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Everything posted by Mevarek

  1. Don't worry, once we disband we can reform a new guild. I personally like the name <mevarek's mad masturbators> but I'm open to suggestion.
  2. your eyes aren't fotm enough mallo. also I'm in infamous now so SMD
  3. Hey guys it is your lord and savior mevarek here and I was just wondering if there would be interest in doing group ranked kickball on one of the nights of the week/weekend as opposed to set teams. This is NOT SickTwisted trying to get randoms to queue so we can queue a team like double hatred and destroy randoms and farm rating. I would actually like to try and get some group ranked kickball for some competitive and rewarding matches as opposed to roflstomps from the guilds on server. Keep in mind this is still hypothetical as I have only reached out to a few people, but if there is interest we can work on organizing it. Regardless, if you are interested and think that you and your guild, friends, or whatever would like to participate either send me a mail on Mevarek, Maravarek, or Georgenalbannis on pubside or reply to this thread with your guild and times that would be most convenient to queue so that we can figure out the best time.
  4. I think we should just ban all gear, defensives, and abilities that aren't legacy punches so we can fight the way our mighty god (musco) intended us to.
  5. m8 watching you guys roll all over the place and occasionally burst each other while healing will be long, no doubt, but entertaining?
  6. lol ur mum got me riled. GG inb4 ban.
  7. Gonna stop you right there. If the world's fastest marauder dueled you it would be over so quick you wouldn't have time to cc kappa kappa.
  8. I understand it can be hard to find win traders but can there at least be a lockout put on the queue for early leavers? This type of mechanism is already in place for group finder IIRC.
  9. what was once an STI inside joke has made it's way onto the forums. 10/10.
  10. I abhor duels, but I'll be there. EDIT: okay, I may or may not be there, I'm not quite sure yet.
  11. Yeah, I've used Xsplit since when I first started streaming and I prefer it much more than OBS.
  12. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  13. Class got cancelled for me tomorrow so I'll try to be in queue.
  14. I also wanted to point out the "you got that" by rage in PvP chat. I'm sure it was preceded by the words "I'm an ******e and jerk"
  15. I hope the weapons are tier 1 or 2. Even if I don't get T1 I would still like the weapons so I can RP a pirate on my mara.
  16. Yes, I clearly antagonized you and you clearly fell for it.
  17. Alright first of all, did you really expect this thread to not become this? Practically utter the word PvP on these forums and this will happen. Secondly, shadowsong, MAYBE you would find more satisfaction in REGS if you played SIXTIES.
  18. Disappointing. I was looking forward to "justice" in PvP but I guess justice doesn't win. Burst me all you want, I solo queue ranked on a sniper. You're nothing special. Also welcome back to the forums kim jong fekkums, my love.
  19. Are you RPing or PvPing? If you're too busy cutting my head off in /e then I'm not really concerned about your petty threats to "shatter my will to pvp". You really think something as insignificant as this has "consequences"? Maybe I'll get tunneled and maybe I'll take more damage, but you really think that's significant? I'm so scared. Just so you know, I told no one to reply to this thread. They all came on their own. I'm really scared of your regstar justice and the "controversial raygon". If it really means that much to you and you won't go to sleep at night until "justice" is served, then I'll stand still saying nasty things in chat while you kill me in the den or a reg. That is how scared I am of your consequences and your justice.
  20. Shatter my will to PvP? No regstar will ever shatter my will to PvP so long as I play. And you think flux is still a good tank? Without his pet urshanabi and 8v8s his guard swaps are SLOW. Keep queueing regs bud, see how long it takes to "shatter my will to PvP'. What are you gonna do? Come to my house? Break my computer? I'll be PvPing as long as the *********** game exists. Tanking must have been sooooo hard when all you had to do was guard the healer, interrupt the other healer, and spam *********** chilling scream.
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