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10 Good
  1. UPDATE: So after a website form submission and two in game tickets, I finally got my level 50's all on the same sever. Account reactivated.
  2. Thanks for the reply Cilionelle. If only the bioware support was as considerate. So far I don't rate the "CS". I used the forum form and then in game ticket. They closed the in game ticket saying they were responding to the forum ticket then deleted the forum ticket without a response. I reside in Australia and have played since head start. I just had the wrong country listed in my website address. Should be an easy fix. I still have a couple of months left (6 mo sub) so if they want another 6 from me they just need to step up.
  3. Sub cancelled. I look forward to renewing when my eligibility to transfer to corrected and actioned.
  4. So the customer support form that we were pointed towards....is that broken too? I submitted a complaint almost 48 hours and not even an automated response. All they need to do is cut and paste from Grant's response above. I would just like to know why there are two separate fields stating what country you are in - one in "Basic Information" (mine said "Australia") and one in "Contact Information" (mine said USA, with my aust address)? How can the system be set up to let that happen? Obviously the contact information is the only one that counts for their exercise. Here's hoping sanity prevails, and they are spending time confirming that I am dinky di too.
  5. For some reason my basic info says Australia but my contact details says USA, but with my Australian address - I am sure they will assume that was my mistake. I'm in the same boat as Xaph it seems. Trusting on customer service efficiency is a lonely place to be. If I can't get my toons together on the one server it would be the straw that breaks the camels back for me.
  6. I had some awesome large scale fights on Illum tonight after the weekly ticked over. I'm guessing two Op groups on each side squaring off against each other between Republic base and central. At one point they pushed hard and we broke, but then we rebounded from our spawn point and took out those who had over-extended, and then with their numbers down we pushed them all the way back to their base. Sure there was the occassional "XX has been killed recently and grants no valor" message, but that makes sense. Overall, Apart from the 5fps framerate it was pretty good. Except for "NO VALOR GAINED" for half our push. It seemed to creep in across the op group, then hit hard once people hit 55 kills. If its working as intended, why did rushing into their camp to die grant me an exemption from the NO VALOR GAINED curse for the next 5-10 kills? I gave up after 76 kills, having had to sacrifice myself 3 times to get their. Hopefully I didn't count I'm calling a bug.
  7. Patch notes: Its not a bug - its the "safeguard" that killed world PvP as we know it.
  8. I've been level 50 for a couple of weeks. PvPing for a couple of hours each weeknight and more on weekends. 0/15 getting items from bags until tonight. Handing in a weekly and daily tonight gave me more centurion commendations in one hit that I was able to get in 15 bags previous. I've gone from 0 items to 3 centurion peices in one night! I just wish I had saved some of those 15.
  9. It's multiple op sized groups fighting each other over a contested node. ie valid PvP with no valor gains or quest gains. Bugged or intentional?
  10. Could you at least make the server queue times accurate?? Last night when I joined the queue it said "< 1hr 15". When I got into game two and a bit hours later the queue still said "<1h 10". Techically correct, but wrong!! Seems to be the Bioware way.
  11. So close. Will October 20 be in the first wave. If not I am going to bed!!
  12. What you do for your midday meal isnt really relevant. Just sayin...
  13. Got the email re early shipping. But Account details on website are confusing - "shipping soon" but date still says 19/12. NFI.
  14. the sticky about Dec 14 just vanished...is that a good sign?
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