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Posts posted by Jeeses

  1. If people didn't know you were a troll before, they should after reading that. How bout you put in a sig saying who you are, what server you play on, and what guild you run with that is the best in all of SWTOR. Til then....






    I know for sure if i played all classes (bar 1) and was in SWTOR world #1 ranked wz team I'd definitely be making a sig to flaunt that, and I'm not even one to show off who I am

  2. Another one i've thought about, but not quite sure if it will work or not,



    Hutball, you steath over to enemy score zone, say west corner to try avoid to much attention.

    You then get ball, either by running to spawn point or by someone throwing it to you. lets say for the sake of conversation your at enemy acid


    Sprint to have your PW in range of your ball throw, (only just to allow as much ball airtime as possible)

    Throw ball and instantly use PW


    Tele to ball landzone, you've essentially thrown the ball to yourself lol.

    Score and watch enemy team scratch their heads.


    If i get the chance ill try this tonight unless someone else does or its impossible


    Anyone tried this? would it work? or would ball land before you/reset as you weren't there when it was thrown or something?

  3. more people do this than you think. wither im on offense or defense, im always panning my camera around. all good players do it becuase it helps you keep your situational awareness




    Exactly, all good players do. I'm finding it hard to come across many whilst lvling right now.



    Point of thread is to discuss options of Phase Walk, not whether or not an enemy will notice your beacon etc.

    I personally really like the ability and am keen to hear some ideas on its uses besides the obvious ones like put it on scoreline in huttball and use it to position for score etc.

  4. The enemy can see your phase walk beacon location, so he'll be highly suspicious something's up when he sees a purple/golden circle on the ground that wasn't there before.



    theres plenty of locations around nodes that you could place it and it be relatively hidden. Obviously placing it right at the door wouldn't fool many unless they're totally stupid.


    Say you're doing VZ, throw it behind one of the pillars and pull him away, him facing you means he'll most likely not see it and then you could CC, PW sprint and cap. I can't imagine the average player would be rotating the camera around themselves checking for a PW on the ground

  5. The reason why Force Shroud is separate from Force Cloak is because this makes the ability more powerful, not less powerful. You can use both at the same time to achieve the generic 'vanish' type effect. But you're not limited to this. With the two components separated you can use Force Shroud offensively while still have a serviceable escape plan if you didn't win.



    That's a great point, didn't think of it like that!

    Shroud is off GCD isnt it? (can't test atm)

  6. Just something I've thought of, unfortunately haven't been able to try yet.


    Offense on a node, (any wz)


    if theres one on D, drop phase walk, engage them and lure them away from node, make sure they use CC break.


    Force Cloak, Mind Trap, Phase walk, Cap node and steath again if possible.

    You're now on D, (or have broken through wall if VZ)



  7. Currently lvling to 55, doing wz's inbetween, never really noticed this before (new player)


    Just seems odd that a vanish ability wouldn't remove snares/roots.

    Why would i want to go invis only to be stuck exactly where I am.


    inb4 don't FC whilst snared/rooted.


    This is the only game i know of, off the top of my head that has a instant invis ability that keeps you locked where you are. Is this intended or just a derp?

  8. Did you just attempt to use the made up word "try-hards" as an insult? Do you know what either of the two words mean? Are you a "Do-hard"? if so, when you "Do", and then "Do" another right away, are a you a "Re-Hard", or a "Do-Do" ?






    This makes my head hurt.


    But.... Try =/= Do

    However... Try = Attempt.


    Do and attempt are very different things, perhaps a dictionary next time you try be clever, save yourself the embarrassment.

  9. I read that too. They could have done a better job in the patch notes of saying "we are removing expertise but buffing old gear with bolster."



    Wouldn't it have been assumed that they were going to boost the gear with bolster... (Or did you think if you were wearing WH/EWH in a wz that you would have 0 expertise and be super squishy?) :p

    All they've done is remove expertise on gear to then have bolster add it when you zone in. (Everybody SHOULD have the same or very similar expertise)


    Is that really such a terrible thing?


    Also, new xpac is new, why you so surprised...

  10. Butthurt OP is butthurt.


    They've made the game about skill, not gear or time, or they're at least trying to. Good players should always beat players who have pretty pixels, SWTOR is heading in the direction of: time played =/= advantage



    Patch hasn't even been truly live a week, let them play with it. Once the dust settles then we can start making claims and demanding adjustments.

  11. please everyone keep bumping this whenever you get the chance we must keep it at the top of pvp thread if we want there to be a future in swtor pvp!




    bumpy bump bump

  12. WE ALL HAVE TO GRIND PARTISAN. So accept it.



    New expansion, new gear, fresh start.


    Its not a hard concept to understand.



    I thought I could be constructive, have a discussion about it and show you the light... Rather than just tell you that you're wrong and that's it. (Yes you're wrong)


    Obviously you really are just looking for a jump start on the rest of us.

  13. Ya, those stupid pugs. They need to L2P. Premades are only doing the right thing in ROFLstomping those ignorant, smelly, backwards cretins. They deserve it. Bioware needs to do something about them and their QQ'ing, those lousy bads. All they do is clutter up the WZ. They don't deserve bolster. They should die like the turkeys they are.

    There was this one guy who didn't even know how long his stun was. I could go on, but you don't even want to get me started. No siree. Unbelievable.



  14. I only PVP on my Sniper, normally playing either Marksman or Lethality, depending on how I feel at the time. I am in a guild, and it is a PVE guild. I was in a PVP guild at launch and they would form PVP groups. I normally didn't join out of my own choice. Yes, I do have the option to join PVP groups now as well and again choose not to. Not because I am bad and would hold anyone back, but because I don't feel that joining up with 3+ of my friends to PVP against PUGs is competitive. When I don't run into a premade, I do tend to lead 1 or more of the points, I have gotten plenty of MVP votes from people that don't know me.


    If there was a separate queue for groups and PUGs, then I would not be opposed to grouping up with my guild mates and queueing up for that. If enough of my guild was interested in doing Ranked I would do that. But at no point should people be forced to queue up with a group in order to stand a chance in a WZ.





    What you're asking for should not and will not happen. BW doing this would kill WZ's.

    I group constantly with atleast 1 friend, occasionally 2 and on a rare occurrence, 3.


    Even when its me and 1 of my friends, we almost always win, because we can communicate with each other.

    I can see your argument, and yes, its not really all that fair that 8 pugs have to fight 8 people who know each others styles and can communicate. I'd be in favour of a system that would try to put groups against groups, but not exclusively groups vs groups and solo vs solo. That would never work. What would happen if you had a group of 7 people, you can't get a "group" of one person to join you because solo que wouldn't go in same section as groups, therefor games would very often be unbalanced.


    Que times aren't all that impressive at times as they are now (admittedly will rise once more 55s etc) but to split it even further by making it solo que only and group que only would ruin wzs. say your a group of 3, that means you can ONLY que with another 3 and a 2, or a group of 5, chances of there being exact required numbers of groups available at once on the same server as so small, and thats just ONE team, then you'd have to get the other team together..... GL



    When two people can que together and have a significant impact on play its not the fact that there's people that can communicate, its the fact that the opposing team is choosing not to. Quite often we'll only use /g chat and its ample communication to be tactical, so theres no excuse for pugs to not use /ops.


    I'm not saying that my friends and I are gods gift to swtor PVP, but we know what we're doing.

    All it'd take is a bit of chatter between the enemy and they'd be able to compete well against us.

  15. What I see here is two things

    1) screw tanks


    2) you want a fps where you don't even have aim your weapon







    Make main stats equal across board, therefore "reasonably" level playing field, then giving us the ability to play with secondary stats how we see fit. Maybe introduce some sort of a role system (dps/tank/heal) and depending on what you select you get a buff in aid of that and a debuff against it??

    I can very much see flaws in the roll system idea, but it's just a very quick and not at all thought out idea that could go somewhere with some decent input.



    I fail to see how having equal stats across the board = fps easymode...

    It would turn the game away from children who dedicate their school holidays to gearing their characters and reward those who can play properly.

  16. this whole discussion basically comes down to those who are in the top level gear are mad because they have to grind out gear, like the rest of us, to progress further. (Just be happy you have your EWH gear to do this grind in unlike most of us.)


    Just because you were in the best gear pre 2.0 doesn't mean you should be given jump start on PVP progression in this new xpac.


    You've never been able to trade gear up across an xpac, and its not going to start.

    Just because stats aren't a huge jump doesn't mean you shouldn't have to do it.

  17. There simply is no valid argument for putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to maintain anunfair advantage.


    The game is being ruined for many more players than those are who would be harmed because they won't get their daily ego stroke when the can't cheat their way to the top anymore.


    Yes, ALL premises are cheats. They may not be hacks but the very concept of a premades, and it's often unfair advantage, is cheating every player to go up against.


    Certainly not all premades meant victory, but the many groups out there that are class and level balancing their groups have ruined it for everyone.


    On top of this many of them have become quitters when they can't get thei two groups of four into one single match.




    Please explain where it is against Terms of Service to group up with 7 others and compete in Warzones.


    By the sounds of your post, your just a butthurt little child who gets beaten in WZ's because other people are clever enough to find 7 mates and roll wz's together.


    If I had 7 mates playing at the same time as me, who were as into pvp as I am, i'd be constantly running 8man premades. Communication is KEY to a successful warzone, so just because they're keen enough to use voice software and communicate better/use strats etc to win you think they should be forbidden from doing so? Because you're too lazy and want to be handed xp. LOL


    Maybe you should find some friends and join in.

  18. This I am fine with. Take away all stats and I would be fine with that too. I really couldnt care less about the advantage of my EWH gear, but i do understand that when I go into a RWZ which i do mostly that i need to have it to be on equal stat levels. So taking it away is fine with me.



    When this topic popped up i thought yeah shells could work as far as eliminating gear>skill issue by having them statless on their own, however i love the ability to customize through augments etc. As a long time wow vet, both pve and PVP, I hated the rigidness of the gear (reforge helped this, but i dont think it was an ideal fix)


    Being able to buy upgrades for your gear, that wouldn't have enough of an effect to make you super op or anything, but just enough to make a difference and make your class customisable. Like for example faster cast times on a healer, or higher crit chance. Only talking a few % across the board.


    As things that have a lesser effect on general gameplay, but more of a personal touch, could broaden the spectrum of what you could customize for, lifestealing, shields on heals, small dots on hits. List would be endless, not game changing but personal. I think that would be a great thing, but that might be just me as i've always loved being able to personalize my characters.


    As with everything though, there will be those who will go for the "INTNERNET SAIZ PUT DIS IN DER" cookie cutter crap, but that's always going to be a thing no matter what. Hopefully if the options are inviting, however not game-altering, we could possibly move away from every dps assassin being the same etc and more much customized toons. Which could also make for bit more interesting pvp, because you wouldn't know exactly what your opponent is built;t into

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