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Posts posted by Mubrak

  1. A possible issue is that the 4 billion limit is actually in place to prevent the 32 bit credits variable from wrapping around to zero when it reaches 4.294.967.296 (2^32).


    If you somehow manage to claim 4 billion on a char that already has, say, 500 million, you might hit the credit cap and lose 200 mil in the best case, or in the worst case wrap around and end up having only 200 million left.


    In either case CS might be able to analyze what happened and return the credits (maybe PM Jackie first), but you need to report it better sooner than later and be very specific about what you've actually done - I for one am not sure whether you sent a COD mail from account A to B, returned it from B to A and then on A were able to pay the COD amount on the returned mail, or whether you just send another mail with 4 billion from A to B afterwards.

  2. Considering they can't show it like you have a double bladed lightsaber when you have one, and all those classes that use a blaster pistol in the cut scenes instead of their actual weapon (one of the reasons I'm glad to switch to styles that they do show), I'd think a bit hard.


    Has anyone tested if the cutscene-pistols will actually be gone? I figure for that to happen, BW would have to revise all existing Trooper / Agent cutscenes to only add the cutscene gun for the combat styles that don't already use a pistol, assuming it actually works like an equipped weapon and isn't just a prop baked into the cutscene animations.


    An Agent-Scoundrel might very well end up with two guns or their weapon being replaced with the cutscene gun.

  3. We are at a point where the game struggles to handle the number of credits players own and spend on the GTN. Hypercrates are no longer on the GTN, and even Master's Datacrons are soon going over 1b.


    Cutting zeroes will only solve those mechanical problems (1b on GTN, 4b in inventory, 100b in legacy bank)


    Hyperinflation is an equalizer, everyone becomes a billionaire and everyone ends up poor, those who live from hand to mouth suffer in the short run when supplies are low, but the rich people lose everything they didn't invest in inflation-proof assets. This is why stuff still sells on the GTN at ridiculous prices. Those who are spending billions on Hypercrates and Master datacrons are investing their wealth, getting rid of those credits while they still have some value.


    The problem is that not everyone became a billionaire in SWTOR. The credits rain mainly hit those who regularly grind millions of conquest points. A new player doing the class stories will still earn only 4-5 million per character before they move on to the next story. A "casual" player, just playing as they like, would still have to scrape together all their credits to be able to afford one or two of those 350m augments.


    One effect of money stocks in a game, that is different to real life, is "quitters". Sure, IRL there is an inheritance tax, but when you quit a game, everything you own is removed from the economy. So it might actually be possible to reduce the money flow and just wait untill the stocks are gone. And yeah, that means veteran players leaving because this or that feature they don't like, might actually be healthy for the game economy.

  4. You can change the settings manually by editing "client_settings.ini" in %LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings

    (Just press Win+R and copy paste the yellow text, it opens the file explorer in the current user's Swtor-appdata folder)


    In the client_settings you can try to change the height and width and other stuff, but when you just installed Swtor on this PC, it should be easier to just delete or rename the file, so Swtor creates a new one using default values.

  5. Your subscription has been cancelled.


    The subscription time you already paid for will not be refunded, but you will not be billed again in 29 days. Until then you are still a subscriber with all subscriber benefits.


    Credit card info should be under "Change Billing Method", just scroll one line down from where you took the screenshot.

  6. Advanced Classes become Combat Styles and come as the whole package.


    I can see Sage and Sorc using the dual saber as a stat stick, and snipers being viable when using an assault rifle, but otherwise the classes have all their animations based on their weapons. You can be the Hero of Tython who is a stealther with a double saber, but you'll lose all your Guardian abilities and get Shadow abilities instead.


    An Agent with pistol is possible by using the Scoundrel or Powertech style, but will also use the rest of their arsenal, no more knife but flamethrower, railguns and rockets or fists and shotgun instead.

  7. So from a Lethality/Ruffian perspective, haven't played concealment since 3.0.

    Generally, rotation feels the same, no surprises here,



    Missing Abilities, and how their absence affects my gameplay:


    • Sleep Dart: Sending them to sleep from stealth is a defining ability of the stealther playstyle in PVE and PVP. Not being able to sap-cap, or stun a NPC so the rest of the group can pass by will remove a lot of the utility a Scouperative brings to the group.
    • Countermeasures: A threat drop should neither be optional, nor baked into a DCD. When you're facetanking in a Flashpoint, and use Evasion to take a bit less damage, you want it to last longer without making the mob switch targets. Mainly an issue for "Veteran" group content. No big deal when soloing it or when there is an actual tank, will miss the root-break utility, though.
    • Sever Tendon: Nice ability in PVP, nice TA generator in PVE, No big deal when its gone.
    • Overload shot: You tried so hard in the past to make us use it, and now it's gone? Yeah. whatever.
    • Tactical Superiority: Folks are no longer expecting me to spend precious TA for their raid buff? Nice.


    Thoughts on the Discipline tree:

    • Level 20 Is a weird (non-)choice, hard stun vs. threat drop. vs. less puny aoe attack. At least for Concealment, Debilitate should be a baseline ability, because... Backstab.
    • Level 35 At low level the passives mean little to you. You see an ability, you take it. IMO It would be better to only get to chose between abilities early on, and have passives vs. abilities later. You could even swap level 35 and 70, to get them a more important ability early on.
    • Level 70: Between Flashbang and Holotraverse there is little reason to ever pick Infiltrate, especially since it will fail more often when you can't sap the closest mob anymore.
    • Suggestions:
      Bring back Sleep Dart. If neccessary, make us chose between Sleep Dart and Debilitate.
      Bring back Countermeasures as a separate ability, let us chose between Debilitate, Flashbang and Countermeasures at level 20 (all battlefield control options). Move Tactical Overdrive to level 70 and put the Evasion passive in the level 35 row. Just do a baseline buff to Noxious Knives.
      I'm a bit surprised that we get Shadow Operative Elite / Quickening automatically. As the main reason for "Nerf Operatives" threads, I would have thought those are the prime candidates for a hard ability vs. passive choice. I wouldn't mind getting Infiltrate instead and having to chose between Flashbang (or better Tactical Overdrive), Holotraverse and the Roll passive.


    And on UI stuff:

    • The large tooltip window is a bit hard to read. Maybe a font with an outline, or less transparency?
    • Switching disciplines should restore our previous choices on that discipline.
    • When an ability is removed, remember on which quickslot it was, don't put it back on the next best free slot.
      On live we can preview the other disciplines without switching to them, that may be easier once loadouts are a thing, but right now it's annoying to have your quickbar scrambled just because you wanted to take a look at the other disciplines.

  8. I am wondering if we will be able to switch between combat styles (advanced classes) as many times as we want, or if we will be locked into one, once we choose it.


    With the way they keep dodging the question, I'm pretty sure it will be locked (behind a paywall).


    The force users will be able to switch to the mirror class to reflect alignment change, but there has been no real implication that on-the-fly combat style switching will be a thing. The devs are laying the groundwork for making switching possible, yes. But I'm pretty sure it will be a cartel market item.

  9. Even when you don't want to do the bonus mission, you still need to kill some mobs to get the key, and compete with those who try to get their 15 kills. So yeah, remove it. One Heroic doesn't need two bonus missions.
  10. Winning 50 Kingpin chips from an Emperor machine feels less like a prize and more like the devs trolling us.


    I have characters with 1000+ Kingpin chips. Sure, I could get myself some fine tendinitis by clicking machines while watching Netflix, and maybe earn 20 Emperor's chips which will bring me back to 1000 Kingpin chips, but, no thanks.


    Of course I can't turn in my chips for credits like in a real casino, but how about letting us buy the big prizes for kingpin chips? I'm thinking of something like 500 for the Rodian, 1000 for the claw-machine pet, 1500 for the glasses. That would make the Kingpin chips valuable again, and might work as an incentive to burn some credits for those who can afford spending 75 million on funky glasses.

  11. Sounds like you've been away for quite a bit. Class specific stats were removed in 4.0. In fact, by now, they've been gone for longer than they have existed. That Superior Versatile Armoring 80 with Mastery is useful for all classes.


    The problem isn't that crafted mods are useless or class specific (in fact, even crafted armorings are useful now that the set bonus is on the armor shell) the issue is that the same stuff also drops from any content eventually, and once a player has one char at 306, they can share that gear with alts and are done grinding item rating. So after a tedious process of reverse engineering RNG there is a very limited market for that 306 mod you finally learned to craft.


    Even for personal use and lower item ratings you're likely to get better gear from loot drops quicker than you can farm the flashpoint mats to craft your own mods.


    That said, as a returning crafter, if you can craft old armors, especially from reverse engineering old PVP gear back in the day, you might quite literally have the license to print money. Uniforms, trenchcoats, republic superhero masks, a lot of old gear is no longer available, (or only as cartel market items).

  12. At this point a pinch of sandbox-mmo would help a lot to keep those who just want to play a simple man making his way through the galaxy. A bird in the hand, and all that.


    Class-themed repeatable missions for our space barbies sounds more doable than trying to beat FF14 in telling the epic story of the chosen one, or to match WoW and ESO's sheer amount of fetch quests on the road to endgame.

  13. Not sure what the point of this test run even is. You picked the class that has many abilities that seem to exist twice, so is this the prime candidate for ability-pruning or will it feel even worse on other classes?


    Do you want a measure of how bad the feedback will be, before you put any more work/money into new UI and stuff? Then yeah. First: wise choice. Second: very bad feedback. Grrrr.


    If the changes are already set in stone, then tell us your design philosophy, and present a class when its complete, and we can actually make our own ability choices.



    From what I get, you're removing the base class abilities, divide them among disciplines and make us chose between them. But some classes already lost a lot of abilities in the past. Are you remembering old skills? Will there be a way to get Unload back on a Powertech? Phasewalk on an Assassin, Flyby on a Scoundrel? Flamethrower on a Merc? Maybe even bring back stuff like Slice Droid that was completely removed?



    Does it feel like a guardian?


    Playing a jugg, but not as a main, it took a while to identify a random bunch of abilities thrown at me, having to figure out whether I'm not finding something, or you removed it by intend or accidentally.


    Essential stuff like interrupt and stunbreak is missing, I doubt you are reworking all existing encounters so that must be a bug, yes? The base dummy-rotation feels the same, but what makes the class is not the rotation but the defensive abilities, mobility options and stylish moves. So yeah, it technically still is a guardian, but lacks some of the flair that distinguishes the class from others. But well, you could say it feels more like a "combat style" now, than an actual class.


    The question is will you add class-identity abilities on top of what is being tested here. Will a Guardian-Style Consular play any different than a Guardian-Style Knight?

  14. I'It doesn't make sense at all. For non force users to be in kotfe.


    Agent makes sense at the start, and Inquisitor and Agent are the classes with an actual explanation why they're able to resist the emperor's full presence. The other non-force users have no business being on Marr's ship in the first place.


    My Operative became a peacekeeper, if not for Lana, she would have used her power to turn Nathema into one huge concentration camp for all force users in the galaxy. Kreia would have approved.

  15. There have been different requests in the past. More weapon choices is just one of them, others wanted more advanced classes and switching between advanced classes.


    This change adds a lot of choice to character generation, and decoupling advanced classes from the story makes it more acceptable to add just one new class, rather than having to come up with a new advanced class for the other 3 base classes as well. So once this is implemented, the door is open for the Infiltrator, a single-handed stealth force user with all-new animations that don't use double bladed swirling attacks.


    Whether class switching is actually going to be a thing remains to be seen. I'm doubtful.

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