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Posts posted by MixWeidner

  1. Another MMO xpac. Another player base debate about changes. Having played MMOs for almost 20 years now I've seen this story play out countless times. Here's the truth people: annectdotal stories, straw man arguments, and apples/oranges comparisons are not how these debates get settled.


    Data is the only non subjective truth. if mercs are or aren't overpowered you need credible evidence to support your claim. everything else is just noise that will be ignored by the development team


    You can get the most reliable data by clicking P and K buttons. Just read some utilities' and abilities' description.

  2. At the start of KotFE there is option to "learn your class". Basically all your abilities removed, and then you eventually get them all during fight on Darth Marr's ship. Obviously, player who posted this video choose this option at the start of KotET. So use of basic attack wasn't intentional.


    But, sure, it's so much fun to blame "awful players".

  3. In my humble opinion and I say that as I don't normally have anything useful to add to post already made, but as I have learned to deal with changes, but this time the changes are getting to be a bit to steep. Dev post I guess have the lightning and the thrown obj( teleketic throw i think) going over to sage only...not that they had a lot of range but really? they did help in the rotations, turning the assasin/shadow to only melee is really not only hacking up the class, but its taking away some of its imagery or fantasy so to speak. There is already a class that swings sabers only basically...and I find nothing wrong with sents/mauraders...love playing them...but that role has already been filled, what we have in the shadow/Assasin should have many of the stated defects addressed. Really dont want my Assasins/Shadows blanded down. I know my gripe is basically graphic in nature not really a mechanic, but it adds to the feel of the classes and gives them seperation from others...and it seems that everytime there is a increase in level...its not really an increase, as the skills and stuff just get adjusted to the new numbers, in short no real reason to hit 70,

    reasons for leveling...higher damage output, more hp, tougher, more skills to choose from ( adds more variety to characters) ...what we are getting is probably more hp a bit of toughness, less skills...really...so the more I learn the stupider( more stupid) we get...something just seems a bit wrong in our leveling process. I love to level because I gain so grinding the level thing is kind of fun, but to level for a number ...folks really we need more tree growth...the higher we go, the less we get ....ok a bit of rant in this...apologies, but guys come on stop giving us less to work with...broaden our horizons not narrow us down till we are all drones and carbon copies of each other.


    Force Lightning ability is completely useless outside Madness Sorcerer and Darkness Assassin disciplines.

    If you use it as DPS Assassin at high levels, you musn't.

  4. The present circumstance of pvp will not be the same as in 5.0. The removal of expertise will have effects. As far as pyro vs. AP. AP has great burst, and under the current meta burst is better than sustained in PVP.


    I have not taken note of the AP to Pyro ratio, but I trust you are more informed on that ratio difference. I agree 100 percent that the current DPS ranking [as per bant] does not reflect those values in the PVP environment. With the removal of expertise and the one gear set for both PVE and PVP, I think any comparison between the PVP now and PVP in 5.0 must takes these changes into account and not presume that the state of PVP in 5.0 will remain as it is now.


    How can removal of expertise affect relative effectiveness of one or another spec? AP with 2018 exp performs better than Pyro with the same exp not because of this same level of exp. Same for Arsenal vs IO, Madness vs Lightning, Concealment vs Lethality. Sniper's, marauder's, juggernaut's and assassin's DPS specs are mostly equal in PVP environment, given players have max exp. Without expertise players just will have more Crit, Mastery and Alacrity, no impact on relative effectiveness of disciplines.

  5. Without Expertise, this chart has everything to do with PVP. Same Gear for PVE and PVP. There won't be any difference without expertise affecting bonus damage/reduction/healing in PVP. Expertise crystals turn into mastery in 5.0, mastery is the same stat you use that effects PVE, in fact, it's the mainstat.


    Chart for 4.0 says that Pyrotech PT performs much better than AP PT. Do you see any Pyro PTs in warzones?

  6. This could change of course when 5.0 goes live. This is just the current state on the PTS. This close to 5.0 dropping though, I'm not optimistic. I do have my fingers crossed though.


    Assuming this is the new order of things when 5.0 goes live:


    Marauders, one of two pure DPS classes. No role changes, no self-healing, no stealth, a higher skill set for effectiveness than most other classes, has to deal with unfriendly melee raid mechanics, less uptime than ranged, more prone to take damage. Not one spec in the top tier. Operatives, sneaky, self-healing, who use a BLASTER Rifle as their main weapon, better melee DPS than Marauders, the quintessential saber masters, "the master-of-blades fantasy that the class already had going for it." [biowares description], That's fair. - Gonna be 3.0 all over again for Marauders.


    Think I'll pass.


    Marauder still has nice position DPS wise. Anni is much higher than average, Carnage and Fury are in the middle of the chart. Bloodthirst + Predation = everyone loves maras.

  7. 01 - 8980 - +5.85% --- Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

    02 - 8964 - +5.65% --- Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

    03 - 8892 - +4.81% --- Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

    04 - 8844 - +4.24% --- Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

    05 - 8809 - +3.83% --- Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

    06 - 8717 - +2.75% --- Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

    07 - 8682 - +2.33% --- Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

    08 - 8673 - +2.23% --- Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

    09 - 8500 - +0.18% --- Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

    10 - 8493 - +0.10% --- Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

    11 - 8352 - -1.56% --- Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

    12 - 8256 - -2.69% --- Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

    13 - 8226 - -3.05% --- Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

    14 - 8127 - -4.21% --- Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

    15 - 8116 - -4.34% --- Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

    16 - 8098 - -4.56% --- Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

    17 - 8072 - -4.86% --- Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

    18 - 7917 - -6.68% --- Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics





    Thing is, these charts have nothing to do with PVP.

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