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Posts posted by benovide

  1. So i had an interesting discussion about this with somr guildies.


    Give me the mods/enhancements (stats they have) per piece of gear. Relics included ear piece/implants as well.


    Then your full rotation of what you believe is the ultimate rotation post 3.0 for a tank juggernaut.


    I am going to test 3 HMs with your set up. 50 pvp matches (50 4v4 50 8v8) and dailies content on 3 planets for pve testing.


    Parse data will also be collected on how everything works together. Think your build is perfect? Lets test it, even ser what other juggernaut tanks think of it.

  2. Been too long since I've parsed, but based on the following, its a toss up atm.


    Arsenal's opening rotation pulls of my tanks almost 100% of the time now. That more a tanking/agro issue in 3.0 then me, but still.

    Innovative Ordinance's burns and bleeds seem to pull off of tanks later in fights. Still isnt that the DPS is lower then Arsenal's, but that spamming Blazing Bolts and having it crit a ton getting the attention of bosses faster..


    Here another way to put into based on damage ranges on both specs. My merc is in 186 armor/weapons, 192/ earpiece and 186/178 implants, and 178 relics. Only relics and weapons are augmented with 178 augs currently.


    Arsenal: Blazing Bolts does 7650-9765 weapon damage (tooltip) over the channel; I get 3350-3750 damage Crits during the channel, and then channel almost always Crits every shot. Priming Shot hit from 3450-4125 damage (tooltip); Average Crit is 6500-ish. Heartseekers are hitting for 9100-11000 on Crits.


    Inno Ord: Mag Shot hits for 4165-5145 weapon damage (tooltip), and I've had Crits from 8600 to 11000 on relic procs. Thernal Deto crits for 7400-9500, Power shots are in the 3500-4250 range on Crits, the new execute phase Missile Blast crits for 5500-7200 when proced.


    Overall, I feel Inno does more damage, but Arsenal blow it away in the burst department, with good sustained to back the burst up. They are slightly the same, but I bet Inno takes the prize, if just barely


    Nothing to do with 3.0 mechanics, it has to do with your having disgustingly horrible tanks on your team. If the tank is competent nobody will pull more aggro than them.


    That said, OP, go with Arsenal. It is Sorcs Bane, all these people who whine about sorcs, they never comprehend how amazing Arsenal/Gunnery is. For PVP it is by far the best spec to use.


    Ditch IO/AS, if you want PVP that skill tree will annihilate any chances of making it beyond 700k DPS/game.

  3. Losing all that Surge would hurt but damn near instant on thunderblast when everything is up is nice. I probably wouldn't go passed 8 - 10%


    Surge doesn't matter, power of surge is ultimately dictated by the power of the Power stat of the base damage for regular moves.

  4. Congratulations, you appear to not be genetically predisposed to cardiovascular diseases.


    I guess that's one way to find out.


    5 generations so far without one case, (knock on wood) ultimately I go through this quite a bit, this weekend I'll be pushing 500 rounds with a bud of mine in all PVP Powertechs, we found a nice place to chill while grinding out credits in between PVP when it's allotted.


    Going to see how many of the 500 rounds we can win, starting friday night after school ends at 10pm (get home around 10:30ish, I'm evening school for computer science/computer programming) already have three cases of monster by my computer for it.

  5. So much crit on the stock gear!


    I'm terrible at math but if you guys want some alacrity figures, here are some from my Sorc when I hover over my stats. Only buffs I have on me are the 4 class buffs.


    400 = 4.96%

    472 = 5.76%

    544 = 6.54%


    Just want to point out, regardless of all the argument BS in this thread, Solloby just completely derailed and blew the "400 alacrity=1%" bull$$$$ out of the window.


    Also to include "Max is 5%" BS"

  6. I'm going to end all this nonsense with actual truth.


    The curve for alacrity is as follows:


    Alacrity% = 30 * (1 - (29/30) ^ (Alacrity Rating/ (1.25 * level)))


    This means the absolute maximum alacrity you can have at any one time is 50.45% alacrity, which is a Zenned Combat Sentinel that has 0 Surge and 0 Accuracy in his gear, and is in full 198s with 186 augments.


    If we drop down to a TK sage/Lightning Sorc though, this number becomes a far more reasonable 42.45% alacrity... Under Mental Alacrity/Polarity Shift while having 5 stacks of TK Focal Point/Focal Lightning.


    Finally, he's also massively overvaluing Alacrity - The reduction in cast times is (Cast time * 100) / (100 + Alacrity%), so, for example, that max alacrity TK Sage would be casting a Disturbance in 1.05 seconds.


    The rest, is Bull@#$%

    /thread (about alacrity arguments at least)


    Oh and some backup maths:


    I'm gonna guess these numbers weren't taken mid fight with 5 stacks of TK Focal Point/Focal Lightning



    (screenshot actually says 8.04)


    30 (1 - (29/30)^(690/(1.25*60))) = 8.04




    30 (1 - (29/30)^(400/(1.25*60))) = 4.96

    30 (1 - (29/30)^(472/(1.25*60))) = 5.76

    30 (1 - (29/30)^(544/(1.25*60))) = 6.54


    I rest my case.


    50.45%? :eek: Highest I've done is 41%, so you're saying I can get even more? Thanks for the formula.

  7. Are you saying this has changed in 3.0? Cause there was a channel pre 3.0 and a warning, it doesn't seem like this has changed.


    It must have, because I just skipped CZ 198 until after 3.0, but there was no channel at all, it was randomized electrified, you realize you're being shocked, so you hit force speed to get out, three seconds into it just before on the edge of the water, grappling hooks pull you back, BAM you're dead, as is the rest of your team.

  8. None of that actually means much, in solo play back when you used to have to get 3 wins a day to complete the daily it took me 17 games once, conversely I have won well over 30 in a row. Again thats solo.


    Your sample size is too low to be of any relevance as statistical aberrations occur, like flipping heads 20 times in a row in a coin toss.


    Solo if you're pulling 750k+ per game in damage, you'll win the game unless the other PTs/Vanguards on the other team is doing better.


    Any class but PT/VG, I can see that, but if you're PT/VG easy mode, it shouldn't be too hard for you.

  9. There is a warning - that annoying alarm sound he does (plus I think there's a 1 second cast time).


    No, they're not supposed to survive, you're supposed to get out of the water ASAP.


    You are supposed to die if you spend the entire electricity phase in the water (heck you should die if you spend 3/5ths of the phase in the water).


    It does the alarm every 5 or 10 seconds.....................................


    We do get out of water, even with force speed on a sorc/assassin, we still can't get out of the water, because without three seconds it will grapple hook and pull you BACK into the water, and if you somehow survive that, within 2 seconds of the last grapple hook when you run, it grapples you again and kills you.


    I have no idea what you're even talking about now. This is a level 55HM, and three level 60s with top gear and a 55 with top gear can't survive worth crap.

  10. Pre-3.0 I levelled up my Commando in heal spec with no problems. Never even geared any of my companions up (and boy was it hard to get through SoR as a healer with badly geared companions... lots of kiting). I think Tharbison's reply is most relevant to your question as they seem to be levelling as a heal-specced commando in 3.0 right now, and I would agree that with a well-geared companion you should be okay.




    Thanks for the laugh. I've dragged all three of my Republic healer classes all the way through The Ravagers (and my Mando heals through all of ToS as well) and I think they are all better balanced now and all viable (even double Sage- I guess it was only SM though). I'm maining Mando heals at the moment and I did my fair share of tank-saving and miracle-making along with my co-healer.


    Why would you do that to a PUG? Dude, that's like taking a Marauder and pretending it's a Tank. :(

  11. Has anyone tried a healer commando build for PvE? Just curious how it worked out. What companion did you use? Tanno Vik? Yuun? 4X? Is it even plausible to do most of your damage through a companion?


    For PVE I use Tanno Vik, before him I used M1-4X.


    But for FPs and OPS, even if you're specced Medic, don't go trying to play healer, you'll mess your team over. Despite the buffs to heals, it is still more of a secondary, vs primary role to fill in comparison to the operative healers.

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