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Posts posted by Benets

  1. Could create a different "invisibility" skill for sage with different mechanic.


    Instead a invisibility you put in an area near you and everybody become invisible i thought the opposite.

    The sage could cast this ability in a 5 meter radius area and everybody (enemies) inside this area is affected by a mind trick and make's them look away and ignore the target making the sage invisible only to those affected by AOE skill.

    It's like a blind skill but the target do not get incapacitaded, can act freely but can't see the sage.


    This could be extended for the sage party only, so up to 4 players. Or for the whole party could be enabled by a talent..

  2. Already have PVE and PVP isntances on worlds.


    Could exist Heroic isntances on them where things are much harder and you NEED to be in a group to do stuff.

    On this instances all mobs are highter types normal become strong, strong become elite. Could nave some weak but that hit hard and you need to aoe them down. It's a whole world as a heroic zone.


    But why's that, beside challange should exist specifics missions you could only run on it, and run normal missions on heroic instances should give a much greater reward on creds and perhaps some specif vendors on those instance with a own heroic coin tied to it.


    Some events could be on it or have versions of those missions on it, like bounty hunter event.

  3. Bioware could create at least one special and unique ability for sage using saber. Or pick a old ability and change animation to use the saber.


    Could be a ability that you could only use on enemies with less then 30% of life.


    I thought about a saber toss like yoda on Episode 3.

    Sage could toss a saber on a enemy. And the saber could hit between the shoulder and chest and get sticked there for some seconds dealing damage over time. Or slowing him and increasin' damage he takes for 6 seconds. Or this saber toss could replace the sage stun, you toss the saber on him stunning and the saber stay there for the duration of the stun.


    This direct saber toss and sticking would be nice and great visual.

  4. You have stronghold, you deco it you get the bonus and then what? No one visit, theres no reason to visit the rooms and visit others strongholds.


    Could make a bunch of weekly missions on strongholds. Some to defend yours, pest control fix stuff, water plants.

    Others could be attack other players strongholds, defend other players.


    The same could be for guild missions to attack other guild ships.

  5. Forgot to say that Merc are much toughter than sage, they can hold much more damage.

    And the roll back grants immunity to control and less than half time cooldown, they can use much often.


    And phase walk do not teleport wherever you want, it's a place you were and place the mark. You can place a mark and then this mark location can't be good in the future, can be near combat or too far from action.


    Phase walk is better than nothing, but's ridiculous what bioware do with sages. Almost everybody getting new skill and sage get a recicled one. This is ********. This is the work of stupid designers.


    Not enough they gave shadows stride. So they can get easier in battle. Stupid devs.


    It's pretty simple that any retard knows, sage need defensive cooldown, real one. One like other classes that already have defense, have. A defensive cooldown that you can act and not be a stupid statue waiting it ends. A bad copy from wow paladin bubble.

  6. Next is Imperial Agent/Smuggler, then Bounty Hunter/Trooper, then Inquisitor/Consular!


    Of course consular will be the last, the most ****ed classes always last, so we'll have less time to think on it and complain.

    Blizzard did same with paladin healer.


    I alrady regreat paid 3 months in advance, this pvp is crap and i do not see any change for the future. These stupid devs giving even more mobility and charge to knights. This is the work of *******.

  7. Less and less people are pvp'ing now, sometimes it takes 45-60 mins for a pop to happen.... I've noticed a trend on certain servers you get a few PvP guilds that do nothing but make up 4 man premades and ruin all the fun for people who just want jump into a quick warzone... What happens is you can go against a fully geared out premade who's on vent/mumble/team speak and they pretty much just own everyone...


    Bioware you need to add a PUG only warzone option, this will level the playing field more and allow people to just have fun.... If not, less and less people are going to pvp due to frustration with the situation..


    No, DEVs ruined pvp

  8. Hey everyone whats good? I took about a year break and now im playing again, i wanted to know what the best build for pvp sent is please tell me why and some tips on it. Ive tried looking online but i cant find anything please and thank you..


    best advice is: "do not pvp", this pvp is crap

  9. Didn't you know that it is better to die with the ball than pass and risk your teammates scoring? that is a basic tenant of huttball that goes back to day 1 of early access, probably into beta.


    Lot of times you cant even pass, cos this game's so stupid with so many stuns that you can't act.


    Its these *********** stupid DEVs.

  10. So I am an active PvPer on PoTF. With the "new" system for PvP ranked rewards, what is the answer to the season tokens when your server has 3-4 hour ranked pops? Can we get cross-server queues? At what point will Ranked PvP be declared dead and the half measures to resuscitate it be stopped in favor of the only viable solution (cross-server queues)?


    No ranked PVP isnt dead.

    PVP is dead on swtor.


    Blame the stupid DEVs with brain damage

  11. IT's simple bioware DEVs are all retarded, they have all brain damage. This is why this pvp game sucks, cos they're stupid.


    They made a bad copy from wow.


    They're all stupid that do not give a *********** damn.

    This game's so *********** imbalanced, it's the product of DEVs with huge mental problems.

  12. But no.


    Assuming that the numbers are real, In the graph says the opposite you said. IT's not ballanced when one class have 25% and a lot of others 5%


    And probly the huge majority of sages and sorcs are healers.


    For a better data, should know how many of it are each faction, expemple, how many exactly are sages and how many are sorceres. Cos as IMP in most servers, are much easier to get carried.


    And should know how many on each specialization.


    And should know how many play with it.


    And SWTOR data isnt reliable, so easy to exploit rate.

  13. I know I'm not the first person to say this and I won't be the last, but healing, especially when combined with guard, is way over the top right now. It's, frankly, ridiculous.


    It's fairly common to participate in a complete warzone match where the highest number of kills on either side is in the single digits. I'm typing this right now because I was just in a full voidstar match with just 1 kill on either side. ONE.


    This isn't fun. You can have the best gear possible as a DPS and the ridiculous amount of healing can make it seem like you're swinging a wiffle bat at an elephant.


    The amount of healing isn't the only problem; it's also how insanely easy it is to heal while having barely any idea what you're doing.


    You can be a completely raw rookie keyboard turner but still pump out a massive amount of healing by rolling your face on your keyboard. When you add a competent tank with guard into the mix, healers become nigh invincible.


    Maybe you don't think dps should not be able to kill a healer by themselves, but surly it shouldn't take an entire team to kill a single healer. If the other team has 2 or 3 healers, you can forget killing anyone.


    If you zone into a warzone where both teams have 2 heals and 2 tanks, you might as well quit because you'll be bored out of your mind.


    If you zone into a warzone where the other team has heals but you don't, you might as well quit because you'll get slaughtered. It doesn't matter how good your DPS is. The team with heals can easily outlast you at objectives.


    Arena matches where one or both sides have 2-3 healers are also far more common now than they were before.


    Healers who were genuinely good at their class no longer shine in the way they once did because it's just so easy now. There's hardly any separation between good and bad.


    The sad thing is I know we can't expect to see any changes between now and the next expansion which is just two months away.


    SWTOR pvp is stupid, its the product of dumb devs. I doubt they really play swtor, i bet the devs play gw2 or wow.

  14. This is the first time anyone has posted this. Im sure they will change it right away and there arent 1m reasons not too.


    There's a major reason why they do not change those things like:

    Put penaly for people that quit wz.

    Different queues for arena and wz.

    Cross server queue.

    Dual Spec and quick gear change.


    The main reason is simple: THEY'RE DUMB.

  15. The real question is: will pvp still be this crapy imbalanced. That some classes have a ton of survivabilty and burst you to death in 3 seconds, andl heal be ridiculous over that make everybody immortal, or will you stop give stupid excuses and fix it?
  16. I hate being the one to say this, but sounds like a l2p issue.


    Pvp variables:


    1) first and most important...does my team suck? This is easily figure out by seeing where people go at the start, or if they get wrecked in the team fight, etc. (could also mean the other team is really good, but that's rarely the case). If your team is bad get ready to be on the defensive for the whole match.


    2) what kind of class/specs are on the other team? The way you approach the fights will be different based on if they have a bunch of ranged vs a bunch of melee.


    3) positioning. this will change drastically based on the above 2. positioning is everything for every class/spec, no matter what role you are playing. bad positioning will almost guarantee you get nuked every single time.


    4) who is on your team? are there other heals? really strong dps? are there dps that are really trying to peel for you? you need to not only prioritize health pools but also the value of the players around you.


    5) your own rotation and using ccs etc to counter the other team. amongst everything above that you are dynamically figuring out, you have your own rotation to think about and how to maximally play your class in the encounters you face.


    That is pvp. its not for everyone, and people fall short in assessing these variables which leads to bads which leads to imbalance. Are there class/spec imbalance? sure. they will never match the imbalance of the individual players and their ability to continually assess these variables and make good decisions however.


    some things is pretty stupid, like "positioning", this is crap.

    you position and then anyone can easly force leap or pull you, who cant do that can increase speed and root.


    On 'paper' is easy, but it isn't really true. SWtor pvp is crapiest of mmos, it's the product of retarded devs

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