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  1. Where can you buy 30s with comms exactly? Thanks in advance.
  2. Both good responses, a bit more background as to "why" the ask in the first place. I saw another thread about teaming XP.. and am aware now of the massive penalties trying to group with a high level and "leech" xp from a rock so to speak (letting the high level nuke everything, meanwhile you get your "free" xp doing much of nothing), and discovered SWTOR has not made this possible. Okay, fair enough.. so what other power level techniques are possible.. and voila - discovered if a player draws agro on a mob, they effectively "own" that mob, so get 100% of the xp and $. Well, hence the reason for the post. Ideally, I AOE some mobs and get initial threat, then the high level strikes them all down (ungrouped). The problem is, everything glances and dodges, hopefully you get the jist of it. I guess that escort of a higher level is only advantageous then for buffing/healing/defeating bosses?
  3. Does one exist? I tend to fight "over my level" in most MMos and while I realize this has certain disadvantages, it's always kind of the way I played. Between XP group penalties and frankly, missing and having mobs dodge everything I try to fight "above my level", I wonder if a planet/mob list exists? If I knew what armor ratings certain mobs had (mechanical vs biological perhaps), I'd know where I had a chance of denting these guys and where not. It's assumed I'd have a higher level friend escorting, or more accurately, I'd be helping my sons char. ^^ Any help is most appreciated. We tried taking him to Tattooine last night at level 14, and could barely touch the mid 2x mobs, was quite surprised.
  4. I'd also be curious since big level gaps in party members (having a high level escort you for instance) deplete the XP so much, if there are work arounds. For instance, if a low level AOEs first, targeting and drawing aggro, yet another player (not in group, just a nearby ally/friend) comes in and finishes the mobs up, who gets the xp, the first attacker or the finisher? Looking for ways to PLVL and don't see many posts on this topic.. Knowing what I know, they don't want people doing this as it's unfair but figured I'd ask.
  5. Oh, didn't know I needed expansion, figured a message would've popped up when I tried to buy advanced training and it failed.. nothing pops up, no message.. if I train to advance other professions that aren't yet 400, it tells me I'm not high enough. Literally nothing happens when I try to buy the advanced now..
  6. I have been stuck at lvl 400 slicing for over a week now.. neither the trainer on IMP Fleet or Kaas City will let me train it up. I've tried restarting several times, how can I get it to 401-450 please?
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