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Everything posted by nakoda

  1. *repacks the procrastipipe for round whatever after the first one*
  2. delegate, delegate delegate. or get someone else to do it for you.
  3. why do we keep quoting that dev post that doesnt even have the word December in it?
  4. dude thats so fast its almost like a unit of distance and not velocity!
  5. i feel like not feeling like correcting your grammar.
  6. or electronic cigarettes. hand held vaporizers actually help loosen the crap in your lungs by hydrating them with good old water vapor. no nicotine, no tobacco. mileage may vary. consult your inquisitor. some restrictions apply. offer not valid to citizens of Quebec.
  7. i have a final exam tomorrow and friday, then i work through till monday.. I was banking on putting off studying with early access so that I could get some game time in before launch.
  8. real Decemberists get replied to without any post scroll. well done sir, well done!
  9. do you seriously think the servers can hand the Decemberists chat scroll in <General> ? This is premeditated discrimination against slow talkers, text walkers, social observers, and gingerbread men! AM I upset? I dunno, I ll have an answer for you Tuesday the 23rd.
  10. has anyone else the sad realization that all this time procrastinating on the forums could be spent procrastinating in game not crafting or questing or levelling but rather standing around some common landmark and expressing how great it is to finally be in the game?
  11. he said: we all got charged 5$ regardless of when we preordered. that is poo.
  12. As long as I get to be Darth Sloth for coming up with the name.
  13. The bad news is that I didn't preorder until december 8th. the good news is that im maintaining scholarship grades at university. we'll see how that goes next semester...
  14. ^^^beat me to it. ^.^ Your = possesive pronoun You're = you are = subject/verb predicate contraction.
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