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10 Good
  1. I agree HK-51 should be romanceable who doesn't want a piece of that sexy metal meatbag terminating machine.
  2. I was thinking about that recently they have, a lot of the older sith lords armor in game already they should add in Adas gear either through the CM or elsewear. I'd love to get naga sadows sword and a set that looks like the armour worn by revan in his planed clone wars appearance as well.
  3. The vong weren't as bad as legacy of the force or fate of the jedi. Abeloth, the son, daughter and father are just stupid.
  4. Yep everything after RotJ is probably going to get wiped or horribly mangled.
  5. Well I hope the vong don't get chopped I just got over not liking them at all.
  6. Are the clones the 501st? Because I'd bet on them over the pubs.
  7. That actually be pretty cool. We still know almost nothing about the chiss.
  8. Even being a prime candidate for colonization I can see all the back to back wars delaying full scale colonization until the original given date. After all there's no pressing reason to colonize a planet like Naboo when you have plenty of Galactic wars keeping the population down especially several major ones within a 500 year period. The gunguns also could have simply been ruled by a queen at one point.
  9. Yavin would be excellent maybe get a surviving Massassi as a companion for everyone and Naga Sadows sword. It wouldn't be so bad if we could kill the Ewoks I loved that map in Battlefront I could spend all day steeping on them with an AT-ST
  10. Well all the satutes that the gungans worship indicate that there was a civilization there at one point however hes correct the modern people of Naboo don't arrive until about 2000 years before the clone wars. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Elders_(Naboo) Hmm they lived in the swamps and fought with the gungans... They might have just been a group of Rakatan what with the supposed force sensitivity. But the ruins don't really match.
  11. They should find a way to add in Capital ship pvp and possibly pve. Now that would be awesome always wanted to use all the turbolasers on a star destroy to reduce a target to slag.
  12. Every part other then the chest and lower robe. Those only seem to go for 200,000 to 500,000 at least on begren colony..
  13. Damn I've seen the belt the last couple of days for 20 mil here.
  14. There's a vendor that sells it in the cartel section of the fleet. No way to get any of the other pieces other then the GTN these days as far as I know.
  15. Those would be pretty sweet so would Malaks crystal in that image. Also wouldn't mind seeing a sith meditation sphere added as a gunship for GS.
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