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Everything posted by nakoda

  1. this same issue is why they have the option for turning off firendly npc names, because unless you are within 5 yards of an NPC, you cannot see the quest marker over their head. Why on earth they decided to make quest markers and target icons scalable with distance (sometimes, but not others oddly, every so often you see a massive lightning bolt through a wall in PVP or some such) is beyond me.
  2. Target NEAREST does not 'cycle', it is a static targeting tool. the only way that it will cycle through the targets is if you are moving between different players, so it is only useful is you are actually NEAREST to the one you want to target. The point I want to counter with is that I want to be able to target that guy 20 yards in front of me... 20 yards directly in front me... that is, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, not right next to me... and force charge, or whatever. Instead, i have to hammer tab and cycle through every target BUT the one in front of me (as for some reason, it seems to want to prioritize targets that are out of my field of vision). Otherwise, as one other poster already gave as an anecdote, I end up charging or whatevering behind me or ninety degrees off to the side. And in case you missed it, there is already an option in the menus to activate ability on the nearest enemy which is infinitely more useful that target nearest enemy. However, as melee, I kill things next to me and need to actually target mobs that are not next to me.
  3. got forbid they start to make intuitive programming. this is an mmo, we can't have that. I bet next thing you are gonna whine about is the lack of macros or something useless like that. if wow did anything, it was prove that gamers know more about how to make games better than developers do.
  4. The problem with "Target Nearest" is that it does no cycle. You have to manually move to the target you want to target. Once it selects a target it will not change that target unless a new "nearest" takes the first's place. This is also stupid behavior, as target nearest ought to be in a donut ring around the player, cycling any friendly or enemy within a 1-10 yard radius, which would be the point of having a target behaviour that attempts to ignore players who are beyond your range from being targetted, as opposed to target next which seems to sometimes grab players 50 yards behind me that I cannot even see.
  5. Another issue with targetting that has changed since the last patch (02.22.2012) seems to be problems with LOS around areas in maps where you are targetting up slopes or ledges (i.e. the platforms East/West on the Defense Turret WZ, or ledges in The Pit). What ever has changed to fix some other LOS issue has made targetting on those platforms brutal, you have to be up on top of it before you can target anyone, which makes abilities like charge and throw useless, effectively gimping warriors who use that to build rage at the start of combat. also, I cannot jump from the ground beside the platform up on to the platform because I "cannot see target"? *** kind of sith am i? Or, when I am in the pit in The Pit, I shouldnt have issues throwing up the ledge, trying to get my mouse pointer perfectly poised on the lip to find that magic pixel that will turn the circle red from grey. I fully understand that I shouldn't be able to throw my lightsaber through terrain, but *I* can *SEE* them ... so I should be able to target them. So, the idea is this, Tab Targetting, in addition to cycling in front of you in a 45% cone through either enemy or friendly players, ought to ignore LOS. This does not have to affect other abilties which ought to be restricted by LOS. Furthermore, as a general complaint, Tab targetting has gotten worse with every successive MMO, not better. I thought technology and programming have improved over the years, justifying the ever increasing cost of software and hardware and subscription fees. Or am I mistaken?
  6. im actually replying because there is no other way to subscribe to a thread right now. That said, im subscribing to this thread. Excellent work.
  7. deluxe and ce items in any mmo have always been vanity items, they aren't meant to give you an advantage in the game. if you thought otherwise, you misread the information and brought in your own assumptions and expectations.
  8. no need. (s)he can do as (s)he will. no need for aggression. aggression is not december.
  9. ill change it when i get around to taking down the christmas lights....
  10. where did the fun decemberists go? you guys have become a cult. that is so not december. just chill with the procrastipower of the procrastiplant. and remember to share, greed is for the aggressive. *passes the procrastipipe*
  11. yes. you fail at parenting. go spend time with your chitlin.
  12. awfuly antagonistic. are you sure you are a decemberist? i cant be bothered to check for myself
  13. one more final exam to go tomorrow morning. then i work till 11pm >.<!
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