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Everything posted by LuthirFontaine

  1. I wouldn't say slinger is broken, but of all the classes we really need the most loving... 1: Getting rooted and not being able to cover is just wrong.. 2: The wierd trying to get into cover but it wont let you bug is annoying as all hell. 3: Yes we do pretty good damage but this wierd sniper frog people talk about that crits for over 90000! is pure bull ****. 4: We cant heal so I dont see why troopers and sages get to keep up with us. 5: Our cc just sucks...leg shot is the only one thats worth a damn 6: LOS is the biggest pain in the *** for us. We do have some nice features but all in all we could use a buff more then most...maybe a increase to range 40 or so... maybe a redo in cover system where if we are in cover we get an increase to power... something...
  2. Its gabe...he doesnt know his ***** from a hole in the ground when it comes to pvp...
  3. ...sadly your prob right cant fix something with out breaking something. Bioware lives by this motto
  4. Over on HOG rep are really starting to get its act together and win alot of warzones....in open though, numbers are killing us ..
  5. Lords knows if it were imp guns they would bring down the server that night
  6. ha just made a post about this tooo haha Yeah got the same trouble on HOG
  7. Over on HOG, Imps got themselves the numbers, the gear, and better control of thier pugs. With the guns up we at least got a shot at wiping them, but for some reason they seem to be broken alot longer then they work. Bioware if you read this please fix it...
  8. did you see there year....i would argue that they were not working together...
  9. Your rock has an annoying way of not taking damage.... I dont think, as a gunslinger, our class is broken but its harder then most to play... Maybe a range increase would be nice..
  10. IDK it seems that all these bugs tend to favor sith ....dont know of one that favors the rep side..
  11. Your prob right....I dont really care for "old school" run around everywhere but with no real purpose mmo....I like structure and order in my games, but i can see where people want to do thier own things..
  12. something new..not all of us want to be dumb evil...
  13. No thxs played SWG to much grind and not enough structure
  14. While I dont think my class is broken....i wouldnt say no to a 5 m range buff...it would be nice..
  15. would be nice but i put money down that sorcs get a buff first...
  16. Over on helm...its imps...always imps who pull this..
  17. I remember people saying the same thing about this game.... grass is always greener....
  18. Thank you for respecting my pov....hell i dont even really care about this game but christ there are too many trolls on these forums...and i love an underdog!
  19. Well its my opinion to tell you that your wrong.....pal
  20. Aww yes GW2....I hear it give sight to the blind and sound to the deaf....O if GW2 was here it would smite our enemies
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