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Everything posted by SuperNobbs

  1. I've never owned one (Which blows) BUT I'd love the opportunity to obtain one. Bring them back. Period.
  2. So a few things. 1) Give Rep items value and make them sellable. Being a Legend with Makeb, the rep items are now useless. Atleast make it so i can sell them as junk. Credits are still credits. 2) Korelias Speeders. Sexy as hell. Bring them back. Thats all for now.
  3. See now this is the right way to go, but i propose a spin on your take of things: Make it so that, say you're building a Lightsaber. Karagga on NiM Drops a random "Piece" (Hilt, Crystal, Barrel) To a legendary weapon. Dreadtooth on an insane amount of stacks would drop another piece. Golden Fury drops a piece. S&V and TFB can drop pieces to. THEN, once you have all 4-5 pieces, make another chain of quests, not one that is meant to be in any way simple where they would eventually make it to some sort of Forge to construct the weapon. That, in my own insane opinion (Naturally) Would make it worth while.
  4. Personally i love Card games within games. Favorite was the card game from Final Fantasy 9. So make this happen people.
  5. Every other MMO thats paid for doesnt have to worry about paying for new stuff like classes/Dyes/ Etc etc. We pay you every month, and my reward is enough points equal to a single cartel pack and maybe some?
  6. *Sigh* Whatever floats your boat cupcake. Anyway, this topic is dead. Morale of the story is its a good idea, and should be implemented as soon as they can manage it. End of discussion.
  7. I'm not trying to provoke you. Personally i find arguing on the internet boring. I was merely asking why you find it necessary?
  8. This kids is what i meant by purses and tampons. Why are you attempting to bait people into arguing on the internet? Seriously.
  9. The whole point of this discussion was finding a system that would reward the roles needed at any given time in the RGF. It seems yet a select few imbeciles are once again getting their purses and swinging them around in such a fashion that we're all being hit with their tampons. Stow it. This is the internet. You're not cool. Caps locking me to death or attempting to belittle me on the internet only makes me laugh at you and how much effort you put into attempting to insult someone. *Sigh* Back onto topic: I tank, fairly adequately, But once i've ran my first FP for the day, why would i wanna run more? To get ninja'd? To get no gear? I have all of the Elite stuff, and working into Verpine. To deal with a bunch of kids who have no idea what they are doing? No. Pugging is an annoyance at best. So if you want the incentive for players (Yes kids, players, not tanks/healers, wouldn't wanna be specific here before the purses come back out) of whatever role to Que when needed, then give them the incentive to do it. Whether it be DPS/Heals/Tank, when the role is needed, and other roles are waiting because of it, then give the role needed a reason to want to pug a group. Cause lets be fair. Nobody likes to Pug, and i'm pretty sure the only reason people do it in the first place is for the Daily/Weekly rewards.
  10. Agreed. I'll do one for the daily bonus? But if the game suddenly offered more then i'd more more as opposed to sitting around on fleet dancing/Attempting to break the Bio analysis Market.
  11. *Points at the sign* JGOLD look. Don't feed the trolls. It only makes them and their Ego even bigger.
  12. Dude has a point. With most MMO's and even card games, Whats on the actual Game/Card will always supersede anything else. Bravo good sir.
  13. Wait thats your comebacks? To.... Wait for it...... Attempt to correct me (In order to make me feel less intelligent no doubt) and then offer advice based on my sanity? Phew..... No idea how to recover from that....... Thats..... Wow. Swiftly back onto topic, The system is a good idea. It will work, as it has in other games. It would have to be switched up a bit so you can get it multiple times, whether it be Credits/Comms (I'm thinking creds, as people will be getting comms far to quickly otherwise). I can happily switch from Tank to DPS to fill slots, same as some others can happily switch from DPS to Heals/Tank. So i think its a good idea. I get that some classes can't do to much (Sentinel for one) but hey, with the sheer amount of players that should jump at this idea, for those select few it shouldn't be a problem. Anyone else have any intelligent input then by all means, post away.
  14. Attempting to make me feel silly won't work. Having read all of this conversation, you're in no postition to make anyone feel silly really. Shall i go into depth on what i meant? Make it easier to understand for you? Mkay. There is no downside to a system that rewards players "That are needed for the GF to function adequately". As in if it needs tanks, then reward the tanks. If it needs DPS, then reward the dps. Etc etc All you have done is attempt to belittle others with your know-it-all attitude and make out that a good idea, is infact, not that good at all. If this works in WOW, the most popular MMO on the planet, then we can only assume, it will work here. Oh and the waffles are great. Before eating them they told me you have the integrity and intelligence levels equal to that of a slab of limestone.
  15. Well this has been hilarious to read. Firstly. This is a good idea. People in my guild have had to wait hours for tanks at times, and it shouldn't be like that. The idea to implement rewards for the classes that the GF needs in order to function seems like a swell idea, and lets be honest, this game is all about the creds, the rewards. Whose going to turn down extra rewards. As for Respeccing, it does essentially help out quite a few hindrances. Sage's can be DPS or Heals, Shadows can be Tanks or DPS, etc etc etc. I don't see any problem with this at all, think its a great idea. Although, being that i can't see the name now, i'll say the person with the hutt picture? Your argument makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever, I could go into my kitchen and have a more sufficient debate with a plate of waffles. As has been said, there is no downside with a system that rewards players, of any role, based on percentages that happen to be queuing. Its a self correcting system that, at this current moment, doesn't look like it has a fault.
  16. Lol, yeah those droids are a massive pain in the butt. But its not just those guys, even some of the pull on Hammer station, and Madalorian raiders to, are just slightly op. Like the turrets on MR HM. Its kind of like Droid back on Lost island HM. He was harder then Karagga on HM. Its insane. If you're going to make something that hard to clear, atleast improve the rewards so its worth it. Dying to trash mobs over and over again for some blue/orange gear doesnt excite me all to much >.<
  17. So i won't write a whole huge thing about this, i'll keep it brief. I'm a Shadow Tank (Level 55) And i'm geared fairly well. sounds pretty cool right? Try this I'm a 55 shadow tank, and i wear a dress, and dont look Tanky in any way. Not so much. Just seems like the 55 sets, they could have been so much cooler looking, but they're just not. Granted i haven't really seen most of the other stuff yet, so other people may hae to let me know what they think of it. But the same goes for any class: DPS, Healer, Tank. Make the gear look like it fits the role. The fact i can tank bosses in a dress makes me think this dress is made from the threads of a God's Chest hair. (Most likely Thor).
  18. Ima have to agree. And since they took Expertise off of all the 50 stuff, The PVE players may have this BS Bolster Rule, but they will still be walked all over by the guys who have the full pvp set. This shouldnt be decided by Gear, it should be decided by skill. Put two people in a room, with the equal means to defend themselves, and the battle would be close, fun even. Now make one of them naked and give the other a gun. Not so amusing. Also, you could always make it so PVP gear can only be used in a PVP Warzone. Stat changes to said PVP gear could easily be done to compensate for the difference in PVE gear. That way, PVP gear would still play a factor in PVP, and still be worth aiming for, whiles not making it usable to the PVE environment. Down with Expertise!
  19. Nice suggestion! Personally though, i agree with an earlier post, being 140% for top end, and an option for 55 would be nice, at 150-160. 200% seems nuts, you'll be driving over the rails at fleet every 5 minutes, lets not take this to far now.
  20. Na i'll have to side with OP. my Tank is wearing mostly Black Market gear, and climbing, Topping at 35k hp. I can tank the old ops on HM no problem whatsoever, but these new 55hm's do seem to have the damage a little high, and again i agree, its not bosses that do the damage, its the trash (Thats not to say the bosses aren't tough, because they are. hey can still happily wipe your group). I'd rather die to a boss who wipes the group and is a genuine challenge, then die to 5-6 little trash dudes who decide biting my legs off is an option.
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