using Treek though, I always keep her geared up with 78 mods from the Dread gear I strip. Really good for doing dailies.


    Ashara is good in all, but it pissed me off after I had spent all that time romancing her, that as a DS Sorc you couldn't.

  4. I have a very specific follow up to this question as a returning player who before this week hasn't played in over a year. I know I want to roll an Inq, I am also asking Assassin vs. Sorcerer purely PvE, but I have a specific bent, I don't group, almost at all, just not interested in it. As such I am also not really super interested in end-game content or what is "best" end-game, I'll likely stop playing a toon at or before level cap. As well, I understand that at this point, every class, every AC and every spec within that AC are all viable and it all really comes down to what is the most fun, player by player, to play.


    With that in mind, putting aside story as they are the same here, what do I find the most fun to play? At this point, mostly ease and speed of progression, the more time I spend experiencing the story and playing story missions, soloing H2+/H4 content while leveling (again, don't care much about end-game) when I can etc. and the less time I spend killing trash just to level and be able to do the former the better.


    So the question is this. Which spec, Deception Assassin or Lightning Sorcerer makes sense for the most speed in progression with the least resistance? The Assassin gets stealth so gets to skip the trash, the Sorcerer has higher DPS and would actually benefit from the XP (however small) from the trash... Not looking for easy mode here, just less grinding, I've done most of the sub 35 level content so many times already with other classes before I stopped playing that I'd rather get through it as fast as possible.



    Sorcerer all the way

  5. Been really having fun with concealment pvp til I started doing ranked.


    I do very welll in regs when I got full auged conq I decided to try ranked. Total lesson in humility. Against 2 smashers in a team fight I I was less than 10% in LITERALLY 2 seconds, i was useless. I am not the best op by far, but I am not terrible. This isn't fun or remotely fair, not to mention the hate whispers I got for even having the gaul to queue as concealment.


    It's the fact you brought an Operative into it.


    The only classes you should ever bring into a ranked: Assassin,(DPS) Juggernaut (Tank Spec) Powertech (Tank spec) Sniper (Marksman) and Marauder (Carnage). for healing, is the only time you ever bring in a Sorc or Operative. Don't even bother trying to DPS.

  6. Not sure what others have said, don't really care to read through the thread. But anyways, just like Deception for the Assassin, you're a skirmisher.


    You go in, pick your target, do everything you can within 15 seconds of initiating attack, than ****.




    If in Huttball however, maneuver around enemy team, and you can easily score one after another.


    Ultimately, you need to pick your fights. Even just staying stealthed the entire game stunning everyone left and right, can have a HUGE impact on the overall PVP match.


    There are more CCs for the OP that can be used while maintaining stealth than the Assassin. You can essentially cripple an entire team without dealing any damage at all.

  7. If you wan to PVP then PT, if you only PVE then merc is fine.


    PvP you can do fine with a merc/commando. (I average 420k a match in damage department in my commandos and mercs) power techs are awesome in tank mode and tank spec.


    To the OP it really depends on what suits your fancy. I'd encourage leveling both if you got the time. I have more power techs. Vanguards. Commandos and mercs than any other toons. If you go merc. Or commando. Only heal as a second dairy focus. Emphasis on DPS specifically as much as you can.

  8. They are the worse for the specific roles. They lose more heat/ammo to heal and are slower to heal (no one bothers to grab alacrity) and can never keep up with group heals. As a secondary role they are perfect. In primary role. They cause the team to fail in staying alive.


    Stuck in a team with merc healer and assassin tank. You'll never complete the op. Or hm. Because your entire team will continue to be wiped.


    And no I would never want you to heal me. The tank if they are half decent will be the only person on the team taking damage. If others are taking damage. You're a worthless tank. If you can't keep up heals for keeping your tank alive. You are a worthless healer.


    The mechanics are against merc/commando medics. As they are against Sith assassin tanks.

  9. As a Assassin tank Amen Tacito. don't listen to this ignorant ppl that say that assassin tank is useless. Here is why they are saying it :

    1. They are dps that don't have the b**** to roll a tank .

    2. Assassin tank is challenging yes and some ppl that say roll a jugg or PT is because they are easier . (i have all 3)


    So i wont change my assassin no matter what,in fact i have the other 2 inactive, they clear all content in Hm and NiM. Don't let nobody discourage you on what to play and last but not least have fun .:rak_03:


    Assassin tanks are the primary cause to wipes when they are playing as tanks. They cannot hold down and area in pvp like a tech/jugg can. They lose HP at incredible rates. And the bulk of healers can barely keep them alive if at all.


    They are a co.pletely wasted slot.

  10. Mercs/Commandos stop quing as healers!


    Queue up as DPS. Even if you're bodyguard of medic build que as DPS. As a secondary function is where commandos and mercs shine as healers. Not as the primary healer. You make as blood as healers as the assassins/shadows are tanks.

  11. I can attest to this personally. I play a Sin Tank its all Solstar does & does well. However, on rare occasion when running a Raid I get relagated to DPS (which Solstar sucks at and sucks hard). It was after one of these raids I was DPS'n & on joining another PUG raid (which i was the primary tank) I forgot to switch from Lightning charge back to Dark charge (which is a MUST if you want to get the most out of Dark Ward). I got crushed & the team got wiped. It was so bad my healer was screaming at me like i was some kind of noob b/c she couldnt keep up w/ my squishyness. When i was about to tell her off & that it was active, I noticed that it in fact wasnt. oops my bad. :p I enabled Dark Charge & it was a cake walk after that.


    This is why Sith tanks are worthless.

  12. The matter of the fact is that a sin is a far better asset to the team being the sneaky ninjaing bastard that nobody of the enemy team hopes to encounter.


    Especially if you know when and where to go and how to overtake objectives even before you touched the defender.


    Someone who has a clue.

  13. No. In PvE all tank classes are equal. In PvP Arenas no one uses a tank anymore (apart from assassin tank and powertech tank hybrids) and in pvp warzones sin tanks are more then capable of doing stuff.



    @First post: Build is more or less correct, probably it's a gearing issue or you are not using stuff like Force Shroud.


    An assassin tank in PVE is complete GARBAGE. Assassins should be in DPS, NOT in tanking. An absolute waste of a tank slot to have an assassin filling as a tank. In no way can an assassin even compare to a Juggernaut or Powertech. Not at all.


    And FYI, two tanks, one DPS, one heals is the standard for ranked battles.

  14. The Hooligan outfit I believe makes you look like an Imperial Officer.


    Of course, considering that your a covert agent and probably rarely carrying uniform, you should consider some completely different outfit. It might actually be fun to pick some Adaptable armor that makes you look like a Smuggler or Bounty Hunter...


    Too bad it's a bit expensive to change your outfit regularly.


    My Sniper and Operative both go through different uniforms based on the planet they are on. When on Alderaan, they wore their Organa Loyalist gear to better blend with indigineous forces, or Thul Loyalist gear depending who/where they were going to go/who/what they were going to kill. Of course to prevent anything from appearing as the Empire being behind it.


    On Tatooine my Sniper was a Tusken Raider, while my Operative was a Smuggler.


    on Corellia, both Sniper and Operatives were Republic Troopers.


    Every Planet they went indigineous until Oricon.

  15. I have what might possibly be a silly question for those of you who play as madness/balance, are you letting your dots fall off the target before you re-apply them? I'm trying to improve my dps and I think part of my issue is my rotation.


    If you're doing madness. Your dots at no point should ever cease. And death field at all times including. Maul every time you're behind your target.

  16. PvP = Scoundrel > Challenge

    PvE = Operative > Easy


    It's a question of 'Do I want a challenge?' or 'Do I want an easy Game-play?'


    I do agree OPs Healing animations are better but they're repetitive as well , same Combat animations . On the other hand , Scounds animations are far more 'unique' , I mean in which MMO you had the chance to kick ppl in their 'Jewels' , I can't think of any .


    If you enjoy PvP and a Challenge , go Scound . If you like the 'easy' way out , go OP .


    Story wise , both are good . Agent story ; ACT 1 , very predictable . ACT 2 , was meh . ACT 3 was really amazing . Smuggler ; ACT 1 was meh . ACT 2 , surprised me , didn't expect the story to get 'any better' , wrong . ACT 3 Story Nothing special , was good tho .

    PvP and pve combat are identicle for both. Its just the style they have that's different.

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