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Everything posted by Orlogg

  1. Not to spoil anyone's fun, but isn't SCORPIO an obvious tribute to the android Maria from Metropolis? C3PO's design was a already a nod to that android, but SCORPIO looks even more like her: <image> And, if there is a similar android in TFA, I'd find it more likely to explain that as a reference to the science fiction classic Metropolis as well, than as a link to SWTOR. EDIT I now see that davidrodriguezjr already brought up Metropolis.
  2. Wow, that planet has it coming! http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/1d/4c/10/1d4c1020fdded6be052b37b92442933b.jpg
  3. Hear hear. It is not unlikely this new trilogy is going to be awful beyond imagination... Maybe it'll make those two Ewok spinoff movies superb in comparison.
  4. I'm not a RolePlayer (curious how that works though), but find Nivek_Sivad's OP sympathetic. So?? The game already houses at least three different types of games: the Open World MMORPG, the (solo) Space Missions, and now GS. A phased location for a guild wouldn't be so difficult to realize (it would just have to been one physical location, e.g. on the Fleet).
  5. I just wrote in another thread that I sofar (only recently got this ability and only used a few times) fail to see it do any damage at all. Am I doing something wrong?? It's a AoE attack, right?
  6. I've only recently obtained this ability, and the few times I tried to use it, I couldn't actually see it any damage. Your post explains why. Apparently it has recently been nerfed. Afaik the Operative doesn't have an AoE 'spell'. I'd appreciate it if he'd get one.
  7. That series The Clone Wars is awful too. Well, maybe the storyline is okay or even great, but I dislike the looks of it so much, that I cannot watch it. I do tend to consider most of the Robot Chicken stuff semi-cannon though
  8. True. But if a new trilogy comes with a new storyline in which e.g. there is no Thrawn, it'll be hard to incorporate it all into your own private Star Wars. Maybe Cadan could explain it be having Leia telling she had a long, bad dream. That worked for Dallas in the somewhere in late 80s / early 90s: an entire season in which Bobby Ewing was dead, turned out to be just a bad dream of his wife
  9. Okay. I must say I like the idea. I also found an additional personal reason: some of the unfriendly remarks (when you have an option between two or three things to say) are incredibly funny!! So, it would be cool if could play my BH again and be a total jerk to Mako and Gault (Without actually losing afection, that is)
  10. Nice I did that too, and no regrets sofar, for similar reasons. 8.99 Pound Sterling I presume? I pay 11.99 Euros, which is about the same as 8.99 Pounds. But if you meant American Dollars, it would mean EA/Bioware would charge EU players almost twice as much as USA ones.
  11. On a side note: would it be it true that Hammil, Fisher and Ford have been asked about whether they're interesting to participate? From a Google Image search I did on them, I assume they'll be doing cameos as members of the Hutt Cartel.
  12. Something from the Cartel Market store.
  13. A guild AT-AT (or more precisely, the smaller walkers you see in game) might be nice too.
  14. Lol, I still don't have Treek, but I hope I'll be able to stand his (her?) babbling. Are there any classes with Wookiee companions? I wouldn't be able to stand that sound for long!
  15. I too think that the entire concept of guilds should get more attention, so great post BrotherJohn! (Btw wasn't that a buddy of Robin Hood? Never mind.) As far as I am concerned, they just emulate how it all is done in WoW.
  16. Whenever I have a companion gift, I alway go though all my companions to see with whom I improve my affection the most. So, it'd save me time if the tooltip would just show it all in the first place. That would also be convenient when you're aboard your ship, where no companion is active.
  17. I did like those Dark Horse Comics "Dark Empire" iirc, in which Palpatine returned though the cloning technology. I read very little of the novels, but I know some of the story outline through wikipedia. I think Grand-Admiral Thrawn is an iconic figure (even though I find the Chiss' looks a bit unimaginative) and would find it weird if both Thrawn and Palpatine reborn would be declared "It didn't happen". At the same time, I wonder if these concepts could/should be written into a movie... It'd be a challenge. Kasdan is a really good pick, as his status is probably second only to Lucas himself. (Not that this means much. GL has put some bad stuff into the prequels. E.g. the long, long anticipated (I read the story outline in a 1986 mag when RotJ was just released!!) fight between Obiwan and Anakin. That was one hell of an anticlimax.)
  18. Two big plusses of SWTOR over WoW: The important part the Companions play. (Of all my WoW chars my Warlock was most dear to me — because of my Voidwalker, Imp etc. But they're nothing compared to Khem Val, Talos, Kaliyo, Dr. Lokin and Gault) The excellent storyline (the Class story, but also e.g. the Battle of Corellia) Also, the voice acting is great!! But at the same time it might be limiting or at least complicating future additions to the game. SWTOR has cooler looking gear. WoW has better guild features, better pets, and pet battles. WoW supports addons, but SWTOR has a neat interface editor, so they're kinda even on that one (although several WoW addons do not primarily concern the interface, but e.g. warn you when are Rare NPC is near).
  19. That;s an idea I was contemplating... a way to unbind things, as it seems a waste having to throw things away... But I haven't come up with a satisfying solution yet.
  20. That is why I am pretty sure this cannot be implemented without radical changes to the game's databases. Because the buy-back option is not dependent on a certain vendor (I could sell something to a vendor on Correllia and buy it back at Tatooine) the game engine and/or database apparently has no memory storage capacity reserved for individual vendors. So, to implement this idea, each and every vendor would have to get such a memory, which I think would make a huge demand on the particular server's storage capacity. From a player's perspective, I like the idea though. I've always hated the idea to waste things, even IRL.
  21. As much as I like the idea — any idea that expands end-game content with other things than fights-with-little-or-no-story — I think the encounters with your companions are important events in the storyline (think of e.g. Khem Val, SCORPIO, Gault). So, having the option to re-run the storyline, would imho necessitate dismissing *all* companions until the storyline will lead you to the encounter that brings them into your crew.
  22. http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29300000/-Rob-Halford-judas-priest-29301967-475-607.jpg
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