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Posts posted by MixWeidner

  1. I've never played SR before, but kinda want to try it now. My main is PT tank, his gear rating is rather low (236), I went for high-endurance build (Fortitude augs, Discipline enhancements, Leththal B mods, Bastion left side, DPS relics) and usually use tank stim. So I would like to get some advice to help me get into SR tanking, like should I gear differently (or not bother until I have better gear), how does it compare to unranked arenas, and so on. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. I appreciate you people's will to try and help me and others, but it's not really doing much good for someone like. Turns out Marauder isn't the only issue. I'm also having some difficulty on my Jedi Shadow. It's minor, but a bother sometimes. I also found out that my Vanguard, even with the correct set of modifications and ideas, is complete trash... and the only reason why I can play my Jedi Guardian at all it's thanks to my Healing and Defense skills and the Damage companion.


    This always happens when I play a MMO. I just suck at it, no matter how hard I try. This is why I'm not going to focus as hard as I wanted to. I'll play mostly with my Guardian and just complete what I need to do with the other classes and just leave them be after I'm done.


    Thank you guys once again and my apologies for wasting your time, in a matter of speaking. :(


    Why do you use Damage companion? If you have some issues with survival and you're DPS, just put them to heal you. On a mara, a shadow, or a vanguard. You can put your companion to DPS when you do a content which is well below your level, like doing Heroics on Dromund Kaas when you're level 70.


    Don't lose hope! :)

  3. Merc/ Mando dps is fine, their defenses are god mode, however when they have reflect on, just don't dps them, remember they don't heal up.


    Someone near you will attack them anyway, so it mostly doesn't work .

  4. That's not what im talking about. I'm talking about self titled "proposed" PvP experts who actively stream "pro" gameplay or beg to get on podcasts and bang their chest. Those people, to name a few...are not helping what is left of the PvP on the MOST populated servers.


    Premade 100% capping (note players):



    Re-rolling rep for easy time (note players):



    Type those player names into the forums and I am sure you will see how important they feel they are in the PvP community. I recognise both from ToFN. Stealth mains from day one. Besides maybe 1.X Deception DPS was a bit "up" but apart from that quite straight forward and easy classes to gank with etc.


    I don't know, I've watched Snave videos previously. He is definitely skilled player, at least when playing his favourite class.

  5. That bit was a just an extra joke to show how self entitled people can be. If you don't think like them? then your the absolute worst.


    I.E If you voice an opinion about not liking pre-mades your told to get your own. Imo (in any game) "regs" is supposed to be fun and often random. Ranked is to test your abilities against an equal (as can be) opponent. I have this opinion in all games from CSGO to SWTOR.


    i get the whole "fun playing with friends thing" as I've done this in many games. Though, when you see perfectly comped (tank, healer, dps), groups with raid style coordination trying their damn hardest to run over random groups it looks more like "fun playing with friends thing...easy time...look how good we are, this is soo ez".


    They are not being tested or enduring failure after failure. The republic players who haven't jumped ship or other players who don't form a premade have. Therefor, they are the better players. "get gud" only comes through failure, not having VOIP buddies carrying you.


    I main tank PT since 5.0 launch. Don't ask me why, I just have fun with the class. Why would I play tank, especially PT tank, if I don't have a healer in my group? I have like 2 defensives CDs and not really that high DPS, like other tanks have. Without healer I die rather quickly, and moreover, there is no need for me in the group, because any DPS spec can bring more damage to the table (I say can because it's not always the case :) ). So usually I run with my guildie who is Merc healer...and PT tank + Merc healer is not really that OP composition or easy mode, unlike Guardian + Sage, so beloved by pubs :rolleyes:.

  6. What I'm getting at is that it seems to me that any benefit from these changes is extraordinarily small, while the damage done is significantly greater.


    Now, I'm not talking about playability (though, I couldn't stomach the Powertech at all, and I suspect the same would be true of the Vanguard, Operative and Scoundrel, all of whom have ranged weapons but no range), I'm talking about presentation, at least much of the time.


    Taking away Dual Strike from a Sage makes him less like the Jedi we see in the films, ALL of whom fight with lightsabers.

    Taking away Pistol Whip and Dirty Kick diminish the personality of the Gunslinger.


    They're smallish changes, that don't impact the overall performance of the class all that much, but DO impact the PRESENTATION of the class; it's personality.


    So, since the changes provide little or no benefit, I see no reason for them to have been implemented.


    I get your point.

  7. No one should be telling anyone else how to play their character.


    As for hurting groups, most things can be soloed. Group finder only seems to put together groups of all DPS, so a Sage using a melee attack once in a while, or a Sniper stabbing a foe that gets too close is not going to significantly affect anything.


    The issue is that, while many didn't use the deleted abilities, there were SOME that did. Those who didn't use them haven't lost anything, but those who WERE using it get the shaft.


    Juggernauts using Soresu in one of the DPS specs was USEFUL for those who were soloing and found themselves in need of a bit more defense (and the reverse is true, Shii-Cho in the Tank spec).


    In other words, I don't accept this as a valid reason to make these changes.


    I agree with you that in solo play no one should tell you how to play, because this is your own experience and companion will carry you in any case. In group content though, I think it's necessary to communicate with other people and, if they don't know some particular boss fight or warzone, to tell them "how to play" in this particular instance.

    Of course, it didn't hurt if sniper or sage used melee abilities several times in the fight, though honestly there are always better options: why to use Shiv if you can just cast Snipe and buff your Followthrough? Again, I'm speaking about group content only. Though some of the melee abilities were useful with right utilities in PvP, their effects have been moved to other abilities in 5.0, some we didn't lose anything (i.e. Rocket Punch root was moved to Missile Blast, Sniv's speed increase moved to Countermeasures). I'm not talking about real nerfs to melee classes in 5.0 which occurred just because someone thought they don't need to have casted abilities (i.e. Ravage and Flamethrower). Their instant replacements are just awful damage wise.

    Concerning DPS Juggernauts with Soresu form in solo content, yeah, whatever, it's solo content.

  8. Actually there was reason for the mentioned class changes. You always needed to check if all those guys with stances used the right one. Because it hurts the group if, say, Vengeance juggernaut uses Soresu form. They would pull aggro from tank and do reduced damage. And so on for every stance. Most of pug GF flashpoint runs I had to say some person to switch their stance, because it hurts entire group.

    As to using those gone abilities...well, they didn't have place in rotation. Same reasons here: using mentioned abilities hurts entire group. If I met sage who plays as a melee, I'd would hit "kick from the group", because any companion will benefit us more.

    Of course, sadly they didn't replace auto attacks, so you can still encounter some roleplaying operative, who uses their rifle auto attack and doesn't use knives/utilize stealth just because they think roleplaying in FPs is a good idea.

  9. Dear AP PTs,


    What are you picking as utilities for solo warzones?

    I was thinking about this:

    Iron Will, Gyroscopic Alignment Jets

    Sonic Rebounder, Prototype Electro Surge

    Enchanced Paralytics, Efficient Suit

    Overdrive aaaand I'm in trouble with the last. No idea what to pick for last slot. Torque Boosters? Mutilating Shards? Shield Cannon?


    I don't run solo ranked (because it's non-existent o my server), but for regs in AP spec I run this set-up:

    SKILLFUL: Iron Will (obvious), Bracer Propellant (meh, but no better choice). I don't run Gyroscopic Alignment Jets because I never get heat issues. Though 10% damage boost makes it more useful.

    MASTERFUL: Sonic Rebouder (maybe it helps my teammates a bit), then either Pyro Shield and Prototype Electro Surge.

    HEROIC: Torque Boosters (more mobility) and Efficient Suit. I don't run Enhanced Paralytics because its buff is too small compared to gained mobility with Torque Boosters.

    LEGENDARY: Overdrive and either Shield Cannon or Reel and Rattle. Shield Cannon heals are laughable, but it helps a bit our worst defensives, especially in AP. Reel and Rattle mostly because it basically gives you third stun, so more crowd control.

  10. How can Searing Wave and Firestorm be fixed? First of all, I think Searing Wave must hit harder, especially when buffed with Superheated Flamethrower. I think it must hit for 15-18k in Pyro spec (in warzones). Secondly, it must become chanelled ability again, but this time it could be casted on move and, most important, require a selected target to hit. Of course, it still remains an AOE ability, but you won't miss whole damage just because some sorc of merc knocked everyone on your way. Same changes to Firestorm, but, of course, lower cast time and a bit more damage, maybe 25k.


    Speaking of Pyro spec in general, I think that our DoTs could use some buff, especially Scorch. In my opinion, its damage must be doubled at least. I don't think its duration should be lowered, because it makes this DoT kinda unique.

  11. Kind of too many energy cost fixes for a spec with no energy issues. Won't make any difference IMO.

    Suggestion to make Ambush and Penetrating Blasts mobile sounds interesting, but no one will use them outside of cover if these skills will deal less damage on the move.


    Sorry if I sound rude.

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