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Posts posted by Benets

  1. I think there will always be a class or two which is more powerful than the others and it actually makes the game more interesting because what a class lacks in power it makes up for in utility. PvP is about completing objectives as a team. Some people describe PVP solely in terms of how many kills can be achieved or how much damage can be dished out by a given class which totally misses the point. Numerical data actually reveals very little where objectives are concerned.


    Different classes are supposed to have different skill sets with their accompanying strengths and weaknesses. The alternative is to homogenise the classes and render PvP mind numbingly boring.


    Really hard if you go for objectives but die in 3 seconds. Bioware have dumb staff as DEV, seems that after a patch to "balance" game looks even more imbalanced

  2. I posted it on suggestion box, although it isn't a warzone it's pvp, and i think it worth to take a look, it's a mix of world pvp, warzone and arena. I've even made a map.


    I'll put the original link and the full text below:


    Denvoa World PvP Idea



    I think the world of a RPG game should be more dynamic and organic, players actions should impact the world, the politics the geografic, the power balance. Should change the world around them.

    This way getting the lore from Novare Coast, a warzone that takes place on Denova, bioware could create this denova planet where the focus on it should be the war between Republic vs. Sith Empire. So it could be the entire planet and zones about PvP.


    What i thought:

    Some maps with some bases that you can take over. So this map's belong to your faction. The other faction can try take it back, on both sides there's a spaceport/base that you can't siege, a safe zone, outside this zone is where the battle takes place. I made this map as exemple: My Denova Map


    On northwest is the republic base and southeast Empire base. The red line is the zone's boundaries.

    Each map have a progression bar with 10.000 points. A faction need to achieve 6.000 points to dominate a zone, if a faction dominate the base on the map (the bright octogone structure) the other team in order to dominate it back need to put the bar toward the other side by 6000 points. A faction that own the base can, however, increase his points to 10.000, so the other team need even more to get it back. Why not like 5.000 to dominate, cos' this way a faction can take and just one second after the other faction can take it back, with this "safe" range, the other faction have at least some time to lost it again. Plus the defensive team should have some benefit of get the base. One of the benefits is the other team need to pass a thousand points more than half of zone "life" or points.


    Now, how to get the points. This could use the valor, each enemy char you kill worth his valor points toward faction warfare effort (the zone bar points). So kill a high valor rank earn more and it's fair, cos' probly thei're are somehow geared. It's like lose a major, the impact is higher than lose a recruit.


    But this isn't the only way to earn collective effort points. Could have some quests from time to time, or events, or each player can do a quest each 15 minutes. Pvp quest, completing it earns a bonus of 250 warfare effort points.


    What i think about quests: It could have 2 major types of quests; Open world quests and Phased quests.


    Open world take place in the zones, like escort a elite soldier back home (marked as a red X on my map), kill some players. Heal a certain amount. Arm bombs on some places.


    Phased pvp quests, like phased story class quest. Its like world pvp, but imagine a scenario that allow only a certain number of players, like a live organic warzone. But you isn't transported there, you need to enter by the door, and the oposite faction can guard it. Those quests represent like spec ops, missions that require a special squadron. I put some structures on the map that represent it, One mission could be Sabotage the force generator. Or infiltrate a building and kill a NPC. Or enter a buildng and rescue a NPC. But it isn't PVE missions, in the meanwhile the opposite faction enter the same phased area and try to stop you. Some mission can be even nullify opposite team mission. Like a arena, you enter if you die, the other team succeed so you can't do it anymore. You fail your mission and thy succeeded.


    So each mission could have limit, like only 12 people can get this mission, once they get it, the others cant, need to wait 15 minutes to get it. So you need to queue. Open world missions do not have limit of players.


    So factions may use some premade team to do a specift mission.


    The missions could also give some benefit, like a bonus to everybody if you complete it.


    So, to not let the maps stactic, one side ganking other, it could have a system like this. The first map near your faction base your faction gain a bonus on warfare effort points. Each kill multiply the bonus of warfare effort by 2 so if you kill sombody that have 72 valor rank in your x2 bonus zone your team will earn 144 WP (warfare Points)


    So near your base is more likely you re-gain the second base control. Your second zone give you a x1.5 bonus.

    Some phased missions like assassinate a general can reduce the bonus in 0.5, so in your second zone you gain no bonus (1.5 - 0.5 = 1) and in your first zone your bonus is reduced to 1.5.


    If you kill sombody inside enemys base it could give 3 times the warfare effort points. So siege could be a good thing. But inside the base enemy should have some benefit. Like cannot be CCd, or reduce the CC time by half, or even double the amount of resolve created by a cc abilitiy. Or a boost in the expertise's damage reduction.


    Phased Missions bonus could be:

    Assassination: Reduce the valor multiplier by 0.5. for 15 minutes. Cos' its affect the morale and the strategic decisions of your team.

    Abduction: Show the position of all other players in the map for 15 minutes. Why? Cos you abducted a general and he give away the faction attack and defense plans.

    Retrive a computer data could be the same effect of abduction.

    Sabotage the power generator: Reduce or deny the defensive bonus for the team that fight inside the base cos they lost the shield base protection.


    I guess that's it for now.


    I have another idea that i think it's nice, but as seems that bioware never take a look, i am tired of elaborate, spend time making maps and diagrams to nothing.

  3. I just had a 9283 Force in Balance/Deathfield on a guy :)


    Mine still doing 4k and 5k to 6k on players, and it's hitting the same amount on pve dummy than pvp dummy, or bioware is praking (work as intended) or it's another bug.


    I have 3 skills that hit the same amount on pve dummy and pvp dummy.

    Foce in balance, sever force and weaken mind. All is internal damage.


    Pretty easy to kjill others when you have a single hit that take 33% of your life as melee hitting me for 9k to 10k

  4. I like the idea of player VIPs! How would the player be picked? Random? If so, how would you make teams fair so one side didn't get a tank and the other side got a squishy DPS with 20k health? How would you handle stealth classes when they are the VIP? Would the teams go at the same time or would it be like Voidstar where one team attacks/defends and then switches sides? :jawa_confused:


    Could have a place, like a orb that who clicks become the vip, so the team can choose, or a vote system at start to pick the VIP

  5. Comparisons are bad. Because apparently only Sages & Sorcerers can heal to full.


    This is the most idiotic excuse. If sage can heal to full, we should really heal to full, the self heals and the passive heal should compensate the lack of dps, so a sniper and a sage face to face should end the mach tied, cos the self heal should at least be equal the dps the sniper do. But its ridiculous, mend heal you for 4k, 6 if crit, everybody can out dps it. 1% of life heal in crittical, ridiculous, specially when others have similar benefit, 1% each 3 seconds while in cover.

  6. I think i'll create a app to answer as a bioware dev

    Bioware, do you care about the quality of SWTOR?

    We have no plans currently to increase the quality of swtor


    Do you read the forum?

    We have no plans to do that.


    Are you working on class balance?

    We have no plans on class balance.


    Will you take a shower tomorrow?

    We have no plans to do that.


    What can you say about the future of swtor?

    We have no plans to keep this game alive for so long

  7. Do you have any plans to address overpowered Hybrid builds which are present in Arenas?


    Our history of class balance shows that we attempt to discourage overpowered hybrid builds when and wherever possible. We are constantly balancing classes and will take action if something is not falling into line with class balance. We will continue to monitor these builds and adjust as necessary.




    Bad joke or liar. They pass an year and only have like 2 patchs 'balancing' classes and he said they are constantly balancing classes. Liar.


    I remember golden age at wow, after a expantion or patch one week later they already changing things to balance, here? Is more like "that was one in a million!" (han solo)

  8. Cross Server is to complicated?


    There is a simple solution to solve the PVP population issue: Just make server transfers free of charge!


    People would be able to change server whenever they like to play ranked and switch back for the rest of the content.


    It's not compliocated, they just dont want to. Stubborns. At start almost all servers went ghost servers and you couldn't do anything and they didnt open transfers or merge servers for 2 to 3 months, so, it was 3 lost months.

  9. At same time Bioware say that they will not implement the ability to choose a specific Warzone to queue for but talk about create a hutball league when this require the ability to queue for a single type of warzone.


    "Will we ever be able to choose a specific Warzone to queue for?"


    This supposed to be pretty simple: At least take of arenas of normal queue warzones or at least you could choose if you want to queue for non ranked arenas or warzones. It's pretty lame when you want to run warzones and keep popping arenas.


    Another pretty easy is, instead player choose what wz to play, we could choose only 1 or 2 warznones we do not want to play.



    Another contradictory thing:


    "Are there any plans of expanding open world PvP?"


    "Currently we have no plans of expanding open world PvP, specifically to say we don’t have any plans to introduce any new systems which offer rewards around it. However, we will continue to encourage open world PvP in events and future content. Some examples of this would be the Oricon daily area and the shared questing areas of the Rakghoul event."


    Not expanding and creating a real good open world pvp enviroment, rewards and story and other stuff, is exact on the opposite, you arent encouragin players to do open world. If you want people to do open world pvp give them a real good reason to do that. Confine them in a tiny map to do dailies isnt encouraing, sometimes you discourage people to do the dailies.


    You had some good ideas but badly implemented like Ilum, why ilum was a fail? Wasn't only the lag, it was the lack of points of interest, all the fight happened at same location, the base's doors. And you only get valor. Not worth enough after a while. I'll show a idea i had long time ago, how ilum could be great, i even made changes in the map:

    My Ilum Map


    And for open world pvp, how could it be good? I made long time ago other thread with a whole new map i made.

    Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet)


    But i think bioware isn't bold enough to try something like it.

  10. It should have a easiest way to track your debuffs on enemies. Sometimes there's a lot of debuff on it, even some with the same icon.


    It should exist a easiest way to track it.


    What i thought:

    In the target frame should have a section only for your own debuffs apart for the other players debuff. Like, usually the debuffs on the right side of frame, at the left side could be your debuff on enemies with a line separating it from other players debuffs.


    And/or your own debuffs could have a different bordline, or could be glowing like and aura on the debuff icon, so you could track what is your debuff and what's others

  11. It should have capital ship


    however for houses and bases i made some contributions long time ago in a thread that no longer exist


    I should exist places, like bases a guild could take. It's like it's own phase place. Should have some dates to fight for it, the guild's apply to fight in a day, like line age castle siege, if they win the battle the base' theirs.


    To avoid only huge guilds to maintain bases, as the battle takes place in a phased map, like story missions, each base could have a limit for each side depending of the type of base in that spot.


    Hiddeout/lair/safehouse - 12 players each side

    Camp - 16v16

    Military Base - 20 to 24 each side


    So even if a guild have 40 players and they're fighting for a hiddeout, they need to set 12 players to battle, so their higher numbers do not make it a easy win.


    Together with other idea i had, guild missions (guild missions/guilds story)


    those guild missions could give a comendation for the guild, so the leaders could build improvements to aid the defense. Buy stuff for the guild, build automated defenses, turrets, shields. Medical stations. And so on.


    So it could be a customized arena/warzone, different each time.


    The attack team could have a objective. Like hack the center like denova. And a time like an hour, half-hour when you die you respawn after a while.

    The larger bases could have multiple objectives, when you reach one, you respawn at the spot you took control.


    There's a lot of possibilities.

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