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Posts posted by mrkmcknz

  1. Back in S1 we got those weapons and armour for rewards. Although only the headpiece is used by anyone the main reason no one used this gear was the fact that PVP players who are not flush with funds had to shell out to purchase MK-9 kits and reaugment the gear.


    Could the S3 rewards please come with MK10 slots already in place, if you want to get really picky at least give us the MK9 slots.

  2. ELO takes into consideration when skankhealers are on your team. Bioware can you confirm?


    On a serious note the elo in this game is as followed:


    If win:


    If loss:



    Confirmed by MIT professors 2014.

  3. Anyone who didn't expect this is a moron.


    Biggest factor here is out of EA and Bioware control.


    Wildstar and ESO launched in this reporting period and I was one of those players who paid to try those games and unsubbed here. I'm back as are many others. For all the flaws in SWTOR I think that without knowing just how much revenue is down the story here could in fact be positive.

  4. I agree. They should just ban all the bad players because it actually stops me from having fun.


    Anyone who:

    -doesnt have full expertise

    -is not up to my standards of skill in warzones


    Is automatically interfering with my ability to enjoy the game. I also deserve to get Tier 1 rewards. I know I'm a good player, but bad players have ruined my rating.




    You opinion is null and void, when it's likely that one of these guys is you or at least on your friends list.


    They're trolling and I'm sure BioWare can check the logs relating to both players and have a look at whispers etc where it will more than likely confirm all of this. Dude please stop sprouting the same nonsense in each thread regarding this player.

  5. Yeah I mean the guy didn't produce numbers that were beyond the norm. 1200-1300 DPS and of course all the madness sins were producing more it was the fact he could tank damage from 4/5 of us.


    Who knows maybe the guy is MLG. Maybe he's an author of the cheat engine. Either way, I'd rather him global the 27k sorcs than having TOFNs favourite latex bear speed hacking every wz.


    Meh. /Thread.

  6. I will filter out names and the post the full logs tomorrow morning.


    Another snippet that shows a lot of activity in 1.5s:


    [02:52:25.021] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Force Leap {812105301229568}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1398 energy {836045448940874}) <1398>

    [02:52:25.432] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Pacify {1261912931172352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Pacify {1261912931172352}] ()

    [02:52:25.522] [@Zpe] [MORON] [Lightning Burns (Force) {3212433673945360}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (330 energy {836045448940874}) <330>

    [02:52:25.522] [@Zpe] [@Zpe] [] [Restore {836045448945476}: Force {836045448938502}] (2)

    [02:52:25.523] [@Zpe] [MORON] [Lightning Burns {3212433673945088}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Lightning Burns (Force) {3212433673945360}] ()

    [02:52:25.805] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Pacify {1261912931172352}] [Event {836045448945472}: ModifyThreat {836045448945483}] () <1>

    [02:52:25.936] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Overload Saber {1261719657644032}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Burning (Physical) (Not Cleanseable) {1261719657644326}] ()

    [02:52:25.937] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Weakening Wounds {3188029669769216}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Weakening Wound (Force) {3188029669769487}] ()

    [02:52:25.937] [MORON] [@Zpe] [burning (Physical) (Not Cleanseable) {1261719657644326}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (896* elemental {836045448940875}) <896>

    [02:52:26.013] [@Zpe] [@Zpe] [Force Speed {808257010532352}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()

    [02:52:26.013] [@Zpe] [@Zpe] [Force Speed {808257010532352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Force Speed {808257010532352}] ()

    [02:52:26.304] [@Zpe] [@Maritta] [Lightning Burns {3212433673945088}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Lightning Burns (Force) {3212433673945360}] ()

    [02:52:26.304] [@Zpe] [@Maritta] [Creeping Terror (Not Cleanseable) {808424514257194}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (662 internal {836045448940876}) <662>

    [02:52:26.416] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Force Leap {812105301229568}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Immobilized {812105301229840}] ()

    [02:52:26.514] [@Zpe] [MORON] [Creeping Terror {808424514256896}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Immobilized (Force) {808424514257152}] ()

    [02:52:26.571] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Zealous Strike {996200484438016}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1404* energy {836045448940874}) <1404>

    [02:52:26.682] [MORON] [@Zpe] [Zealous Strike {996200484438016}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (330 energy {836045448940874}) <330>

  7. [02:56:43.944] [@MORON] [@Zpe] [slash {947001634062336}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (0 -parry {836045448945503}) <1>

    [02:56:44.025] [@MORON] [@Zpe] [Force Leap {812105301229568}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Immobilized {812105301229840}] ()

    [02:56:44.310] [@No'la] [@Zpe] [Revivification {808703687131136}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Heal {836045448945500}] (871*)

    [02:56:44.311] [@Zpe] [@Zpe] [Primary Surge {3303173448007680}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Primary Surge {3303173448007680}] ()

    [02:56:44.378] [@MORON] [@Zpe] [Twin Saber Throw {3066615239278592}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Slowed (Physical) {3066615239278852}] ()

    [02:56:44.458] [@Zpe] [@Zpe] [Parasitism {808458873995264}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Heal {836045448945500}] (556)

    [02:56:44.459] [@Zpe] [@Illuminative] [shocked (Not Cleanseable) {808235535696278}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1090* energy {836045448940874}) <1090>

    [02:56:44.480] [@Timetravel] [@Zpe] [Thermal Grenade {807290642890752}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1934 kinetic {836045448940873}) <1934>

    [02:56:44.558] [@No'la] [@Zpe] [Dark Heal {808218355826688}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Heal {836045448945500}] (4667*)

    [02:56:44.686] [@Noself] [@Zpe] [Weaken Mind (Not Cleanseable) {812861215473989}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1054* internal {836045448940876}) <1054>

    [02:56:44.778] [@MORON] [@Zpe] [slash {947001634062336}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (0 -parry {836045448945503}) <1>

    [02:56:44.837] [@MORON] [@Zpe] [Force Camouflage {812096711294976}] [Event {836045448945472}: ModifyThreat {836045448945483}] () <-281514>


    One player was wrecking face in wzs last night. I'm looking at games with some top 5 eu players in and this one guy is running around wrecking everyone. It was very suspicious and multiple players said the same thing during the warzone despite not knowing what his numbers looked like.


    Am I thick or is MORON not using the same GCD as every other soul playing the game?


    UPDATE: I have more logs, 4mb to be precise if anyone wants to analyse further,

    UPDATE2: The person in question was not a combat sentinel.

  8. Turns out. That if you turn 55 in a warzone with a hand in before the start of the warzone you can put on all your 55 legacy PVP gear and melt people.


    Even more hilarious is the fact it lets another person join the warzone. Confirmed this does work in both arena and regular warzones.


    5 v 4 arena is the new meta :rak_01:

  9. Two scenarios:


    34,088 HP

    Defence chance: 18.48%

    Shield chance: 34.66%

    Shield absorb: 44.30%

    Willpower: 2195


    41,617 HP

    Defence chance: 20.81%

    Shield chance: 29.28%

    Shield absorb: 33.27%

    Willpower: 1962


    Which of the 2 is more beneficial to PVP tanking? With all the dots be thrown around lately I like scenario 2 with the increased shield chance and absorb.


    Thoughts :rak_02:

  10. It would be the single best thing you could do.


    Heck, put the thing on the cartel market and call it an intergalactic war pass or whatever. Just do it. Otherwise 2015/2016 will feature a SWTOR post-mortem, the number 1 maybe 2 item on that list will be lack of cross server Q.


    Git commit -m "cross server technology for PVP"

    Git push PTS maser


    ^ please.

  11. For phase walk why not refresh the cool down on recklessness on activation?


    Only other buff I could think of would be something simple like making your next force lightning usable from 30m and automatically being a critical hit if used within 6seconds. This will ensure that in PVP you can not just stealth and heal to full AND make use of a crit force lightning. That would be OP.

  12. You can get well over 20% crit without using any crit on your gear, heck my tank has 17% crit in full endurance high tank gear.


    1% crit? LoL so your dropping power which benefits all attacks so you can get one additional crit out of a hundred attacks, how can you even think that's a good tradeoff?



  13. You probably have 20 teams across all servers queuing now. Make what you want of that.


    People are no longer willing to reroll tank/healer when their current one goes elsewhere. Finding a tank/healer that is of the level required in team ranked and not currently in one is harder than winning a solo ranked match.


    The investment needed in team ranked is huge, people are no longer willing to put it in. PS being ROFLSTOMPED in team is less fun than the RNG q that is solo ranked.


    So many things wrong with PVP in this game I give up now. People say the devs don't care. The fact that Linkedin shows 3 developers working on SWTOR is even more hilarious.

  14. Power is still better, period


    Interesting. Maybe you do thing differently over the Atlantic but here in Europe power isn't always king.


    Majority of top 25 players on TOFN run 25% crit give or take 1%. Majority of bad players stack power surge. 17% crit and 1BILLION power. GL with that.

  15. Baloney. List all these AoE stuns, knock-backs, Mezzes, that are countering mara/sents and no one else. That statement is loaded but is complete nonsense. And hello, Casts are subject to interrupts. Casting classes are always subjected to at least as many or more interrupts , etc. Reality check. Interrupts and CC abilities are usable outside of melee range.

    None of these poor me arguments hold any water. These are just demands for auto win being able to jump to a squishy and waste them.


    I'm not asking for that, merely a huge QOL change. The spec will still fall victim to mezzes, knock-backs etc but frankly so it should. You can always spot a bad ravaged player, you know the merc who stands still trying to tracer missile you while being ravaged.

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