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Everything posted by wvwraith

  1. My win/loss ratio on imp side is pretty dismal as well. A lot of the imperial pilots seem new to gsf. Its challenging to be a imp pilot especially since a lot of the repub pilots already have maxed out ships they fly. Expect a high death count, but hey gotta try to take a few of them with you.
  2. I've been flying quite a bit on imperial side, but I'm not seeing a lot of you guys. You guys on vacation?
  3. Problem was the moment bioware took the flagship turrets away they created a bigger problem. I knew what was going to happen and here's the result. If they can't find a better solution, I hope the turrets return. Spawn points are now more or less a shark frenzy. Once they smell new blood in the water that's pretty much it. I was guilty of it before myself, but I don't do it anymore. Its not fun at all.
  4. Shout out to Large. Damn dude, you just lay the smack down on people. That's why I call you Pacman cause people run from you like ghost monsters and you're swallowing them like power pellets.
  5. I''m not an ace myself, but I've had quite a few bad games. There's games where I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with my rail guns. Games where I've been chased back and forth across the map. Just got to take your lumps and keep pressing on. I think its kinda cool to be singled out and chased sometimes because people think you're a decent pilot that's a threat to their team. Counts for something. Even if you're not getting kills, getting people to chase you gets them off your teammates so they can do their thing. Sometimes I think people look at the stats too much, its what you're doing to help out that counts.
  6. This should be your new rallying song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh7lp9umG2I
  7. I'll nominate Delphi as Queen of Michael Bay Explosions.
  8. I'd love to fly in all those kind of scenarios. I have a feeling I'd have the highest death totals with the moving asteroids. Remember in Deep Impact where they flew the shuttle armed with the nuclear bombs down the shaft of the comet....yeah it'd be kind of like that.
  9. Sith Carebears...now that's down right scary right there. I'd explode in the sky just thinking about it. *shudder*
  10. Why bring this argument to this thread that has already been beat to death, shot, pillaged, drowned, drawn and quartered? I'd like to see a few cosmetic stuff myself. What I'd love to see is more customization to your ship. New colors, maybe some decals, even gsf exclusive crew members to unlock. Earning mounts for flying starships don't make much sense to me. I'd say leave that in ground pvp. Possible new cool ships to fly, yes, that'd be nice too to earn. Tbh, I was one that wanted ranked space pvp for a while, but now meh. I honestly don't think you'd see a lot of people queing up for ranked.
  11. Kills are nice, but at the end of the day, only the big W matters.
  12. I like moving around a lot in tdms when I'm playing my bomber. Its pretty fun to drop mines and drones right in the middle of engaging ships. Sit back and watch the chaos.
  13. Biscuits...that is all.
  14. I'd like to give a shout out to Pizza, you were very delicious this morning. You quelled my hunger. Though Cheeseburger said he may stop by later. I don't know though if Fries are coming or not. The three of you can be fierce though...
  15. There's no message behind my post whatsoever. It was a total joke post. If anyone believes otherwise, I'd be glad to take them on a snipe hunt.
  16. I use ion still in my rotation with gs, especially against strikes, opposing gs, and bombers. Cuts down on the number of slugs needed to take them out.
  17. When Large gets behind me its not long before I make a nice Michael Bay explosion. LOL
  18. LOL Apparently you're taking this post way too seriously. This was a silly post to inject some humor into things. You people need to lighten up some.
  19. At least you didn't go straight into the wall after getting an engine powerup like I did,
  20. I'd like to give a shout out to Biscuits...buttery, mouth watering biscuits topped with sausage and gravy. Mmmmm....come to me.
  21. This post brought to you by the letter W. And by Jawespi, a choice of a new Star Wars generation. And by Yoda Weed, smoke enough of it and you too will see force apparitions. And by Viewers like you... Thank you for viewing...
  22. Tbh, I think its stupid to even have it in the game. It'll come on if you're being chased around. Sometimes you can't go on the offensive while being chased. Hopefully they'll end up removing it.
  23. Like the way your toon looks. I could picture the greek goddess Athena looking as such.
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