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Posts posted by Mubrak

  1. Years ago, I installed from the game DVD and use a non-bitraider version. All these years, I've had the Launcher.exe causing a UAC window to pop-up and have lived with it.


    I know this is similar to but not the same as the topic of this thread. Anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of that without lowering the overall UAC protection for the entire PC?


    Did you install to C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86)? Those are protected by Windows, and programs that need to write to their Installation folder (logfiles and updates in case of Swtor) need higher user permissions.


    2 ways:

    - Run the launcher with admin rights (right click / properties / compatiblity - check the "run as administrator" box).

    - Installing to another folder (or manually moving the current folder to another location) should do the trick as well.

  2. There is an issue with some versions the 2017 redistributable that block proper installation of the 2015 and 2015-2019 packages. That would fit the issue: Swtor tries to install the newer version, but that fails. The game still runs because the dll files are there, but the next time Swtor starts it tries to install again.


    You could try uninstalling all VC++ redistributables with a year higher than 2013 and install the latest 2015-2019 runtime package from here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads-2647da03-1eea-4433-9aff-95f26a218cc0

  3. I know the feel from the other side. To this day, my imp chars /friend the guy (?) I used to play with in 2013-2014. One day they were gone. Maybe they returned briefly during a prolonged break I took? Who knows.


    That's the thing with mmo friends, you know them as that green shadow or that white mercenary and one day they stop logging in. Truth is, if you never exchanged out-of game contacts, maybe you weren't actual friends.


    You could try in the Star Forge Forum but chances are low.

  4. My communication focuses during this time was doing what we could to provide shelter, warmth, food, and clothes for people who needed it most.


    That says it all. A crisis shows us what's truly important.


    We forumites could sit in our warm and comfy homes and still play Swtor, while folks in Texas had neither heating nor drinking water. When everything's back to normal (or what counts as normal these days) we can again write grumpy threads about our pet peeves (wouldn't it be nice If a jumbled event schedule were our biggest issue?).


    But even then, let's remember that "the devs" are people too. Getting personal is a no-go. We've been there, Marauders have been nerfed, people have been threatened. It's been years, and we're barely back to a healthy communication. Let's not ruin it. One day, I would like to discuss changes while they're still in planning, and feedback to be heard before a lot of work is put into changes that are hated by players across the board.

  5. So....I have over 13 Billion credits in my Legacy Hold, and I have four Characters.


    Does that mean my limit would be 16 Billion Credits, due to having 4 characters each with 4 Billion Credits limit?


    Or does the Legacy Hold have a much higher limit in general?


    Each character can hold 4 billion in their inventory, that's limited by the variable type used (and is likely far more complicated to change than it sounds).


    Legacy hold can hold 100 billion, that has nothing to do with your characters, it's just an arbitrary limit that can be increased by a lot (millions of billions) if need be.


    Anyway, with so many players being at the inventory limit, maybe it's time for a currency reform - cut 2-3 zeroes?

  6. After finishing the class story you should automatically get a purple mission to start the Ilum story. ("Crystal Ball" for pub, "First Strike" for imp),Finishing that will start Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


    You can skip ahead using a terminal on your ship, but if you want to do things in order, you should always get the intro to the next storyline automatically.

  7. I want to solo the uprisings in story mode. Where can I find the missions and where's the starting point? I only managed to find the weekly mission on Odessen.


    On fleet next to the heroic mission terminal is a large table with terminals for all difficulties of uprisings. Do them now, right now mobs are level 70 and you are level 75. After the patch, story mode uprisings will again be harder to solo than most veteran flashpoints.

  8. Level cap in 2013 would have been 55 (or 50 before the first expansion was released in April).


    As for the details, support needs at least the character name, but after 7-8 years the name is likely taken, so server and level would help them narrow down the character deep in the backups.


    Here's a list of the servers before the last merge: https://swtor.gamepedia.com/Server_directory_(original) maybe the name rings a bell?

  9. Any gear that drops has a chance to be sligthly (2-4 rating) better than your current average item rating. So you basically equip any piece of gear that has a higher rating than what you've currently equipped, and ignore stats until you're at 306.


    That hard-earned 252 relic from back in 5.0? It keeps you from getting better gear now. Throw it away and use any crappy 270 relic you get your hands on, even when its a dupe and doesn't proc. What's important is increasing your average item rating. Just do content where gear doesn't matter.


    Once you're at 306 with one char, keep the items you're replacing when min/maxing. Use them on your alts so they immediately start to get 306 gear.


    And yes, BW should have simply skipped the part where you have to start at 270 once per legacy, and have 302-306 gear drop right from the start.

  10. Dual wielding (especially two weapons of the same type) is a meme. If you want the same range as your opponent, and also be a smaller target, you turn your chest, making the second weapon useless. Once shields went out of fashion IRL, the main "offhand weapons" became daggers and flintlock pistols. Figthing with one weapon and turning on the other only for surprise attacks seems the better choice.


    Polearms with two business-ends were a thing throughout the ages, but the main advantage of a polearm (range) isn't there when you can only touch a small area in the middle of the weapon. Compared to a single bladed saber you have far less options to move the weapon without killing yourself with the second blade. Turning off one blade and using it only for surprise attacks (as seen in the Return trailer) seems way better.


    Assuming both styles are more effective as single blade with a surprise attack, the pole-saber's longer hilt helps with a better (two-handed) grip, and allows for moves where you swap blades, that can't be done with a single saber. Holding a second saber is mainly an advantage when your opponent doesn't have the force to overpower your main hand.


    So: polesaber (2H, one blade off) > one saber (2h) > two sabers (one off) > one saber (1H) > two sabers > polesaber

  11. I don't recall there ever being a choice as to what type of weapon Companions used. I think all that's changed since the early days is the particulars of what specific type of weapon certain Comps use, Eg Corso now using a pistol rather than the rifle he originally equipped.


    Before 4.0, Corso, Pierce and Kaliyo (the ranged tech tanks) could use rifle or pistol.

    Jaesa, Nadia and Kira (the melee force dps) could use single or doublesaber.


    Since Corso could no longer use his beloved pistol Torchy in 4.0, we spoke up, and BW listened and changed him so he can now use pistol only. Later we found out that new chars no longer get Torchy as an item. :(


    Some companions, like Torian, Aric, Guss changed their weapon preference when they return in KOTFE but as Ramell said, that's character development, life went on while you were in the freezer.

  12. There once were courier droids that showed you a recorded message from Malgus/Satele and told you to report to the terminal on fleet if you are interested in the job. The fleet shuttles are still there, next to them were the couriers, but many of them were removed in 4.0, like so many flavour story elements we lost in that story-centered update.


    Hammer Station courier is still on Dromund Kaas / Coruscant, the ones on Rep Taris / Imp Balmorra are gone.

    Athis used to be on Nar Shaddaa, the droid is gone.

    Mandalorian Raiders used to be on Tatooine

    Cademimu used to be on Alderaan.

    Colicoid War Games is still on the Belsavis space station.

    Red Reaper courier is still on fleet (inner ring, becomes available after finishing the class story.)

    Directive 7 courier is still on Fleet and Corellia


    But yes, I agree: Restore flashpoint couriers, restore bonus series couriers, restore heroic turn in conversations (make it so that we need to return if we got the quest from the NPC ) restore the Makeb weekly, (Best weekly ever).

  13. The space missions haven't changed from back in 2013, when the grade 7 ship upgrades were cartel market items that "could also be earned by regular play".


    The high price in fleet comms was the incentive to buy the upgrades from the CM. That "pay to win" aspect is long gone, but the prices never were adjusted to a setting where fleet coms are the only way to get the upgrades.


    I enjoy the rail-shooter from time to time, but it always gets old long before I can afford a a fully upgraded ship. Without at least the utilities that are only available in grade 7, the heroic space missions are a nightmare.


    Making EMP generator and electronic warfare pod available for credits would already help a lot.

  14. You can at any time ask customer service to remove the referal, so the whole risk is with the guy paying credits.


    ESO has a similar unsecure exchange with higher stakes: trading gold for "gifts" from the cash shop. There some of the big trading guilds offer to collect the gold and pay it to the seller once the buyer got the item.

  15. A "PVP Challenge" is a custom group vs. group match. The "issue challenge" button at the bottom of the PVP window.


    That you got a deserter lockout for leaving a match you arranged yourself was silly and that was fixed.


    Deserter lockout for warzones is working as intended, not that it makes much more sense (Great idea to force a grumpy player to stay. Sure... that will totally reduce toxicity when they're forced to stay in a match they want to leave.)

  16. My apology in advance if I say something that was already said, because I haven't read the whole thread.

    I understand your viewpoint on this though, and you have a valid point.

    My disagreement is only that I do not hate or dislike big guilds, because I have seen how much work and dedication goes into maintaining them.


    Things have changed since that was posted in 2017. Back then, only the guilds that made it into the Top 10 got any conquest reward, so mega guilds were much more of an issue. Nowadays it's just about the ninja guild invites and having to join a mega guild with an alt to get the conqueror achievements/titles.

  17. Next week is Swoop Race, and there's usually a free week between events.

    We don't know the February events yet, but the 9th should be the earliest possible date for Rakghoul to start.

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