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Posts posted by Amunra-amunray

  1. I’d leave that match most likely. Anyway, welcome to the era of humanity that care nothing for others only oneself.


    Its a shame really and the perpetrators have advancedly upset the copywriters in this regard. It will get better, but only after it gets much much worse. Hackers do cause they try and fail. Real skill DO!


  2. check your worn gear ;)


    they must of hot patched it as once I was forced out to server select screen and relogged the item ratings went back to normal or as you say it could of been one of my gear pieces but they are all 306s min maxed and augmented


  3. It would seem the Devs continue to fail us in GSF matches. They continue to perpetuate a Guild presence not allowing anyone to maximize their ships, learn or even win a match. This should be brought into the 23 Century of coding since you have focused characters enough... its time to do some work for all that money you have collected. Not give away the game to veteran players who provide no new subscription fees.


    The fastest way to kill your player base or new player subscriptions is to continue allowing this unbalanced Que system of fleets that are guild centralized.


    For the haters this has nothing to do with Teamwork; and everything to do with allowing others to have fun and achieve. Its time for the haters to give back and the new players to have a chance. Not overrun dead guilds of a few overpowered super computing teams of death!


  4. Not sure who to discuss this with as it seems like a unique issue. After reaching Renown 400 the gear item rating only drops 286 rating Blues and Purple gear. I no longer get 302-306s


    What is going on and is this a known bug or a nerf for those who acquired to many item rating 302-306s type gear which I reverse engineer to acquire the rare material Legendary Embers?


    If so will it be patched or is this the eternal damnation brought to you by the Thug Devs of Bioware giving the game to only PTS and sticking it to the MAN!




  5. My issue is that when i reached renown 400 my gold gear drops reverted back to 286 item rating not 302-306s. Anyone know the reason for this and will it be patched or is that what I must deal with now. Is there a gold rating item received cap or sumtin and only triggered by reaching 400 renown?
  6. It would seem that GSF is still using bots, auto aim and are not balancing combat. another match far outweighed again because the game designers refuse to follow the storyline of Star Wars it about balance not over the edge always one faction winning


    cartel ships need to match starter ships in every capacity. PERIOD. the notion that a team in voice coms can farm your new subscribers will cause them to leave and not play. So if bioware wants to continue to make money with this game it would be best to continue to look how the GSF mechanics are failing your subscribers and the game as a whole. Anyone can play bully few can actually play without those around doing the dirty work for them or rely on auto aim and bots to complete their mathematics. if they cannot calculate the corect issues then it needs to be nerfed until fixed. Also adding a Ranked Q would be smart as people cannot train unless you get rid of the veterans on the playing field or allow another area of play for those training and leveling.


    Still think this game is about being an elitist one man show it will never be! We are all part of this and many more will follow so fix it or break it more or continue to bleed subscribers. Many do not even Q and this teaches flying mechs and other things. BLABLA BLA


    Amunra out!

  7. How can I have 123k conquest points on a character per say and then the Guild invasion shows an amount lower than the actual amount i have for personal conquest. The two need to match. As this is incorrect calculation of data and provide false results.
  8. EXACTAMUNDO, finally someone willing to speak up for someone other than the bully devs and stat hackers and wannabe gamers...


    Story-mode is supposed to be just that, a way for everyone, even 4 mediocre dps, to see the content. There is Veteran Mode and Master Mode for the more skilled players to run.


    Story-Mode Trial and Error has been badly tuned compared to the other story-mode uprisings.


    (Before you condescend to me about learning how to play my class; I have completed Trial and Error, but also have enough intelligence to see that it is considerably more difficult than the other story-mode uprisings)

  9. If you were referring to MM then by all means continue to comment.. if not please contribute constructive criticism, or just leave you keyboard keys out por FAVORe...


    Well, when you start the game,, you most probably go through at least 1 class story. You play one clas, one advanced class, you slowly acquire abilities, which you read what they are about and what they do. You use them on a regular basis and get used to them. You experience standard mobs, strong mobs, elite, heroic mobs. You are guided to do Flashpoints where you experience group play, learn to use and manage your companion, experience gearing and its effects.......


    There is just soooo much the game slowly teaches you. By the time you proggress to the Trial and Error Uprising (story wise) you should be a Pro-player.

  10. Now see why can't you say that about my other post, sometimes I have a tough time elaborating my information due to my asperger's, but i am sure that this game could have some AMAZING potential if we can get our devs to think outside the box!!!


    I agree with this post in full. Even just exploring the dark corners of the game to see all the detail put in would be enough reason for a utility or toy that worked like the light probes.



    And that area already has a flashlight probe

  11. See 7:31 post about how it impacts bolster. Expertise is strictly a stat math derivative and bolster is only good if you gear like a PvEer, but if you gear like a pvper, accuracy is hardly used in REGs and Ranked still uses 100% not even 110% additionally the cross stating of Tanks and Healers to dps makes these classes overpowered especially in teams with similar classes, i.e, two sorcs and two juggs on one team or MERCs omg an all MERC team is invincible, test it yourself... if you do not PvP then you may not see it until its in action.

    And, no matter how much you think Juggs and Guardians are the hero of the game. That is not the Star Wars way. Balance is the Star wars way even on the dark side. While they try to tip the balance to benefit them in the end the story still says, BALANCE and that means amongst all classes not just the SERVER or Dev favorites.


    The specialization of character customization. And the change in how stat equations impact specific stats. i.e. accuracy currently is invaluable in regs, but needs some in Ranked etc. The bolster really messes with standardized stats and those who have PvPed since launch know this and just cheat the bolster system. Unless we just remove Bolster from Ranked and allow them to test in unranked zones as they have normally. But, I do not foresee this happening. PvE gear never balances with PvP bolster and most of the time requires a few pieces to be altered during play of PvP vs PvE and then there is of course the Naked Bolster... where toons go in with just their relics... just some concepts to consider when altering stat numbers...
  12. I am not 100% sure but I just use the old number for say alacrity 1860 for 1.3 cooldown point and divide that number by the coefficient provided in the how it scales ie. 0.38 in this case for alacrity - the second number, the fraction in each category, I get 4895. Is this correct? so the new 1860 if nothing is changed is 4895?


    Can do this for crit, accuracy etc.


    Note I may be totally misunderstanding this formula too so please clarify how we are translate old figures to the appropriate new figures in the pts so far?


    Alacrity is always broken in PvP bolster. Granted is a great resource for Raiders and the PvEers, but its seems to always be a tragedy when it meets same class buffs and PvP bolster. Not sure the math there, but Guilds are now forming class specific guilds to specialize in these same class buff mechanics that are invading the Regs space. Do not see it as much in Ranked PvP.

  13. how so? because of level sync?


    The specialization of character customization. And the change in how stat equations impact specific stats. i.e. accuracy currently is invaluable in regs, but needs some in Ranked etc. The bolster really messes with standardized stats and those who have PvPed since launch know this and just cheat the bolster system. Unless we just remove Bolster from Ranked and allow them to test in unranked zones as they have normally. But, I do not foresee this happening. PvE gear never balances with PvP bolster and most of the time requires a few pieces to be altered during play of PvP vs PvE and then there is of course the Naked Bolster... where toons go in with just their relics... just some concepts to consider when altering stat numbers...

  14. So in essence we are going back to expertise gear without calling it expertise stats? Will we have to then again build a PvE gear set and a PvP set again cause onslaught was supposed to customize and simplify gearing, these numbers look like tipping the scales from balanced to one side one set of gear again?



  15. Most things that advance great gameplay take time to iron out....


    This is what happens when you almost understand something, but where almost doesn't count.;)


    Your OP is a bit confusing, but your later posts kinda help clarify what I think you're trying to argue for. Originally, I assumed you wanted a damage nerf. Others did too, and this is why ppl have pointed out that the damage itself for a DoT wouldn't be nerfed by distance for a DoT (using 'science' and of course un-suspending the disbelief we all have when dealing with the SW universe in general where humans can become invisible and stuff). No matter the range, if someone was hit by a DoT of fire, poison, etc. in theory it could do the same damage if that strike was from 100cm or 100m. It may be true that the potency is decreased by distance (for example if part of the damage is the kinetic force of the initial hit itself)--I grant that--but it need not be true (see "almost" point above).


    So what it appears you're arguing for is an "accuracy" nerf with a distance buff. That would make more sense with your 'science' since we'd certainly expect the accuracy of a strike to diminish with distance (again, I'm noting the absurdity of applying 'science' to the SW gaming universe at all). The same problems I raised earlier persist though. These DoT classes would be OP, especially melee classes. In PvP, they'd be able to hit and keep at distance to avoid any counters. This is why melee DoTs are capped at 30m, and many abilities at 10m.


    Even with accuracy dropping to, say, 30% but at a much greater distance (e.g. 60m), a rather average PvPer like me would be extremely lethal and also probably unkillable. It's also worth pointing out that mathematically, nerfing accuracy with 100% damage vs. nerfing damage with 100% accuracy can be made to achieve the same result (again, reinforcing the "almost" point above), so giving any boost to range will be purely a net buff with no real downside at all....

  16. So we conducted a little experiment, and had a volunteer put a lit match in their pocket and then move to x distances from where they put it in their pocket. The results would likely surprise you, the fire was just as hot at 30 and 60 meters as it was at the inception point. Next we shot the volunteer with flaming projectiles from assorted ranges, and the times we actually managed to hit said volunteer at those ranges, the fire was still just as hot. We couldn't find a volunteer to be bitten by a spider or poisonous snake, but here's my bet, the venom won't lose potency based on distance from the location where they would have been bitten.


    So you got rolled in PvP by someone using a DoT eh?


    I am trying to remain a subscriber and so are many others but will not come into a game that is only fun for DEVs and Subs that have been here longer than most...


    It just makes economic sense to please all your subscribers not just the ones that write code or brown nose...

  17. That doesn't make sense, your toons shoot laz0rs and force powers not projectiles for the most part. Besides, the title suggets this is about DoT classes DoT's are basically poison why would the damage poison inflicts change with the distance of the character to it's target that's not how poison works.


    It makes perfect sense if you study actual science in school. Do to resisitance, distance, friction etc speed and strength of that speed is reduced over the length of the distance test. For instance a Race car for years they have tried to get them faster and travel longer based on certain factors but we are still bound by the rulers of science...


    It may not make sense entirely to all, but it does make sense...

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